(CHAPTER 5): Pym-Technologies

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" So...You're the body-guard?"

(Y/N's AGE: 17)

"It'll be easy Y/N, just some light Body-Guard stuff."

Even now I couldn't get Uncle Al's words out of my head. It's been several months since I had put a stop to Charlie Clark and Marcos Verez, and so much of my life has changed. For one, I was now a hero all around San Fransisco. Everyone knew about the Giant or Ant-Sized hero by now, not only that, but Uncle Al was even able to score me a job working with one of his very old friends, Hank Pym and his daughter Hope.

So far, it's been a super easy job. I honestly thought it would've been some boring 9-5 desk job, but it was instead being a body-guard of sorts. Or was it an escort? Either way, my job mainly consists of following Hank around and looking overall menacing I'd say.

Currently I was seen sitting in the passenger seat of Hank's car as we drove up to the security point of the Pym-Technologies building. As we drive into the security point, the Guard looks at me before turning his attention to Hank.

???: Mr.Pym? I...Wow..

Hank smile at the man.

Hank: Yes, I am still alive.

The guard chuckles before redirecting his eyes at me before speaking to Hank again.

???: And that would be..?

Hank: Oh yes, and this is my body-guard, don't mind him.

As Hank finishes speaking, the Guard nods his head before finally opening the gate and allowing us in. As Hank parks the car, I can't help but turn and look at him with a smile.

Y/N: So how many people think you're dead?

Before Hank answers, we both step of the car and walk our way up to the entrance of the building.

Hank: Ohh...Maybe twenty?

After a not-so shocking truth and shrugging off Hank's words, we finally enter the building. It was a lot larger on the inside then I expected, but what do you expect from a million-dollar company?

We quickly walk through another security check-point before stumbling onto a large group of people all wearing suits. I watch as a bold man continues to shake hands with people before ultimately shifting his attention to Hank Pym and I.

???: Good morning Hank, Y/N..

Hank and I turn our heads to see Hope. I nod my head towards her while Hank mumbles something to Hope.

Hank: (quietly) Would it kill you to call me "dad"?

Hope smiles before speaking again.

Hope: Mr.Cross should be happy that you've made time for this-

Before Hope could continue however, I watch as Darren Cross begins to push through a few people before finally making it up to Hank and I. He extends his hand towards Hank before speaking.

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