(CHAPTER 23): The Sombre Life

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" No, No, No baby please!"

(Y/N's AGE: 20)
(NEENA's AGE: 21)
(YEAR: 2018)

" We'll look after you Y/N."

One whole year has passed since Thanos snapped his fingers and erased half of all exisiting life in the Universe. And ever since then, The world still hasn't recovered from it. Due to the snap, multiple criminals, thugs and even hero's ended up vanishing. Along with that, Majority of the Avengers ended up retiring as well. Tony, Bruce and even Steve just to name a few. Natasha still worked as an overwatch to the kingdom of Wakanda and kept tight-communication with the Guardians and Carol. And for people like Y/N or Thor, They went off into their isolation. Both of them not fully comprehending the fact that we had failed..

Luckily enough however, Y/N and I still kept in contact quite frequently. It was a vital part for him, and a caring reason for me. Ever since Thanos and waking up from his Coma, Y/N has been struggling. He could barely sleep a full-night without waking up in a cold-sweat. And he confided in me. I wasn't an expert in that stuff..But it seemed as if the Avengers were. According to Tony and Nat, Y/N was suffering from severe Anxiety and possibly PTSD since those events.

Despite this fact, Y/N found his own way of solving his problems..drinking.

A few hours ago, One of my contacts gave me some information about Y/N being in a local bar. I didn't waste anytime heading towards the Bar, in hopes of stopping Y/N from going down this path he had chosen once and for all. As I finally make it down the street and make it towards the Bar, I look through one of the windows to see a group of people cheering and drinking, all while Y/N was seen on top of a near-by table downing a bottle. I sigh before walking into the Bar.


As Neena rushes into the Bar, Y/N was seen finally finishing the drink before raising his arms into the air proud whilst shouting out in excitement. The crowd around him cheer as well. Eventually, He makes his way off of the table before stumbling to the Bar counter ready to order more. Before he could speak or gain the attention of the Bar-Keep, Neena was quick to step forward and speak.

Neena: Y/N! What are you doing?!

She stands next to Y/N. Only for him to sluggishly turn his head towards Neena before speaking in reply.

Y/N: (drunk) Oh Hey! H-How's it been?

Neena: Terrible. Now, Come on. You're coming with me.

As Neena goes to grab Y/N's arm, He slowly pulls away before speaking again. Almost tripping over his own feet whilst doing this..

Y/N: (drunk) J-Just wait -hic- I'll grab a drink to go..

Neena: Don't make me get you the hard way..

Instead of heeding Neena's words, Y/N continues to reach over the Bar's Counter itself and reaches out towards a bottle of whiskey. Before he could fully reach a bottle however, Neena is quick to pull out a taser and placing it again Y/N's back. She quickly presses the button and an electrical surge pulses through Y/N's body. Causing him to jump and jerk around before ultimately falling off of the Counter and onto the ground unconscious.

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