(CHAPTER 10): Yellow, Red & Blue

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" You should've stayed out of my way, Y/N."


" Is everyone set?"

After days of work. From finding out more of my Grandfather to even battling two famous Avengers, it's all lead up to here and now. And I am very determined to make sure this all goes as planned. Basically, I'm to help get Luis to where he needs to go. Once he's clear and safe, I'm then suppose to meet up with Scott, Hank and Hope to stop Cross and steal the Yellow-Jacket suit.

Currently, I was shrunken down and hanging on Luis's shirt as he began to walk through the various amounts of security check points whilst dressed a guard. I just pray he can make this work.

Y/N: All fine, Luis?

Luis: Yeah, Yeah man I'm cool.

As we make it to a metal-detector, I take a deep breath and hope everything goes right. After a few seconds of strange scanning and Luis visible sweating from fear. Another guard gives the nod to approach, before handing Luis his very own badge and gun to him. Both Luis and I sigh in relief as we begin to make our way towards our objective.

During the lengthy walk, I quickly put my hand up to my Comm-Link and activate it before speaking.

Y/N: We're in, approaching the target objective now.

As we get closer and closer towards the room, I hear Scott begin to speak into his microphone.

Scott: Wish me luck, I'm heading in now..

We turn a corner before finally making it towards the room. As Luis scans his card and the door opens, I quickly leap off of Luis's shirt before growing into my normal size. I begin to speak whilst adjusting my gloves.

Y/N: Good job Luis, I'm proud you didn't whistle.

As we begin to walk towards the pipes to lower the water pressure, I watch as some random guard begins to walk towards Luis and I.

???: Hey! What are you doing here?

Both Luis and I look at each other nervous. As I go to speak, Luis quickly cuts me off.

Luis: Uh, Boss-Man said to...secure the area..so..

I watch the Guard chuckle lightly.

???: I am the Boss..

As the guard goes to grab his Communication-Device, I take a deep breath before quickly throwing a punch which sends the man tumbling to the ground unconscious. Luis squeals out before speaking.

Luis: Bro! That was awesome!!

Y/N: I-Thanks, but come on! We've got the pipes to break..

As I walk over to the water-pipes, I begin to turn the gauge before ultimately breaking it off. I watch as the computer near-by begins to show the water levels begin to plummet further downward. I begin to speak into my microphone.

Y/N: Water levels are down Scotty, time to move.

As I stand back up and prepare myself for the rest of the plan.

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