(CHAPTER 9): A Little Plan Never Hurt

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" I mean..It was only two Avengers."


"Don't worry. I'm sure Hank won't freak out."

Quick to say, it was a very quiet and long flight home. Scott had told me plenty of times that he was sorry and that we wouldn't have been able to get the bit of tech if they were in our way. Sadly enough, I actually agreed with him. I doubt the Falcon or the hero I come to learn who's name is War-Machine, would allow two random guys to just walk in and take some piece of hardware for an unknown amount of time.

But luckily, we had gotten home early. But here we were now, completely getting an ear-full from Hank. Well, by we I mostly mean Scott more-or-less.

Hank: That was completely dangerous and irresponsible! You have jeopardised everything Scott! Just be thankful Y/N saved you before you had to fight two Avengers by yourself..

As Hank walks back into the kitchen. I watch as a small smile forms on Scott's face before he reaches into his pocket and pulls out the exact bit of tech we needed, only just shrunken down and lighter to carry. I let out a small chuckle whilst Hope seems to be shocked. As Scott places it on the table, Hank quickly notices this action before quickly grabbing the bit of tech off of the table.

Hope: Y-You got the piece?

I watch as Scott looks at Hope before only slightly nodding his head in her direction. I can't help but playfully nudge Scott in the shoulder. But before anyone else can say anything, Hank begins to speak again.

Hank: I..Well done, Scott..

As Hank finishes, Scott chuckles and begins to talk.

Scott: Woah wait a minute..Did you just complement me?

I laugh before speaking.

Y/N: Sounds crazy, but I think he might off..

Before anyone can continue to speak, We watch as Hank presses a button on the small device before multiple lights along the bit of technology begin to light up all around it.

Y/N: So what exactly is that thing we risked our lives on? If you don't mind me asking.

I watch a small smile appear on Hank's face as he goes to explain his science-gizmo thing.

Hank: This is a signal-decoy, and it'll be real handy if we plan to destroy the Yellow-Jacket suit and any records of it.

As Hank walks off, Scott turns to Hope and speaks.

Scott: Hey, how about the fact, Y/N and I fought two Avengers and didn't die?

Hope: I mean..It was only two Avengers.


As Y/N, Hope and Scott continue to speak about the recent mission and the events that happened during it, Hank was seen walking through the hallway of his home before ultimately making it to his study-room. As he unlocks the door and pushes it open, he quickly spots the very familiar figure standing in the middle of it going through random pieces of paper.

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