Chapter 21

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When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed with Jax, Donna, and Opie asleep in the chairs next to me. I pulled my arm from Donna's grasp and rubbed my eye and Donna shot up to look at me. "Hadley! You're awake!" She said excitedly causing Jax and Opie to wake up. 

Jax kissed me and I smiled softly. "Hey, you." I said softly. 

"What happened Hadley?" Donna questioned sadly. 

"I am not telling anyone what happened." I was clear but they didn't care. 

"Yes you are. You need to talk about it Hadley." Opie said. 

"No I don't." I snapped at them. "I have never needed to talk about shit. I am not going to start now." 

Opie sighed in frustration. "Did he rape you?" 

"No." I said as I tried my best to lie. 

"Don't you fucking lie to me." Jax said angrily. I was shocked at the anger and hurt he showed. 

"Fine. Yes, he did. He did it for almost 2 weeks straight. He beat me when I didn't comply. It's nothing new. I am fucking fine." I snapped at him. 

"Lass, you're not fine." Chibs said softly as he entered the room during my talk. I glared at him. 

"I've dealt with this shit all of my life, I am fine. Like I have always been." I said as I pinched the bridge of my nose. 

"You don't have to pretend you're okay. You don't have to deal with this shit alone anymore." Donna said as she grabbed my hand. 

"Donna, don't do this. Not here." I warned her. 

"Baby, you need to let it out." Jax said squeezing my hand.

"None of you need to see me at my worst." I tried to hold the tears back that threatened to fall. 

"What's the saying? If I can't handle you at your worst, then I don't deserve you at your best? You love that song with Machine Gun Kelly and Hailee Steinfeld." Jax teased me but in a genuine and caring way. I looked up at him and then looked over the room at the people who were truly there when I needed them most and I let it out. I had cried harder than I ever had in my life. 

"Everything is going to be okay baby girl." Chibs said softly. Jax sat down on the bed next to me and held my hand but I threw my arms around him and held him so tightly. I clutched his kutte and I let myself have the cry I knew I always needed. Screams and all. Donna sat on the other side of me while rubbing my back. Opie was holding her hand tightly. 

My screams alerted staff but they soon left once they understood what was going on. It took me an hour of scream cries to calm down. I felt better getting it out but I also knew that anyone could use these people around me against me. 

"Oh sweetie." Gemma said as she walked in, noticing my red and puffy eyes. "It will get easier." 

"I know. I've got my family and that's all I need to get through this."


A few hours later, Wendy came in with Abel. My eyes lit right up. "Abel!" 

Wendy passed him to me gently and I held him for hours. "Thank you Wendy for bringing him to see me." 

"Just don't make a habit of being in the hospital." She jokingly rolled her eyes and I chuckled. "Oh believe me, I'm not. I'm over this shit already. They are just doing some tests." 

A doctor came in a little while later. I was still holding onto Abel with Jax and Donna at my sides. Opie still sat beside Donna with Gemma and Chibs next to Jax. Wendy had left a bit earlier to go to work. "Ms Hale? You are in pretty decent health considering being kidnapped. You will have some soreness for another few days. However you seem to be healing nicely. It would be smart to get a pregnancy test in about 6 weeks if you do not get your period." I nodded at his words and everyone tensed at the thought of someone else getting me pregnant. 

"However, you are in good health, so you are discharged." I smiled and nodded. I passed Abel over to Gemma and got out of the bed, going to the bathroom to get dressed. I was so happy to be leaving the hospital.

That's when it took a turn for the worst. A sharp pain shot through my head as I buttoned my pants. I grabbed my head and that's when everything got fuzzy. I grabbed the door handle and stepped out of the bathroom. I was starting to feel disoriented. I started to fall and luckily Chibs was close enough to me to stop me from hitting my head on the floor. "Hadley!" More than one person called out in concern. 

"DOC!" Gemma yelled. As soon as that was yelled, I began convulsing. 

"Jesus christ, she's having a seizure." Jax was at my side but everything went black again. 


When I woke up the next time, it was just Jax in the room. He was on the phone talking about what happened. "One minute she was fine, happy to be leaving the hospital, and the next, she's on the floor shaking uncontrollably." 

It was scary man. I don't want to lose her." Jax was rubbing his thumb on my hand. This man had no idea how much he meant to me. 

"Jax?" I pretended to wake up. 

"Hey babe. I gotta go." He said to me and then said to the person on the phone. "How are you feeling?" 

"I've been better." I said, chuckling slightly. I was going to tell him he wasn't going to lose me but I decided not to. "Who were you talking to baby?" 

"Happy. He and the club were concerned about you after the seizure." I nodded and grabbed a hold of his hand tightly. 

"I love you Jax." His hand went to my cheek as he kissed me. A doctor entered the room as he pulled away. 

"Ms. Hale. I'm glad to see you're awake. You had us all pretty worried. We believe that the seizure was caused by stress. Seizures linked to stress can come back during other stressful moments. You will have to keep your stress to a manageable level." I nodded as he talked. 

"However, since it's the morning after your seizure, we believe it would be okay to discharge you. You can have your partner help you get dressed this time, just in case." I nodded at him and threw the hospital blanket off of me before swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I walked to the bathroom with Jax trailing closely behind me. I didn't want him feeling like he had to help me. I was fine. 

"Jax, you don't have to-" I started but he cut me off immediately.

"Hadley, don't start. You are important to me and I'm not risking you falling again. A'ight?" He said sternly. 

"Fine, but let me be clear, I don't need fucking help." I snapped at him. He rolled his eyes at me.


A/N: Hello everyone! Thank you so much for all the reads and votes. It means the absolute world to me. I just wanted to send a little note here because updating has been sporadic lately. I am doing my best to keep writing as I post but that has been proving to be most difficult. I will hopefully be able to get some writing this weekend so I can begin regularly updating every week again.

I have been super busy and neglecting this book a little which makes me sad because I love writing about SOA and creating my own story lines and such. Again, I'm hoping to be back to regular updates soon.

Thank you all for reading, voting, and adding to your reading lists.

-SkullKrissy ❤️

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