(CHAPTER 22): Failure

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" You murdered trillions and call it mercy?"


" A medically induced coma."

It's been twenty-three exact days since Thanos arrived on Earth and defeated..Us. Not only was half of the population of the entire Universe now gone, But it's last hope was practically down and out. Multiple Avengers, Soldiers and other Hero's had reportedly disappeared after the Snap. But the ones that were left probably had it the worse. The guilt of not being able to defeat Thanos weighs on everyone. But ever since we returned from Wakanda, everyone has been doing their best to get back on their feet.

I was aiding Natasha and Rhodes in the efforts of calming the world down and patching up the team. Sadly though..Y/N's condition was worse then just a few stitches and bandages could fix. Due to his massive fight with that Lizard-Monster and Thanos within the span of only a few minutes, Y/N suffered multiple broken ribs, a dislocated arm as well as it being also broken, multiple claw marks on his chest and arms, burns on his back and some form of brain injury sustained during his fight with Thanos. Overall, it wasn't looking good for Y/N. But thankfully, Dr.Banner has some experience in medical-practices and was able to sud-do Y/N into a coma..Until his condition betters, that is..

Currently, I've been sat next to Y/N's unconscious body for majority of the time he has been asleep. I couldn't help but feel guilty about not helping him when he need me..especially after the promise we made to each other..

Before I could continue with my thoughts however, The Compound around me and the other Avengers suddenly began to rumble and shake. I quickly look towards Natasha, Thor and Rocket. Whom were also sharing the same look of worry, fear and anticipation as to what exactly was coming. Without wasting anymore time, We all quickly stand from our seats and rush outside. Closely followed by Steve and Pepper Potts. Upon exiting the compound, we all look up to see a Glowing-Woman, carrying what seems to be a space-ship from the sky above. Before ultimately placing it on the ground gently,

Steve: Be on guard...We don't know who this is..

As the woman finally lands beside the ship, Her glow finally ceases and she looks towards us..Dull and cold. The doors to the Ship open and two figures appear..Some cyborg-woman and a weaken and frail Tony Stark..

Steve: T-Tony?

Steve wastes no time rushing towards Tony and helping him down the rest of the steps before finally reaching the grass. Tony looks at Steve..Bruised and weakened..

Tony: (weak) I..I couldn't stop him..

Steve: N-Neither could we.

Just as Steve finishes. Pepper quickly pushes past Natasha and i before practically throwing herself into Tony's arms.

Pepper: You're okay!

She quickly pulls him in for a hug,



An uncounted amount of time had passed since Tony, Carol and Nebula had arrived on Earth. Since then, Tony had been hooked up to an IV-Drip and given a wheelchair to aid him in his movements, whilst Nebula had Rocket tend to her minor damages. But now? Now, The team were seen sitting around a table as a Hologram showed the many loses of the Avengers, Government-Figures and other known Vigilantes within the world. The list consisted of Peter Parker, Groot, Peter Quill, T'Challa, Shrui, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Hank Pym, Nick Fury, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes, Secretary Ross and many, many more Hero's within the world.

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