(PROLOGUE): Point-Blank

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" So I'm not the only one huh? After all these years."


" C'mon Y/N, You gotta think about you're life."

My uncles words continue to reply in my head.

Earlier in the day we both spoke of what I plan to do once I finish school. Sure, I had a semi-stable job, but Uncle Al wanted to make sure I have the harder stuff in life planned out. And to be honest? I don't have a single clue. It all felt like too much, and it was super hard to concentrate. Especially with my whole body aching.

I don't have a single clue as to why I'm in such pain, I haven't strained myself or even hurt myself. But even after all the one sided talking with my uncle I had to quickly head off to work, even in my current state I need to make a days worth of pay.

After saying goodbye to my Uncle and grabbing my bag off of the counter I quickly exit our apartment complex and begin my walk towards my job. It was a simple job and had a decent pay I guess, Just an easy counter job at some random sidewalk store. So far, it's enough for Uncle Al and I to go half on the rent and still leave money for both of us to enjoy certain luxury's. After walking for a few more minutes I finally make it to my work-place.

As I push through the door and look around, I quickly see the other employee ready to clock-off and switch shifts with me. I walk to the counter whilst placing my bad down and speaking to the man.

Y/N: Hey dude, I'm here for the afternoon-shift?

I watch as the tired teenager looks up from his phone and at me slightly confused.

???: Oh yeah man, Thanks for the switch.

Before I can reply, I watch as the kid quickly grabs his bag and leaves the store. After shrugging off the strange interaction I quickly set up at the counter before starting my very boring shift..

(Hours Later)

Y/N: And you have a good day too, Sir.

After finishing up with another customer and watching them walk out of the store, I take a heavy sigh before taking a seat. Three hours had passed and I still had another three before my shift ends, despite this long time, the bodily pains still haven't disappeared. If anything, they've just gotten worse and worse.

I watch as a lady walks into the store. She waves before heading off into the small isles to find whatever she needs. Not even a moment after that, I hear the door open again and watch as two strange men step into the store. I watch as one nods to the other before they both split off into their seperate ways, I shrug this off.

It isn't the first time some strange and weary people have come into a store, and I'm sure it won't be the last either.

After a few minutes of chilling on my phone, I hear a few things fall to the ground before a quick and feminine scream is heard, yet quickly cut off with something muffling the scream. I look up to see the woman on the ground, I hear one of the men speak.

???: Look for the clerk, we'll get the money and take the babe with us.

After hearing that, I quickly duck down and hide. I listen as one of the men walk directly past the counter, I let out a quiet sigh of relief before beginning to silently whisper to myself.

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