Chapter 50

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"Do you Hadley Hale take Jackson Nathaniel Teller to be your husband?" The minister asked. I gave a soft smile as I said, "I do." 

"Do you Jackson Nathaniel Teller take Hadley Hale to be your wife?" A grin graced his lips as he gave a soft, "I do." 

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." Jax swiftly kissed me and the crowd cheered. When we pulled away, it was crazy to see the crowd of people we had invited. Of course the club was there. Opie and Donna with Kenny and Ellie, Gemma and Clay, Chibs, Tig, Juice, Piney, and of course Happy. What was news to people is that I had invited David to our wedding. He had met the boys and was actually being a great uncle to the boys. He had left the official police business to other cops so he could have a relationship with the club and me. Turns out, he's a better uncle than brother. 

"Hadley Teller!" Happy shouted, making me laugh. 

"I never did like the Hale name, sorry David." I chuckled as he just smirked. He knew the rocky past was what it was, the past. It was long behind us. 

"No offense taken," He chuckled as he held Thomas. Luckily, the wedding and reception were in the same place so everyone had some time to dance before dinner. The music changed to Cool For The Summer by Demi Lovato, which Jax had added because he knows I love Demi, and Donna dragged me to the dance floor. I laughed and sang as we danced together, pretending to sing it to each other. I didn't really have any other friends that were women other than Donna so, we invited some of the nicer crow eaters just to fill the void. 

Ellie danced with us, so I spun her around and her laugh was contagious. After a couple songs, I went to grab a vodka soda. I took a sip as Happy walked over to me at the makeshift bar.

"As not tough as this sounds, I'm glad your happy with the VP little girl." Happy said, with a soft facial expression. 

"Thank you Hap, I'm glad I have all of you. I have really been starting to see how lucky I really am." I told him with a smile as I took another sip of my drink. 

It wasn't long before dinner was served and everyone was sharing their thoughts on our marriage, which, of course, Opie was the first to talk. 

"I've known Jax almost my entire life. We did everything together. Rode bicycles as kids, got into loads of trouble as kids, and even went into the club at the same time. When I found Donna and knew she was it, I pictured the woman that Jax would eventually get with. I knew she had to be strong and loving, but what I didn't expect was the toughest bitch to fall for him." Everyone laughed. I grinned as I watched Opie talk about us. "All I know is that he is lucky and so is she. Here's to a long and happy marriage." Everyone raised their glasses and drank, then of course, momma bear Gemma took the stage. 

"Well, for the longest time, Jax made some shitty choices, I wasn't sure that he would actually find the one who would capture his heart. But, I am so glad he did. Hadley, you are the best thing to ever happen to my son, you bring so much light in bad situations, and I'm thankful to have you as a daughter." Gemma gushing about me actually brought tears to my eyes. I was never more grateful than I was in that moment. Gemma took her leave and David stepped onto the stage. 

"Before anyone boo's at me, I'm just a brother and uncle tonight!" I chuckled but not many did, "Wow tough crowd. Anyway, as many of you are aware, my sister and I just reconciled recently. I was a shitty brother when I was a kid and even going into adulthood. I made some shitty decisions, however, the changes made recently have made me realize how great Hadley has turned out, even with her not great upbringing. She is fiercely loyal to those who are loyal to her and she loves deeply. You can see this very clearly with their son Abel. I know that she dedicates that same love and loyalty to their relationship and will continue to do so through their marriage. I don't know Jax very well, but I'm sure he will do the same for her, they are lucky to have found each other. To Jax and Hadley!" David raised his glass and I let the tears slip. I stood up and went and hugged David. 

"Thank you David, it truly does mean the world to me. You are a wonderful uncle to Thomas and Abel. They love you." I told him and he smiled. 

"Uhm, sorry to ruin the moment, but best friend of the bride here!" Donna joked as she hopped on stage. I grinned at my best friend and went back to sit beside Jax. 

"So, I've gotten to know these two very closely over the past couple of years. I've noticed that they are truly perfect for each other. They play off each others strengths and outshine the flaws. When things happen, they are truly so fast at resolving their issues because of how bright they shine together. If anyone else were lucky enough to find a love like Jax and Hadley, I'd tell them to grab a tight hold and never let go. They are truly perfect for each other in every single way. Jax, Hadley, never let go of each other." She said softly and I smiled as we all raised out glasses again. The next person to slide onto the stage was Jax. 

"Hadley, in every sense is the perfect woman. She is caring, kind, and the best mother to our sons. She is also boldly protective and I don't ever want to be on her bad side. It's surreal to find someone who fits perfectly into the image you wanted in your partner, but, she fits it in every single way. I love you darlin'," Jax said and I blew him a kiss. 

It was such a wholesome moment, of course, after dinner everyone drank more than they should have. What was new? Donna, Ellie, and I danced the night away. Everything was really perfect. I had my brother back. Neither I nor David cared about Jacob. I had a loving husband and wonderful family. The family I never thought I would have.


Thank you everyone for following Jax and Hadley. It's been a wonderful experience and I'm lucky to have such great readers. I have another SOA book being written but it's likely to take a lot of time. 

Again, thank you so much and hopefully see you all soon. <3 


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