(CHAPTER 28): Catching Up

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" I was only gone for five hours."

(Y/N's AGE: 24)
(NEENA's AGE: 25)

" Balance out the hero-gig and you're life."

Today..Today marks the fifth anniversary of what the world has come to know as the blip. At first I took my failure at stopping Thanos really hard. I could barely eat, sleep or even think properly without panicking or having a nightmare of some sort. But thanks to Neena and succeeding in helping Wade with Russel Colins, I found a sense in bettering myself. So after spending some time with the X-Men and getting my "Hero-Vibe" back, according to Negasonic. I now felt very confident being Atom-Smasher again..

Not only that. But I even decided to start working on Atomic researching and studying. Three years ago I was given some notes..It was about Hank Pym's research about a certain place called the Quantum Realm? Due to my past-time as his bodyguard, The people who found his stuff only saw that it was fair that I gained his stuff. So using some of his notes, I was now a fully licensed Atomic Physicist and part time Biochemist. All the stuff required to figure out what all this jabber about the Quantum Realm actually meant.

But one thing that truely surprised me, Was when Scott Lang's very own daughter, Cassie, reached out to me in hopes of..work experience? Was it? I don't know, I forgot.


Currently, Both Y/N and Cassie were seen within the Main-Lab. Y/N was off typing on his computer whilst Cassie spent her time using the microscope on a strange piece of tech..The near-by clock continues to click. And after a few more seconds, Cassie finally looks up from her microscope and speaks.

Cassie: Alright..Uncle Y/N? I think I'm done here.

As Cassie says this in an almost tired voice, Y/N finally looks up from his computer. Revealing the small beard the man had grown during the years, along with the longer hair he had also grown. Y/N smiles before standing up and approaching Cassie, His build definitely much larger and musclier compared to his time with the X-Men.

Y/N: Good job! I'd say you're understanding this stuff pretty easily, huh?

Cassie: Maybe..Or maybe it's just an easy subject?

She laughs as she finishes her sentence. Causing Y/N to smile warmly, He takes a quick look at the microscope before taking off his lab coat and speaking.

Y/N: Sweet, I'd say that's it for today. I'll take you home, yeah?

He speaks in a warm tone. Cassie nods before grabbing her bag off of a near-by chair and quickly following Y/N out of the main-lab. The lights and equipment instantly turning off upon their exit of the room. As the pair exit the main-buildings, Y/N clicks a set of car keys. A moment passes before a car comes from around the corner, before parking directly in front of the two.

Cassie: Is Mr.Stark still giving you stuff?

She says before quickly rushing towards the passenger seat of the car.

Y/N: (laughs) Yeah, he still feels bad for Germany. So he's just been giving me all types of fancy and expensive stuff.

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