Chapter 15

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The next few weeks went by so quickly. I was being followed by someone at all times, patched or prospect. It had been quiet but Abel was coming home soon. I didn't want anything to happen to him so even though Jax was pissed at me, I had started staying at my apartment full time. Half-sack had been staying with me. I felt bad that he was sleeping on the couch, but Jax would flip if I gave him the bed and slept on the couch.

After work, Jax had followed me home. I got up to the door and unlocked it and all over the place were photos. The photos were all of me. In some of them, I was walking with the prospect, in some of them, I was with Jax, and in others, I was completely naked. I collected the photos and left the ones of me naked but we ended up back at the club house in Church.

"What did you call church for?" Tig questioned. Jax slapped the photos down on the table as I stood behind him. Opie was the first to grab a handful. The rest of them followed.

"Well, at least she's fully clothed in them." Juice said, trying to be on the positive side.

"I left those ones out." Jax stated. He was furious. Juice nodded and looked down.

"We need to find this son of a bitch." Bobby said.

"The pictures are from everywhere. He took photos of me in my own shower. There's no windows. He was inside my apartment and he just took photos. I didn't even know. Juice, you have to have found something." I begged.

"It was a prepaid cell phone bought with cash. I'm sorry." Juice looked sad that he couldn't do more to help. I sighed.

"He took photos of me while I was sleeping naked, lying next to Jax. Do you even understand how violating that is? I don't feel safe anymore." I said as I walked out of the chapel and to the bar. I was feeling helpless and vulnerable. At that moment, my phone rang, causing everyone to shuffle out of the chapel. I answered my phone like I normally would but I put it on speaker. "Hello?"

"Did you like my photos?" He questioned, he seemed like he didn't understand that what he was doing was wrong, or maybe he just didn't care.

"Can I be honest?" I questioned him.

"Yes, of course my love." He said excitedly. I felt tears well up quickly and they slid down my face like a waterfall.

"I loved them. No one has ever done anything like that for me before." I lied to him, trying desperately to keep my emotions from being heard.

"Oh, I'm so glad you loved them! You can leave Jackson now and come be with me." I put my hand over my mouth to try and keep a choked up sob from being heard. Once I managed to calm myself as much as I could in ten seconds.

"Where should I meet you?" I asked, as I stared into Jax's eyes.

"This is going so much quicker than I thought. I'll get set up at the waterfall and we can talk. If you bring anyone else, I'll know. I won't be here when you get here, but the next time I take photos, will be so much closer. The bedroom photos might have a little more BDSM. Get moving." The phone call ended quickly. I cried harder than I have in a very long time. Everyone looked so uncomfortable in that moment.

Jax wrapped his arms around me and I ugly sobbed into his chest. "I don't want this." I cried.

"I know babe. I'm sorry you're dealing with this mother fucker." Jax said, I knew he wanted nothing more than for me to be safe. Not being able to have this was killing him. After I managed to calm myself down, I went into the bathroom to fix my makeup. I wanted this over with. As I walked out of the bathroom, "Let's get this over with."

The guys nodded and we filed out of the club house. I drove my car to the waterfall and when I got out, I shut the door behind me. I locked it. They guys were farther back. I looked around but I didn't see anything. I walked closer to the waterfall and the fear grew in my chest. It was heavy and terrifying. As I walked closer to the waterfall in the dark, someone touched my shoulder.

I jumped and turned quickly. A man stood there. It was the man from the hospital. "Hello, Hadley."

"Hi." I said as I unconsciously stepped back.

"Jackson must be upset that you left him." He commented.

"Yeah, I tried to convince him it was better this way." I lied to him. "You know my name, what's yours?"

It seemed as if my question took him off guard. "My name?" He questioned. "It's uhh, Jason." I recognized the lie immediately. However, in this case, I didn't question it. He stared at me for a moment and then he looked around.

"I know you didn't come alone, Hadley." He sighed as he reached out his hand and touching my cheek. "We'll meet again soon and next time, in a more intimate way." His hand slid from my cheek to the back of my neck. He pulled me to him and kissed me. I didn't kiss him back but that with the combination of me trying to push him away caused him anger. He pulled away and smacked my hard enough for me to stumble back a couple of steps.

"We'll talk about this later." He glared at me but then took off. The Sons began to chase him. Opie was the first to walk over and check on me.

"Are you alright?" He asked, touching my red cheek.

"I think so, I hope they catch him. I don't want to go through this anymore." I said as the other guys began to walk over. Jax tilted my chin up to look at him.

"Are you alright, darlin?" I just nodded and rested my head on his chest. "I'm sorry babe, he got away." I gripped his kutte tightly and nodded at his words. The guys walked me to the van and I got into the back with Jax on one side of me and Chibs on the other. Clay, Juice, and Opie sat on the other side. Bobby and Tig sat in the seats at the front.

"He said the next time we meet, it will be in a more intimate way. I think he's going to try and rape me." I said numbly with a soft voice.

"So there will be no next time." Chibs said sternly. I looked over at Chibs and he seemed rageful by the words I just spoke. I leaned my head on his shoulder and laced my fingers with Jax's as he held my hand.

"Hey, we're heading back to the club house and then we'll head home." Jax said softly. I nodded and sighed. Back to life being watched everywhere I was.

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