"I'm having some people following you all day. Don't you fucking dare object. Be grateful I'm even doing this." Manny said and came to the kitchen table. He sat at the head of the table. I sat to his right and Dolores sat to his left. Juan didn't want to sit next to me so he sat next to Dolores and Rafa next to me.

Breakfast was awkward. When I would ask Manny an important question about my next glasses appointment or college, he gave simple responses.

I looked at the huge building in front of me. Rochester High School. The daunting walls and brick buildings scared me. I didn't want to move but Rafa from behind me nudge me to start walking.

"We'll be by your side, Tonito." Rafa assured me.

My legs start moving and walking up the steps of the building. I could feel the angry looks from both sides of people. My posse did what they were told and walked besides me and formed a circle to protect me.

Going inside the school was a difficult task since it seems that the door was locked. It's already embarrassing that people know I'm gay and have to go to school. But not being able to open the door was the highlight of my day.

"Let me fucking do it!" Fernando, one of my bodyguards, angrily said. He came from behind me and went directly to the door. He aggressively rattled and kicked the door until it opened.

"Thank you." I softly said to him. He just scoffed at me and went back to his position.

Finally, with the door open, I walked in. The halls became quiet immediately. Everyone was looking at me and whispering. Some people would move away from me and avoid being near me.

'Fucking faggot', 'queer', 'gender traitor', 'disgrace' were the words whispered around me.

I finally reached my locker after a long walk. Painted in red letters was 'TRAITOR!" across my locker.

By this point, I'm just going to try and ignore all the hate. I'm never going to live this down.

As I was putting my books away, a voice called out to me.

"Antonio!" A female voice called. I turned and saw Dina walking towards me. My spirit lifted and she ran to give me a hug.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered in my ear.

"I'm sorry for bringing you into this." I told her back. We broke the hug and did light talking.

"How are you dealing with this?" She asked.

"Not good. I feel like everyone wants to kill me or spit on me." I responded.

"Ouch. At least Manny gave you protection." She said.

"It's not like they can stop others from talking about me." I said.

"True. And what about Michael? Have you seen him since everything happened?" She asked.

I leaned in and whispered in her ear. "He came by yesterday when the Jewels found out. He came to calm me down." I said.

"Looks like he's gonna have a hard time trying to talk to you today. These guys for sure aren't letting Michael come by." Dina said.

"Yeah, but at least Mike said- OW!" I felt something hit my head. I caught myself on Dina as she helped me get up.

"You okay?" She quickly asked.

"Mhm. I'm good." I said. I looked down and saw a rubber ball slowly rolling away. I looked up and saw another group coming towards us.

"Shit! It's Archie and his goons!" Dina said.

"Did you enjoy getting hit by balls? You must be used to it, faggot!" Archie angrily said.

"Don't you dare get any closer!" Rafa said to Archie.

"Who said I needed to get close to that queer?" Archie said before pulling out another rubber ball. His goons also pulled out their own balls and started hurling them towards me.

I quickly got in front of Dina to shield her. My books fell on the floor while my bodyguards tried to get the Jewels to stop throwing things. I felt like the school was watching this all happen. When I felt like this was my fate, a loud booming voice called out.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" He yelled. Archie and his band stopped throwing the rubber balls and my bodyguards stopped trying to fight them.

Everyone turned to the east wing hallway and parted away from the figure getting closer.

Coming from the crowd was my love, my light of my life, Michael Lexington. He wore a tight fitting black shirt that fitted his muscles beautifully. He carried his backpack on one arm, something that I've told him I find really attractive.

Mike scoured the area until his eyes landed on me. For a second, I saw his love come through but was quickly disguised back. Then his eyes turned to Archie.

"You!" He pointed at the red-head. "Get the fuck out of here!" He yelled at him.

"Why should I listen to a fruit?!" Archie clapped back. Mike's face went red. He approached Archie and stood right in front of him. Mike was much taller and stronger than Archie. He'd be foolish to try and take on Mike.

"I said..." Mike bent down to Archie's level. "...leave." He seethed at him. His goons turned around and raced down the hall. Archie looked like he wanted to challenge Mike, but after looking up and down his body, he realized his mistake and quickly turned away and ran off.

I was in shock and catching my breath. Mike turned around to me and saw me. He approached me. Fernando and Juan tried to stop him but when they noticed he wasn't a threat, and by the command of Rafa, let him through.

I saw my books on the floor and bent down to pick them up. Mike also bent down with me and helped me get my books.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Mhm. At least I'm not too hurt." I responded.

"They didn't ruin your pretty face at least." He whispered. I blushed and took my book from him. His finger touched mine for a few milliseconds before we stood up.

"Your work here is done." Rafa told Mike.

"Sure." Mike responded. He gave me a final look and turned away to walk to his first class.

I was still catching my breath while Dina was patting my shoulder. The bell for first period rang. The whole group of people who were watching this slowly began to split away.

"We need to go." Dina said.

"Yeah. Yeah, we do." I responded. I began walking to my class while walking over the rubber balls on the floor.

It wasn't even 15 minutes in school until I was attacked. This is going to be a long day.


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