(CHAPTER 30): Iron-Brain, Gamma-Brain

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" This..This doesn't seem right."


" Just a retired and grumpy old man."

Natasha continued to speak about Tony as we drove closer and closer towards his Cabin in the woods. According to both Steve and Natasha, Tony had gotten sick of the "rich" living and wanted a more quiet life for his family. So he decided to build his dream cabin I suppose.

Currently. I was seen sat in the back of the car next to Scott, whilst Steve drove through the lush-forest. I had to hand it to Tony, It was quiet. And very peaceful. After a few more moments passed, The car slowly comes to a screeching stop. Before he all ultimately exited the car. I quickly took notice of Tony's entire mood changing as soon as he saw all of us rock-up. He was quick to usher his kid, Morgan, inside of his Cabin whilst he stood tall and watched as approach him.



A small amount of time had passed since the remaining Avengers had arrived at Tony's cabin. The team were currently seen waiting outside on Tony's porch. And after a few seconds of waiting, Tony was seen walking outside. A tray in hand as he carried multiple drinks on it. As Steve, Scott and Natasha grab theirs, Y/N was quick to give Neena his as he took a seat on one of the many chairs seen on the porch.

Tony: Just wanted too thank you guys for turning up. It's not every day you hear the craziest plan of all time, Yeah?

Natasha: So you don't agree with the plan, Tony?

They listen to Tony laugh a little. His smug side slowly coming out more and more.

Tony: A "plan"..? Is that seriously what you guys are calling it?

Steve: Tony come on. After everything you've seen, Don't you think it would be possible?

He looks down for a moment.

Tony: Quantum Fluctuation kinda messes with the plank scale..Isn't that right, Y/N? If anything, there's a much higher chance of you getting lost, turned to ash or just completely lost..In other words..You're not coming home.

Scott: Well I did

Scott says, failing to try and hide his cockiness upon his revelation within the Quantum Realm.

Y/N: It was a million-to-one fluke Scotty..

Everyone turns and looks at Y/N..A small bit of shock and confusion on everyone's features.

Y/N: But. It was a good-fluke..You know what I'm trying to say, right?

Tony: True..(laughs) What are you even calling this plan of yours?

As Tony says this. He continues to sip his drink whilst watching everyone look down and think of the mission ahead.

Scott & Neena: Time Heist?

Upon hearing this, Y/N let's out a stifled laugh. Whilst Natasha rolled her eyes..It appeared that only Steve was the only one there that actually accepted the mission-name.

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