(CHAPTER 24): Job-Finders

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" Well Mr.Smasher and Mrs.Luck..You're in."


" We need to get you back in the hero-game, Y/N."

A couple of days have passed since Neena..saved me from my drinking problem. So far however, It's been going great. With Neena's help, I've been able to finally somewhat be able to think clearly. Which is something I haven't really done since I woke up from my Coma. Yesterday though, Neena came up with the idea that I should start my hero-gig back up again. At first I was hesitant, But after a little convincing, I was now somewhat confident that I could be out and doing what I did best..Despite the fact I didn't really have anything outside this hero stuff, Neena and some of the friends I made with the Avengers was somehow enough for me.

As of right now however, I was currently seen awaiting Neena's return. According to her, She had some business to attend too with an old friend of hers. And after a few more minutes of waiting, I hear the sound of keys rattling before Neena was ultimately seen walking into my Apartment.

Neena: I bring good news! And more good news!

I watch as she walks into the main-room before placing a pizza box onto my table.

Neena: One, I brought pizza. And two-

She cuts herself off before pulling out a piece a piece of paper and quickly palming it off to me. As I take the paper, I raise an eyebrow before looking towards the paper. It was Merc-Work Request?

Y/N: Uh..What's this?

I hear her laugh a little before taking a seat next to me and grabbing her very own slice of pizza before taking a bit out of it.

Neena: Basically, This guy I know gives me Mercenary Work. And apparently, there was this guy named Wade..Something that was trying to get a squad together for a little operation.

As she says this, I lower the paper before looking at her with a puzzled look on my face.

Y/N: Mercenary-Work? Neena, I'm a hero..Not a Merc..

Neena: Come on Y/N..If it makes you feel any better, It does involve saving someone..

I sigh in defeat before laughing a little myself whilst grabbing a slice of pizza.

Y/N: Alright fine! We can go check this Wade-dude out later, Deal?

Neena: Deal..



After the tragic death of the love of his life Vanessa three days ago, Wade was hell-bent of ending this tragic road that he called a life. Only thing was, Was that he couldn't die. Not matter how high he fell, How many bullets he lodged within himself or even his high the flames grew. His body would always fix and repair itself...But before his suicidal-antics could go further, He was saved by some old friends. A few members of the infamous undercover Mutant protection group known as the X-Men.

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