(CHAPTER 11): Target On My Back

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" Come on...This is like our eighth run-in, can't you give up?"

(Y/N's AGE: 18)
(YEAR: 2016)

"Our flight, has safely landed. Enjoy you're stay in the beautiful city of San Fransisco."

My eyes quickly jolt open as the Airplane begins to land on the ground. I quickly slide my window curtain up to see we were now entering the Airport landing area. As soon as the plane stops and we are allowed to move, I waste no time quickly standing up  and grabbing my bags before making my off of the Airplane and into the terminal.

It's been six long and gruelling months since I helped Hank Pym, Scott Lang and Hope take down Darren Cross and destroy PYM-Technologies. But for these last three monthes however I've been over in the massive city of New York. Ever since I went Subatomic to save Scott's life, I've been plagued by visions and even dreams of that woman I saw when I shrunk down onto an Atom itself. I have so many question for her and such little leads to go off on so I can actually find her. Who was she? How did she know I was going to arrive?

And after around two days after that day, I began to have dreams and visions. In one dream, the city of San Fransisco was caught in flames whilst I stood far above it all. And in another, I held Uncle Al's corpse in my arms whilst another man comforted me. Speaking only one sentence..

"They were made to break, Y/N."

It was all to much for me to handle by myself. So after all my time in New York, I finally decided it was time to come back to San Fransisco and hopefully try and get these visions or dreams under control.

As I make it outside of the Airport terminal, I scan the large crowd of people and cars before finally setting my eyes on a very familiar person.

Albert: Y/N! Y/N over here!

As Uncle Al continues to yell and wave me over to him, I couldn't help but smile and even laugh to myself a little. After readjusting my bag, I quickly walk towards my Uncle who quickly pulls me into a hug upon me getting closer to him. I laugh a little before ultimately hugging him back.

Albert: (pulling away from hug) Y-You've grown so much!

When I pull away from the hug. I can't help but smile at Uncle Al before replying.

Y/N: I don't really Know, Doesn't feel like it.

Albert: Are you kidding? You're halfway to the clouds kid!


As Y/N and Albert continue their reunion.

One lone person was seen watching the two on the top of a near-by rooftop. The woman stands up before tapping her ear-piece and speaking.

???: The target is in sight, followed by some old man.

She nods her head. Hearing the person opposite the ear-piece speak, After a few seconds of waiting the woman hummed in response before switching her ear-piece off and looking back through the scope her rifle.

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