Chapter 8

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As I got to the clubhouse in a pair of shorts and a crop top, David stood there talking to the club. It didn't seem good but then the club stared at me, since I never usually showed this much skin. 

"Jesus Christ Hadley, what the fuck happened to you?" David angrily questioned. I returned his question with a 'what the fuck' look on my face. 

"What's up to you too bitch." I heard the club chuckle as I put my sunglasses on top of my head. 

"Where the hell have you been?" David asked. 

"Why do you care? You haven't before, why start now?" I antagonized him.

"Where the fuck have you been? I went by your place last night to try and work shit out and you weren't there. In fact, every day this week, you haven't been home." David looked at the club, but they seemed to be just as confused. 

"None of your god damn business." I snarled. David sighed and then made his way to a cop car. 

"Where have you been then?" Clay questioned. 

"No offense, pres, but it's not your business either." I watched as everyone's eyes went wide. 

"Did she seriously just say that to me? Jesus christ, it's like having a teenage daughter." Clay groaned, but he was pissed that I wouldn't tell him. I walked into the clubhouse and started work. It wasn't long before Juice came over to question me on where I was. 

"What have you been up to lately?" He asked in a different way. 

"Still none of your business." I said as I winked at a guy who checked me out. Juice's eyes went wide. 

"Jesus fuck Hadley, what's wrong with you?" Juice questioned me. I smirked as I took a shot. 

"Just having a bit of fun Juice." I walked to the other side to wipe down the bar.


The next morning, I was hungover as a another guy got up and left my bed. As he was leaving, there was a knock on the door and I sighed in annoyance but threw on a robe. I opened the door and there stood Jax, Donna, Opie, and Juice who stared at the guy as he pushed passed them to leave. "Who the fuck are you?" Juice almost yelled at me.

"Fun Hadley." I said as I walked back into the apartment, letting them in. 

"Look it's 10 a.m. what do you want?" I groaned. 

"Why was a random guy leaving your apartment Hadley?" Donna was furious.

"Jesus christ mom, it's called sex." I rolled my eyes and she smacked me upside the head. 

"You should know better than this, what's the matter with you?" Opie rolled his eyes at me. 

"I want to have some fun, so I am." I shrugged. 

"You didn't even like to drink that much! Now you are just fucking anything that walks." I glared at him. 

"Haven't fucked you have I?" Juice's jaw dropped and the other guys just stood there staring at me. "Look, if all you came over for was to lecture me on how I live my life, then go. I'm done trying to make others happy. I'm trying to make me happy." 

"And you need to come home with a different guy every night to do that?" Jax hadn't said a word until now, but when he spoke, he seemed pissed off, more so than anyone else. 

"Yep." I said popping the 'p'. 

"What the fuck happened to the girl who didn't want to get hurt again?" Donna glared at me.

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