Chapter 44

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"Hadley Teller, you just got out of the fucking hospital! Stop that right now!" I heard Gemma and Donna say simultaneously. I was standing in the kitchen at the club house making brownies, muffins, and cupcakes.

"Stop telling me what to do! I feel fine." I rolled my eyes at them.

"Hadley, you were just in the hospital! You don't need to be in there again!" Donna tried to tell me.

"I appreciate that you're looking out for me, but I'm fine." I told them.

"Don't make me get Jax!" Gemma crossed her arms.

"Jax isn't going to stop me!" I huffed. Of course, Jax, Happy, and Opie walked in at that moment.

"I'm not going to stop you from what?" Jax sighed.

"She shouldn't be doing all of this baking and shit. She needs to relax." Gemma stated with Donna nodding her head in agreeance.

"You should be relaxing, Hadley." Happy backed them up.

"I agree." Jax tried to keep his tone neutral.

"You are outnumbered here." Opie stated. I felt an overwhelming need to care for those I love. Them telling me I couldn't made me more emotional than I thought it would.

"I'll tell you if I'm not fine." I told them.

"We know you will Hadley, that's not the point. We want you to be okay. Doing all of this stuff may cause you to not be okay. Just take it easy." Donna told me softly.

"I know you guys care but you're fucking smothering me! I'm fine and I'll sit down if I'm not. So leave me alone or you're going to stress me out." I wanted to listen but there was a bigger part of me that just wanted to take care of everyone. Motherly instinct maybe.

"Look Hadley," Donna started, but I cut her off.

"No, just let me fucking do this and I'll go sit down. But right now, I need something to do." I snapped at her. They all huffed at me in return but left willingly. I huffed back in annoyance and then continued my baking. 

I was still thinking about school seriously but I knew I'd have to have a conversation with Jax about what that would look like. I also knew that it wouldn't be easy. I was going to be super busy constantly and with the club, I knew he would busy as well. 

It was hard to say with everything going on, but I knew I would need to have this conversation sooner rather than later. I was really procrastinating. I finished making the muffins when I decided that I had done enough sweets for everyone. I brought them out and set them on the bar for everyone to take whatever sweet they wanted. 

"Thank you Hadley!" Half-Sack said with a smile. 

"You're welcome." I returned a smile. 

All of the guys enjoyed one of the sweet treats as well as Gemma and Donna. Some of the crow eaters as well. "This is amazing Hadley!" Bobby said as he ate one of the oatmeal chocolate chip muffins. 

"Thank you." I was feeling all out of sorts and was just overall feeling emotional. 

"I'm going home, I'll see you guys later." I stated, since everything had already been cleaned up. 

"Do you want me to drive you?" Donna asked with a smile. I wanted to be cheerful but I gave her a flat monotone, "No." 

I walked towards the door. "Hadley, are you alright?" Happy questioned me. 

"I'm just not feeling like myself and I want to be home." I told him as I opened the door and walked to my car. I unlocked it and got in. I went home but it wasn't long before we were back into lockdown. I had Neeta and Abel in Jax's dorm room with me but I was sent with Gemma and Half-Sack for a supply run. I reluctantly left Abel with Neeta since I wanted him to be safe and I knew that was the best way to ensure his safety. 

When we got out of the grocery store, Gemma saw Zobelle's daughter and followed her. "Gemma, this isn't the time!" 

"Go back to Jax's house with Half-Sack. I need to protect my family." I went back to Jax's house but, I told Half-Sack to follow Gemma since she may need a getaway ride. I was putting things away at Jax's house when Half-Sack came back without Gemma. 

"Where's Gemma?" I questioned frantically. 

"I had to get outta there, ATF showed up!" I pinched the bridge of my nose. "Damn it." 

I called Jax right away. "What's up darlin?" He asked. 

"It's Gemma. She followed Zobelle's daughter." I wasn't able to say anything else because Cameron interrupted. I let out a yelp before Cameron hung up on Jax. It was at this moment, I was relieved that I never brought Abel with me. 

"Weapon." Cameron demanded from Half-Sack. 

"What are you doing? What do you want?" I questioned as calmly as I could.

"Gemma killed my Eddy. Think maybe I'll kill an old lady, even the score." Half-Sack stepped closer to me to try and get in Cameron's way but Cameron turned the gun on him. "Don't get brave boyo." 

"Sit." Half-Sack didn't want to but when he yelled again, I unconsciously touched my stomach. "I see, a pregnant old lady too." I panicked at that moment. Cameron stepped closer to the counter to grab a knife and I felt my heart beating so fast. I thought it would burst out of my chest. 

Cameron got closer to me and Half-Sack got in the way and Cameron stabbed him in the stomach. "No!" I cried as I tried to catch him. 

"Kip!" I cried. I put pressure on his wound but Cameron grabbed me by the hair and yanked me away from Kip. 

"Let's go lassie." He stated as he yanked. "Come with me willingly or I'll kill your baby." 

I stood up slowly as the tears fell down my cheeks. He yanked me in front of him and that's when we heard the bikes down the street. He rushed me out to the car out front. "Hadley!" Jax called. 

"Jax!" I cried. He and Opie ran for me while Chibs went into the house. "Don't get brave or I'll shoot her!" Cameron stated angrily. 

"Cameron, why are you doing this?" Jax questioned with his gun raised. 

"Gemma killed my Eddy. It's only fair I take something from you." He stated angrily.

"Please, I'm begging you. I have nothing to do with this." I cried. 

"You are right in the middle of all this shit." Cameron yelled in my ear. 

"Gemma went after Zobelle's daughter, she probably didn't even know he was there and he shot at her. I'm not saying what she did was right but I have nothing to do with any of that. I wasn't there." I told him. 

"Why do you think that you can try and lie to me?" He said quietly. 

"Why would Gemma go out of her way to kill your son? She knew the damage that would cause to the club!" I questioned him. 

"Some people don't think things through!" Cameron stated.

"And you're thinking this through! That is my wife." Jax snarled. He looked furious but also terrified.

"Actions have consequences. This consequence is Gemma's." Cameron stated as his finger touched the trigger. 

"Cameron, please don't do this!" I sobbed, scared for my life and the life of my unborn child. 

A shot rang off and I felt blood splatter on my face, but Cameron's grip loosened and he hit the ground with a thud. I ran for Jax and Opie and they lowered their weapons to grab hold of me. 

"Jesus Christ babe." I felt myself lose my composure as I scream cried in their arms. I could have lost not only my life, but my baby too. 

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