Chapter 43

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The next day, I was stuck in the clubhouse with a whole wack of people. Abel hung out in Jax's dorm mostly. When I laid Abel down for a nap, I decided to keep his baby monitor on me so I could look for Juice. I needed to borrow one of his laptops to look into school.

The sons were still around here somewhere. I noticed the door open to the chapel so I took a peek to see if anyone was in there. Jax, Happy, Clay, and Bobby were in there, but no sign of Juice. "What's up darlin?" Jax questioned, making me melt again.

"I'm just looking for Juice. I was going to look into applying for school while here but I need to borrow one of his laptops." I told him.

"He should be in his dorm." I nodded at Clay's words.

"Thanks!" Swiftly, my feet took me to his dorm. I knocked but didn't hear anything so I opened the door (why, I don't know). I wish I hadn't. I saw one of the crow eaters, riding him.

"OH JESUS, I'm so sorry!" I slammed the door before he could say anything and went back to the main part of the building.

"Did you find him?" Happy questioned.

"I'm going to throw up. I found him," I said and they all looked at me confused. "A crow eater was in there riding him. Where's the bleach, I need it for my eyes." They all started laughing at me.

Juice and the crow eater strolled out of his dorm, not seconds later. "Did you like the show?" I knew Juice was joking, but I decided to be a little mean.

"I don't know whether I should bleach my eyes or just claw them out." I told him. "Vomiting could work too."

All of the guys were laughing as Juice rolled his eyes. "It wasn't that bad, I'm good looking!"

I raised my eyebrow and shot, "You're no Jackson Teller!" back at him.

"Oooo! Burn!" Ope chuckled. I rolled my eyes.

"What did you want?" Juice questioned me.

"Can I borrow one of your laptops? I am going to apply for school." He nodded and went off to grab one. The crow eater stood there and was about to leave but she stared me down.

"Don't ever walk in on us again." She snapped and I started laughing while the guys looked amused.

"Oh hunny, I don't want Juice. I'm surprised he picked a loose bitch like you." She raised her hand to me.

"If you want to keep that hand, I suggest you lower it. I may be pregnant, but I will remove your intestines." She faltered and lowered her hand. I gave her a nod and pointed to the door. "Now get lost."

She scurried away and I rolled my eyes. "Ready to throw hands but can't handle the heat." I shrugged as Juice came back with a laptop.

"You can keep this one." He told me. I snapped my head up to look at him.

"What? This is yours, I'm not keeping it." A cheeky grin landed on his face.

"I've got like 10. It's no biggie." I sighed and nodded. "Thank you Juicey." I kissed his cheek.

The club went out and I was left looking to apply for school. I looked at the online courses and found some at the University of Florida. I sighed as I realized how long this was going to take. Thomas would be twelve by the time I finished with all of things needed to be a forensic pathologist. It left me thinking, should I even bother? I'll be 35 by the time I finish. I sighed at my brain. Maybe I'll talk to Jax about it first.

I was spiralling. If I didn't do it, would I regret it? Yes. If I do it, will I regret it? Possibly. I just wasn't sure if that was enough to keep me going through school. I realized it was probably silly, but would I want to spend the rest of my kids childhoods worried about school and missing moments with them? I sighed to myself and made my way out to the main room and Gemma was walking towards me. I was told that Jax and the guys had gotten into a brawl with LOAN. We were headed to the police station to get them out. I had one of the crow eaters look over Abel while I went with her.

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