Chapter 6

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After the party, I woke up with a hangover. I stayed in my dorm so I wouldn't have to drive home. My feet dragged as I forced myself into the shower. After I got dressed and mounted my knife to my belt, I went out to the main part of the clubhouse and realized it was already noon. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a coffee before sitting with Gemma. 

"Good morning baby." She kissed my cheek and grabbed a coffee for herself. 

"Morning mom." I replied back to her. 

"You think Hadley is okay?" She asked as she stirred her coffee. 

"She'll be fine. She's strong." I said giving her a smile. Opie and Donna came in with the kids. Donna got the kids some juice and Opie grabbed himself and Donna a coffee. "Morning." 

"Hadley here yet?" Donna questioned. 

"No, not yet, why?" Gemma asked with concern.

"We were supposed to meet for breakfast an hour ago, she never showed." Donna seemed worried. 

"Maybe she slept in? Hasn't gotten up yet?" I suggested. 

"I called her, her ringtone usually wakes her up. Maybe I'm just over thinking it." Donna said sighing. 

"I'll go by and check on her." I shrugged. 

"I'll come with you." Opie said and I gave him a nod as we headed out to the bikes. Clay was walking inside as we were leaving. 

"Where are you two going?" He asked, eyebrow raised.

"Checking on Hadley. She was supposed to meet Donna and I for breakfast and didn't show." Opie brought him up to speed. Clay nodded before saying, "Take Chibs just in case." 

We both nodded and got Chibs from the clubhouse before heading out to Hadley's. When we got there, the door was closed. Opie knocked a couple times. "Hadley?" 

When she didn't answer, Opie, Chibs, and I looked at each other before nodding at each other. Opie grabbed a hold of the handle and twisted. The door opened and we all sighed. I was worried about her now. She would have locked the door. My heart started to race as we entered the apartment. A picture of a woman laid broken on the floor. Glass littered the floor but there was no sign of her in the living room or the kitchen. We moved through the apartment with guns in hand. 

We checked the bathroom and saw nothing. Chibs checked the spare bedroom and found nothing. The bedroom door was closed, when I opened it, I began to let my mind race. What the fuck happened?

Hadley was no where to be found. Her bed looked slept in which worried me. All of these worries and emotions began to run my mind. "She's not here. Something isn't right." 

Opie, Chibs, and I headed back to the clubhouse. Clay looked at us hopefully but we couldn't say we found her. "She's missing Clay." 

"Her ex-boss. We didn't get to him quick enough." Bobby seemed pissed off but continued, "We need to find him. We find him, we'll find her." 

Donna saw us and looked disappointed. "Let's get Juice on this. He can get the address for us." 



I found myself waking up in a crumby apartment. Must be Anthony's (ex-boss). I was tied to a bed. I had tried untying myself overnight but I couldn't manage it. He was sleeping next to me, which in all honesty disgusted me. I just wanted to get out of here. I wanted to see Jax. I felt the tears welling in my eyes as I thought about him and the fact that I might never see him again. 

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