(CHAPTER 20): Preperation..For War?

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" We have to prepare..War is coming."


" You do you're job, Rhodes, and I will do mine."

Within the confides of the compound, An argument involving James Rhodes and Secretary Ross had been raging on for hours. Ever since the Alien-Invasion in New York, Edinburgh and possibly even elsewhere, the world had risen up into a global panic. Especially with the lack of Avengers around to save the day. Currently, Rhodes was seen leaning against a random table, whilst a strange holographic video of sorts played of Secretary Ross and a few other high-ranking Government-Official's.

Ross: So..Still no word from Vision, I assume?

Rhodes sighs in annoyance..

Rhodes: The Satellites lost him some where over Edinburgh..We haven't picked him up since.

The many agents within the holographic video chuckle, Ross speaks. This time, his voice laced with Venom.

Ross: That stone-headed-muck is probably off with those five worlds most wanted criminals-

Just as Ross goes to speak, Rhodes quickly cuts him off.

Rhodes: You know, They're only criminals because you choose to call them that?

Ross: (sighs) Rhodes. Please, I've had enough philosophy-lessons from Stark, I don't need one from you either..

Ross replies quickly, Both annoyance and frustration clearly heard in his voice.

As Rhodes goes to speak again however, Multiple footsteps are heard approaching the room. Both Ross and Rhodes turn their heads, only to be met with Steve Rodgers and the rest of his "criminal" team as well. Ross scoffs before fully facing Steve and Natasha and speaking..

Ross: You and you're friends have some nerve, Rodgers..I'll give you that..

Before Steve could reply, Natasha is even quicker to intervene.

Natasha: You could use some of that right now.

She says almost smug.

Ross: (chuckles) The worlds on fire. And you think, all is forgiven?

Just as Ross goes to walk away. Steve begins to speak, his voice always accompanied by that heroic charm of his.

Steve: I'm not looking for forgiveness. And I am way past asking for permission. Earth just lost her best defender..So we're here to fight. And if you wish to stand in our way..Then we'll fight you too..

As Steve says this, Both Y/N and Sam were seen behind Steve, looking at each other in an almost funny type of shock written on their faces. Ross growls before turning and looking towards Rhodes..

Ross: Arrest them..Arrest them no-


Just as Ross was about to finish his sentence, I watch in humour as Rhodey quickly presses the button on the remote and the holo-vid instantly shuts off. Rhodes smiles at all of us before speaking,

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