Chapter 32 *Trigger Warning*

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When I woke up, I looked around and realized I was no longer in my apartment. I was tied to a bed in what looked like an abandon cabin or something. They had gotten me sooner then I thought.

I laid there awhile before they came back. They had no masks on. They didn't care if I knew who they were.

"Do you know who we are?" I nodded. I refused to give them my voice. "Good. You can tell Jax Teller exactly who ruined you."

I kept my mouth shut. They were getting annoyed as one of them smacked me. I refused to say anything.

A shiny piece of metal was pulled out of one of the henchman's pocket and was jammed into my leg. I grunted at the pain but refused to scream.

They smirked. They cut my pants off and the leader was the first to pull his pants down and shove his dick into me. He thrusted and choked me, using his other hand to smack me in the face.

I made no sound as one by one they raped and bloodied me. When Weston came back around again for seconds, he sat between my legs but leaned over me.

"Are you going to tell Jax Teller to stop selling guns to colour?" I didn't look at him, I didn't make a sound, I didn't even move. This is when he pulled out his phone and pointed it at my bloodied face.

"Do I need to send a video of you to him?" He smirked. I said nothing again. He started recording and smacked me across the face. I spit blood at him. He grinned as he pulled down his pants and started to thrust into me. I was beginning to feel tired as they went through the motions again. As soon as I passed out, I was smacked awake. They continued this until all of them, all 6 of them finished  3 times. When they left, they removed the cuffs on me. But I was so tired and sore that I couldn't move.

I laid there for a while before I heard a door open and the shuffling of a few peoples feet. In case it was them, I didn't make a sound. The footsteps got closer and closer. Fear increased and I felt like panicking. Tears welled in my eyes but I refused to make a sound.

That's when I saw him. Jax. He wasn't supposed to be here. He was so shocked, he dropped the gun in his hand and his hands went to his head. "Hadley?"

"Jax? What did you find?" Happy questioned as he, Chibs, Opie, and Clay walked into the room.

I watched all of their faces change from shock, to sadness, and then pure rage. Happy was the first to walk over to me. He pulled off his black sweater and gently draped it over me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered to him.

"Don't be sorry little girl. This isn't your fault." He commented. Opie was the second to walk over to me.

"Whoever gave you those bruises did this, didn't they?" I nodded subtly. Jax slowly stepped over to me and helped me sit up while the other guys stepped out of the room for a moment to help me put on Happy's sweater. He picked me up once I had it on. One arm under my knees and the other behind my back, bridal style. It hurt when he picked me up but no noise came out.

When we got outside of the building, that's when I began shaking. There was no way I'd ever be the same after this. He carried me to the van without a word.

"Hadley, what happened?" Chibs questioned me softly.

"I passed out from exhaustion and they grabbed me then. I woke up here, handcuffed to the bed. There were six of them. They didn't even bother to wear masks. Weston and five of his guys. They wanted me to tell you to stop selling guns to colour. I refused so they raped me. All 6 of them. More than once." I explained.

"Good god Hadley, why wouldn't you just deliver the message?" Opie snapped at me.

"Because fuckers like that don't get to dictate my life." I snapped back at him.

He rolled his eyes, "This wouldn't have happened if you had just given us the message!" I shrugged.

"Whatever. It's not like you actually give a shit anyway." I snarled.

"Why would we save you then?" Happy rolled his eyes.

"Obligation because you found me." I said flatly.

"Will you grow the fuck up?" Happy growled, but he continued. "Don't pretend like the club abandoned you, because we didn't. We still love and care about you and what happens. Even though you're treating us like shit, we still want to help you."

"No, maybe you didn't. But this prick holding me did. I am not letting my guard down again." I snapped at Happy but continued. "All I get is disappointment by those who are supposed to love me and I can't take anymore."

As I was put in the van, even setting me down as gently as he did, the pain from my leg flared up and I couldn't help but cry out, "Fuck!"

As I tried to breathe through the pain, Chibs grabbed my hand and held it. I squeezed his hand tight and his finger tips turned white. "Hadley, we care about you. Even if you never want me back, I still want to be there for you." Jax commented, making sure to keep his distance.

"You have a long way to go Jackson before you can prove to me that you even deserve a second chance." I said flatly to him. The van began moving and I realized Juice was in the front, driving the van.

As we pulled up to the hospital, Opie ran inside to get a wheelchair. Getting me out of the van was a whole other painful game. I slid my butt to the end of the bench and Happy and Chibs helped me into the wheelchair with assistance from Jax.

They got me checked in and as soon as I got into a bed, the nurses gave me some medication that knocked me right out.

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