Chapter 49: Finding out who Aphmau really is and who my parents were

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- Aidan's Prov
Vylad helped me walk to Hyria's, when we arrived, my Aunt was VERY shocked to see how injured I am so Vylad helped me get inside and Hyria was shocked I'm pretty badly injured from fighting Liam, my Aunt looked through her bag and started applying some Essence of Dittany on my face because apparently I have a really bad cut on the side of my face that was bleeding really badly so my Aunt managed to stop the bleeding and she's applying Dittany on it which stings quite a bit, I winced after she dripped some on me again as Aphmau was healing my arm from getting cut from Liam's Severing Charm he hit me with which wasn't bleeding as bad anymore but she healed it entirely, better than I could heal it, but she was surprised how much I managed to heal myself a little "We were just headed to O'Khasis to help you guys. Looks like it's not needed anymore" Katelyn explained after Garroth explained everything to everyone here, Lucinda, Katelyn, Aphmau, Hyria and my Aunt, "So... Ivy and Liam are.... dead" Aphmau said "Yeah..." Vylad verified "The rebellion will take care of the rest, right now our family needs to remain hidden until it's safe" Lady Ro'Meave told them "I suppose that's why Wyverns don't get involved in human affairs" Aphmau said out loud "Honestly... for Raven to have been able to do that to a Relic Wielder... let alone two Relic Wielders..." Aphmau thought out loud "I barely managed to survive against Liam" I told them "I tried everything Aunt Rebecca's been teaching me over these months but it still wasn't enough. I did manage to get a few good hits in but he was more experienced than I was so he was a much bigger challenge than I faced. I would've died if Raven hadn't been there to save us" I told them "On our way here, we got attacked by 3 Dementors" said Garroth "That's right... there were three of them" Lady Ro'Meave verified "Aidan chose to stay behind and fight them off alone" Vylad told everyone "But he can't conjure a Fully Corporeal Patronus!" Aphmau exclaimed "In order to banish Dementors, you need a Fully Corporeal Patronus to do that. Incorporeal Patronuses are only strong enough to repel Dementors, not banish them" Aunt Rebecca explained how Patronuses work against Dementors "He did produce a Fully Corporeal Patronus" Vylad replied "What?!" everyone exclaimed shocked "A fifteen year old?? producing a Fully Corporeal Patronus?" Aunt Rebecca asked baffled "That's next to impossible to do! Especially for someone his age!" Aunt Rebecca exclaimed, I stood up "I'll show you" I told them "But Aunt Rebecca, I need to borrow your wand please" I told her "What happened to the Vine wand Sean gave you?" Aunt Rebecca asked as if she already knows "....Liam destroyed it in our duel" I answered, she sighed and handed me her wand, I took it "Thanks" I thanked her and closed my eyes and focused on memory of bonding with my father again and raised my Aunt's wand remembering it as clear as day "Expecto Patronum!" I exclaimed swishing and flicking my Aunt's wand and a HUGE blast of silvery white gas EXPLODED out of my Aunt's wand and suddenly a bright silvery white Tiger Patronus jumped out of the gas and roared in pride then started looking around for any danger that it needs to protect me from but saw nothing "See?" I asked and stopped focusing on the memory I chose and my Tiger Patronus faded away immediately after, I handed my Aunt her wand back and she was shocked beyond belief that I mastered The Patronus Charm at 15 years old "Lady Ro'Meave, Vylad and Garroth gave me the encouragement I needed to summon a Fully Corporeal Patronus" I explained "And I'm eternally grateful for them helping me discover what my Patronus is" I told them and sat back down, my aunt snapped out of her shock "You really are your mother's son" Aunt Rebecca said, wait what? "What do you mean?" I asked confused "Your mother's Patronus was a Tigress" she explained, wait, WHAT?! Mom could summon a Tigress Patronus?? "But apparently after Liam died, a Relic came out of his body and went to me, I somehow absorbed it and neither Lady Ro'Meave, Garroth nor Vylad know what it was or who it belonged to or how Liam of all people got it" I explained "Garroth got the Relic he had from Ivy's body" I explained "Ivy wasn't able to harness the full power of the Relic. Nor was Liam" said Hyria, wait what? "It takes far to many years to be in complete control of a Relic" Hyria explained "Something only a few of the Divine were able to do" Hyria told us, wait, how could she possibly know that? "A Divine Warrior at their true power is far more powerful than a Wyvern" Hyria explained to us how Liam and Ivy were killed by Raven, so what she's saying is... because neither of them were able to handle the full power of the Relics, they were in their weakest state and that's how Raven was able to easily kill them?? "Ivy's carelessness shows that she would never be ready for that kind of power" Hyria told us "What about Liam? I saw him morph into a Divine form and he nearly killed me" I asked and explained "Liam was a selfish man from birth. His brother however was a very kind and selfless man who would do anything to help others and put others before himself. Something you take after from your father" Hyria explained "You knew my father?" I asked shocked "I was the one who crafted his wand for him" Hyria told me "But... your mother was quite clumsy with her wand... she kept needing to buy new ones over the most ridiculous reasons. Something you clearly inherited" she told me jokingly "Hey! I try okay? I'm really trying" I told her defensively "I know. I know. Your mother was also trying not to be so clumsy. I made her her last wand where it would make sure she didn't lose it. It served her very well for many years. Even after she gave birth to you" Hyria explained "So you knew my parents" I said "Yes. Your mother and father were very kind and very selfless and willing to help others before themselves. I noticed you take after your parents every day. Nora and Jason would be so very proud of the young man you are now" Hyria told me ".... I miss them..." I sighed "I know you do. Your parents were kind, you clearly take after both of them" Hyria commented "Your parents were very brave and very loving. They could never stop talking about you, their only son and how their boy seemed to be an extraordinarily powerful wizard" Hyria explained "....Hyria.." I started "You know why Liam killed them... don't you?" I asked her... she clearly knew my parents before they died... I need to know why he murdered them, I have every right to know why my parents were killed, she sighed "It is a very long tale" she replied "Please Hyria" I started "I need to know why he killed my parents. I have every right to know" I told her "And you know I'm right" I told her, she may have mastered Occlumency but she let me into her head to know she knows I have the right to know why my parents were taken away from me when I was a child... "Mom... do you know why Liam killed Aidan's parents?" Lucinda asked her mother "...I do" she replied "Aidan... if I tell you why... it will hurt you" she warned "I don't care. I need to know" I replied "Please Hyria. Tell me why he killed them... you know I wouldn't have asked if it wasn't important" I told her, she sighed "It is a very long tale" she started "Let me start with the truth about Irene" Hyria told us "What I am about to tell you, you'll never find in any book ever written" Hyria explained "The truth about Irene, is connected to Aidan's parents" Hyria told all of us, okay I'm confused now "Only Irene and those who knew her closely would have known this" Hyria explained "It is of her. Her personal life. Her... death. And her wishes" Hyria described "It will also have the answers as to why Liam murdered his own brother and sister-in-law..." she said "Hyria, are you sure right now is the right time to reveal this?" Vylad asked, wait, he knows something?? "Now is the perfect time" Hyria answered "Judging by what has happened, it appears she's done exactly what she set out to do" Hyria told him "What do you mean?" Aphmau asked her "Let me tell you the story" Hyria began.... Okay... here it is... I get to know why Liam killed my parents... "A long time ago, I was great friends with Lady Irene herself. I was the last person to ever see her, before she fell into slumber" Hyria told us, wait... WHAT?! then that means she's over a THOUSAND years old!!! "Are you telling me you've been alive for over a thousand years?" Lucinda asked her mother, I'm as shocked as she is! No one can live for that long! "Oh, much longer than that dear, but the story isn't about me!" Hyria explained "What does this have to do with the new Relic?" Lucinda asked "And my parents and me?" I asked her confused "Shh, quiet children, and let me explain" she gently shushed us, "Now, Irene was a wonderful person" Hyria started "She fought countless wars, and helped the lives of so many people across the world. Not just in this region" Hyria stated while I was writing it down in my journal "She was around long before regions were even concepts" Hyria explained "Her love of the world and it's people was admirable. She'd help anyone who needed it, and always fought for a just cause" Hyria stated "Or whichever cause was the most just. Not every war has a righteous side. But even she, who was a goddess among men, knew when to step aside and let humans fight their own battles" Hyria explained "Of all the 6 Divine Warriors, she was the only one who didn't go through the cycle of reincarnation through death" Hyria told us, wait... she has never gone through reincarnation?? I thought reincarnation wasn't even real? "Forgive me, but I was under the impression that they all lived for a very long time" Lady Ro'Meave asked "And reincarnation? It's real??" I asked amazed "They did, and yes, reincarnation is very real, but Irene was different. She was the matron. The one Divine Warrior who transcended them all. Destined to live, as she watched her friends go through their cycle of rebirth and reincarnation" Hyria explained... that sounds... horrible... watching your friends die and become reborn every time they die.... "Sounds like... a horrible life..." Lady Ro'Meave said "It really does..." I said "It was. For Irene, nothing was more painful than seeing her friends die. I remember that day" Hyria answered "But... there's more to the story" Vylad told her "Indeed. Even though the Divine Warriors were gods, some of them allowed human emotions to control their actions" said Hyria "A long time ago, Irene, Enki, Esmund, Menphia and Kul'zak had to kill Shad the Destroyer" Hyria stated, suddenly Aphmau slightly yelped in pain "Aphmau?" Katelyn asked her concerned "I'm fine, sorry. Just... something bothering me" Aphmau told her, "I see" said Hyria, I looked at my Aunt and she handed me her wand, I took it and pointed it at Aphmau "What are you-" Aphmau started "Episkey!" I exclaimed flicking my Aunt's wand at Aphmau, I used the Healing Spell my Aunt had taught me and she suddenly sighed in relief "Thanks" she thanked me "No problem" I replied and handed my Aunt her wand back, she took it, "You are quite skilled in Healing Magic young Aidan" Hyria told me "Thanks" I thanked her "In any case, Shad loved Irene deeply, and Irene loved him back" Hyria went on "However, their love was star-crossed, for the fates destined Irene to be a champion of peace, while Shad was destined to be the warrior of chaos and destruction" Hyria explained "Good and evil, they were caught in a constant cycle of conflict" Hyria stated "But Irene always brought him back. She would throw Shad into different realms to fight their battles, which he eventually learned to break. Thus, giving him the title, Realm Breaker. Even though Irene loved Shad, she always put others first above her own needs and desires" Hyria told us, Irene... she sounds a lot like my mom... she sounded like a very selfless and compassionate person "She was forever compelled to resolve conflicts and help others in this realm. Then, there was Esmund the Protector. Esmund was a shield for good. He would fight by Irene's side. However, the fates work in cruel ways, and eventually he fell in love with Irene" Hyria told us "This caused conflict between the 3 warriors often. But this greated on her. And over time, she forgot how to love, how to feel empathy. She lost her emotions for everyone and everything. Being the longest living of the Divine Warriors... well... you can only live so long before you disconnect from human emotions" Hyria told us... that's horrible! No one should EVER have to suffer like that! "Hmph.. you think..." Lucinda said smugly "Tell me that after YOU'VE lived over a thousand years!" Hyria shouted at Lucinda "As you were saying?" I asked her trying to break the tension "Yes. As I was saying... Irene continued to do good for the world, but she was no longer able to return feelings of love to those that loved her. Even me... during this time, Esmund, Enki and Kul'zak together determined that if Shad was gone, there would be no darkness in this world" Hyria continued, they thought if Shad was gone, there'd be peace? "And maybe Irene would learn to love again. How they came to this conclusion still remains a mystery to me. I never believed he was the source of darkness in this world. Darkness comes from the hearts of humans. In any case, Shad found out of this betrayal and lost all reason. He ascended, and turned into something purely evil. What we know as The Shadow Lord" Hyria explained, Esmund, Enki and Kul'zak are what turned Shad into a monster? "It was Irene's greatest fight. She ended up creating The Irene Dimension for the sole purpose of containing Shad there. It was a fight that lasted ages" Hyria told us, so Irene DID create the Irene Dimension for a reason! "In the end, the 5 Divine Warriors banded together and managed to break Shad and his Relic into pieces scattered throughout the world. And locked his soul away in The Nether. After all that, Irene didn't feel again, and in a twisted way, this actually hurt her. She wanted to feel sorrow for Shad's death, but she could not. Eventually, her fellow Divine Warriors died, leaving her all alone in this world" Hyria stated, Aphmau suddenly was in pain again, why didn't the Episkey Charm work?? "Do you feel anything, Aphmau?" Hyria asked her "...I don't know..." Aphmau answered "Aidan?" Hyria asked... "No... nothing really" I answered "Hmm... then let me continue" Hyria replied "Irene came to me one day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and said, "I want to learn how to feel again". She decided to seal away all her memories and go into slumber in the realm she created. The Irene Dimension" Hyria told us, wait, so Irene Obliviated herself entirely and put herself into a form of stasis?? "She took her powers from herself and left them in a Relic in her realm. As she sealed away her memories, she gave me a staff and said "Take this. When it glows, place it somewhere where I can be woken from my slumber. Place it somewhere that needs my help". And with that, she vanished into her realm" said Hyria, so Irene is still in stasis?? Or is she awake? "Hundreds of years later, a couple named Jason and Nora Goshawk came to visit me, they said they needed help, for both of them were direct descendants of two Divine Warriors. I trained them as best as I could, I taught them the basics on controlling their Magicks. About 5 years later, they were married to each other and a year after their marriage, they had a baby. A boy. A young boy who was destined to become a very powerful young wizard. Nora and Jason were very worried because they knew Jason's brother, Liam was obsessed with The Divine Warriors and even wanted to become one. He never knew his brother was a Relic Wielder nor did he know his sister-in-law was one as well, so they knew they were in danger and their son was in danger too... they came to me after and gave me a necklace and said "Take this. It's enchanted to glow when you're needed most and we want you to be our son's guardian. Please keep him safe". I took it and vowed I will protect their son with my life and look after him. But the day after... I had recently found out Jason and Nora were killed... by Liam Goshawk... I had been looking for their son for years but only when I saw you did I realize you were their son" Hyria explained to me....... My parents were direct descendants of Divine Warriors??? Who?? "Who are they descendants from?" I asked confused "I will tell you in a moment" she said "Many years after I had finished training Jason and Nora, a boy who had just reborn into a Shadow Knight came into my forest. A boy who, even though lost all emotions, still cared for his brother" Hyria told us, what?? "And you said, "Take this and place it somewhere that needs the help of Irene". Back then, I didn't think you meant the help of the actual Irene" Vylad told her, wait WHAT?!? then... that can only mean... I slowly looked at Aphmau shocked "Nor did I think you wanted me to use the amulet Jason gave you to signal the last direct descendant of a Divine Warrior" Vylad told us "Wait, what?" Aphmau asked shocked "What does that mean??" I asked confused and looked at Hyria because she knows the answer "Aidan. You are the great-great-great-great-great grandson of Menphia The Fury" she told me and turned to Aphmau "Aphmau. You are Lady Irene" Hyria told her, wait, WHAT?!?!?.

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