(CHAPTER 13): The Atomiser

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" I..I can't let you go through with this."


"Trust me..This, Will be life changing, Y/N."

Grandfather's words refused to leave my head. According to the cocky asshole I've come to know as Damien, Grandfather has been working on this AES for a long while now. And judging on the research I've seen on this thing, It seems dangerous. It was an energy source, that when put into the proper technology. Was able to become a weapon that was capable of forcibly changing Atom's to the users wish. So, It could forcibly shrink something down so far that it would go Subatomic, or even grow so that it was a sky-scrapper. But among other things, it was even capable of destroying the Atomic-Structure of a being. Completely erasing the object..Or person.

But even despite all that. They were still kind enough to give me my own Quarters. But looking past the kindness, it was clear that something was up. I know these people are my family, Yet the feeling still lingers that something isn't right.

Before I could continue, My train of thought is thrown out of the window when a loud knock comes from my door. I quickly stand up from my bed before making my way to the door. Upon opening it however, I'm met with a familiar face.

Y/N: Neena..

She smirks.

Neena: Y/N...You're grandfather wants to see us, He sent me to come and get you.

I nod my head before following her out of my room. As we walk down the At-Dome's hallways, I couldn't help but me curious. During my time in New York, I ended up making some memorable enemies, some of which thought it would be to hired some guns in hopes of killing the famous Atom-Smasher. And to my 'Surprise', Neena was one of them.

Y/N: So..If you were hunting me all this time..Why change up and decide to just bring me in?

It doesn't take long for her to reply.

Neena: Oh, I did intend to kill you. But you're Grandfather was willing to pay triple what I was getting, as long as I asked no questions of course.

Y/N: And now he's you're lead hirer?

She hums In response.

After walking for what seemed like a few minutes, We finally come towards the room Grandfather had wanted us to meet him in. Near it however, I watch from afar, Markus arguing with a random woman. Eventually, she turned far enough so that I could see the baby she cradled in her arms. Just before we enter the room, I speak to Neena again.

Y/N: Wait..Markus has a family?

Just as we enter the room, She finally replies.

Neena: Yep. He's very..confidential about it, So best to keep it on the down-low, Yeah?

Upon entering the room, I quickly see Damien and Grandfather speaking. As we finally meet-up with them, Alex is quick to turn around and face us with something..Strange in his hand.

Alex: Finally! There you two are, Here, Check this out!

As he hands us the Blaster-Like item, I couldn't help but feel uneasy about it. Like, I should just smash it here and now. But I won't. I need to see what it is, The curiosity was killing me at this point.

THE ATOM-SMASHER Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum