(CHAPTER 2): A Wade In The Park

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" Really man? I saved you and now you're gonna try and kill me?"


" Go Y/N! Give it everything you've got!"

Ever since Uncle Al had given me the original Atom suit and told me the full extent of my heritage, We've done nothing but train. Currently, I was seen at my maximum height reach whilst currently squatting small abandoned cars whilst Uncle Al watches and counts for me. After reaching one-hundreds squats I let out a deep breath before placing the car down and taking a seat on it. Luckily enough the suit can handle the height and strain.

Albert: That's all, Kid? If you wanna be a hero you gotta push you're limits!

Y/N: This is still all new to me, Uncle Al, I only just got these powers..

I take a seat atop the car before looking at Uncle Al.

Y/N: I mean...I didn't think being a hero would be like this..

Albert: There's more to being a superhero then the fancy suits and cool powers, Kid.

Y/N: I know, I know..

After a moment of silence I stand up and prepare myself for another set of exercises with the small cars. Before I can do anything else however, the sound of screams and police sirens quickly fill our hears and catch our attention.

Y/N: What the hell is that?

I quickly shrink down to my normal size before grabbing the mask next to Uncle Al, while we both run out of the warehouse. I look out towards the police sirens and screams and see a full-blown shoot out, and by the looks of it, the police were losing and very badly. I need to go in, I need to help them..

Albert: Y/N...I know what you're thinking, Just don't hurt them to bad, Okay?

I smile at Uncle Albert before running towards the armed thugs, I quickly put on my mask before growing to my maximum height of twenty feet and leaping over a civilian car before landing directly onto one of cars belonging to the cars. As they begin to open fire on the cops, I quickly kneel down and block the shots incoming. I look towards the police and begin to speak.

Y/N: H-Hey! You guys might wanna move, Yeah?

As I say this, the Police-Officers are quick to all disperse and duck into cover. After a few more seconds of shooting, I finally stand, towering over everyone and look at the thugs reloading their weak weapons.

Y/N: You guys are so screwed now..

After saying this, I quickly push a car into their white Van causing it to crash into a building which ends of knocking a few of the thugs down. They continue to open fire, none of the bullets were hurting me, but damn they were annoying. I quickly ball up my right fist before slamming it into the ground causing the thugs to fly back. Some into cars, others through glass and weak walls.

I look around and see the many civilians and police-officers looking up at me in astonishment. I notice the bright lights and begin to see people flashing photos.

THE ATOM-SMASHER Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ