Chapter 24: Getting a new wand and confronting Travis

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- Aidan's Prov
I woke up and I just had the WORST possible headache EVER! I groaned as I managed to open my eyes "Ugh... my head..." I groaned as I looked around "Where am I?? What happened??" I asked confused as to how I'm on a bed in a house "You're safe now" I heard Aunt Rebecca tell me, I looked in her direction and my vision eventually cleared up, she then told me that Travis.... He tried to kill me and Aphmau..... I was shocked that she would think he tried to kill me but he didn't! He saved our lives! I'm indebted to him for saving us, that's how The Wizarding World works, if someone saves your life, then you're indebted to them, I tried explaining to my aunt that Travis saved our lives, he even rid the land of Ivan! I suddenly remembered everything! I immediately got up "Lucinda! Aphmau! Are they okay?? What about Travis?! the mother and the child?!" I asked worriedly "Where are they?!" I asked in fear for them "The mother is fine. She was possessed by Ivan but she'll recover nicely. As for the baby, the little bundle is fine with her father" Aunt Rebecca explained "Lucinda is... with Laurance and Aaron. They're questioning Travis" Aunt Rebecca explained "What about Aphmau??" I asked concerned "She's still unconscious... but it seems you transferred most of your strength than she did... that much effort nearly killed you instantly" Aunt Rebecca explained, I then saw a tear stream down her face "I thought I lost you" Aunt Rebecca gasped, I then went and hugged her and she started crying on my shoulder which I gladly let her, I gently shushed her and told her I'm okay, I eventually pulled back from the hug "I'm not ready to die. Not today" I told her smiling, she chuckled "Oh, but" Aunt Rebecca started "There's something you should know" Aunt Rebecca started "When Ivan trapped you, your wand ended up in Ivan's hand and.... Well..." Aunt Rebecca said as she showed me the Thunderbird feather wand that she made me that was snapped in half and a damaged golden feather inside it was barely holding it together, I stared shocked at it.... "I can make you a new one if you'd like" Aunt Rebecca offered, you see, she's actually a very skilled Wandmaker as you know, she crafted that Thunderbird feather wand for me when I met her, but she crafted her current wand herself, I don't want her to waste her energy on another wand.... "Can you teach me how to craft a wand of my own please?" I asked Aunt Rebecca, she told me how dangerous it can be but she'll teach me, she then had me study every wand wood and core and even tested me, she then gave me a piece of Vine wood, Vine wood wands are nearly always for witches and wizards who seek a greater purpose, so that's how I feel right now, she then had me look for a wand core to use, but I already have one, it was given to me as a gift from Ben because I asked him before we left New Meteli with Levin, Malachi and Zoey, he gave me a Hippogriff feather, it was a little difficult to get it to choose me but it eventually did, you see, for Hippogriff feather wands to work, you need to show that wand a bit of respect first, just like a Hippogriff itself, now it works perfectly for me! I had my Aunt examine it and she said Hippogriff feathers aren't used anymore but she said I crafted my very first wand of my own making, which combined with the wood, it actually makes this wand I have now quite powerful, more powerful than my Thunderbird feather wand, surprisingly, she says I have quite a talent in Wandmaking, well, I had the best teacher, I examined the new wand's design

 "Can you teach me how to craft a wand of my own please?" I asked Aunt Rebecca, she told me how dangerous it can be but she'll teach me, she then had me study every wand wood and core and even tested me, she then gave me a piece of Vine wood, Vine...

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I then smiled at my work, I then put it in my glove and went to check on Aphmau after Aunt Rebecca made sure I was fine, she gave me a REALLY powerful Wiggenweld Potion, so I can feel myself getting much better by the second! I went downstairs to go check on Aphmau when suddenly I saw her talking to Aaron "Aidan's still unconscious... you seem to have woken up before him... we were very worried about you both" Aaron told Aphmau "Well, you don't have to worry so much anymore" I told him walking up to them, Aphmau ran and hugged me and told me she was so worried about me because I was out longer than Aphmau, but I told her my aunt gave me a VERY powerful Wiggenweld Potion and I also have a new wand so I'm fine, really, Aaron explained everything to me about what happened, Travis was also somehow able to get rid of two Dementors that were coming with his book but he would have to use a Fully Corporeal Patronus, because I can't summon that, I can only summon an Incorporeal Patronus, but it's a strong one, anyway, Aaron showed us where Travis is being held, being questioned by Lucinda for attempted murder of both a Lord and a child, but I'm NOT a child! I'm nearly 15, you'd think they'd accept that I'm not a child, whatever, Aphmau and I went into the basement of a church and saw Lucinda questioning Travis while I was suddenly grabbed and in a tight embrace??? I was about to draw my new wand but then I saw it was... Laurance?? "APHMAU! AIDAN! YOU'RE AWAKE! THANK IRENE, I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU TWO!" Laurance yelled still in his Shadow Knight form "We're fine, but... what about Travis?" Aphmau told him and asked "Lucinda is questioning him. She's completely enraged" Laurance answered after he let me go from his... painful.... Hug..... "Why?? We're fine" I told him confused "She cares deeply for you Aphmau, but having a wizard that's still an apprentice that's not even nearly out of his teenage years is even more enraging to her. To see both of your lives almost be taken... you can imagine what any of us would do... especially your aunt" Laurance told us and told the last bit to me, "Travis did nothing!" Aphmau exclaimed "Yeah! He saved our lives" I told him trying to reason with him "...I trust your words, but you have to understand what it looked like for us" Laurance replied, so he believes us but it looked like Travis tried to kill us, "I understand that, more than you think" I told him "Why else would The Ministry of Magic expel me from Hogwarts?" I asked, he nodded remembering how The Ministry thought I used an illegal curse on a school teacher, "It's best if we just question him, I have no intention to hurt him, he saved this land... but again, we just need to make sure" Laurance told us, Aphmau sighed "I'm gonna go talk to Lucinda" Aphmau told us, she then turned to Laurance "Laurance, stay here" Aphmau instructed him, I looked through my bag "Understood" Laurance replied, I then pulled out a flask and handed it to him full of a turquoise liquid "Here" I said handing him the flask "What's that?" Laurance asked confused "A Calming Draught" I replied "Drink this" I told him motioning to the flask I'm handing him "It'll calm you down and help you change back faster" I told him, he sighed and took the flask then drank the whole thing, he then handed it back to me, I took it and put it back in my bag, I then went with Aphmau, "Lucinda!" Aphmau announced, announcing we're here, she turned around and ran up to us "APHMAU! AIDAN! YOU'RE ALRIGHT! I WAS SO WORRIED!" Lucinda yelled to us "I DIDN'T WANT TO LOSE YOU AGAIN!" Lucinda yelled to Aphmau, "Lucinda... what's going on?" Aphmau asked Lucinda looking at Travis in a cell "Why is Travis is custody??" I asked confused "He... he had your both expel a spirit from the land with him... you do realize that's fatal?" Lucinda explained and asked, I did not know that's fatal, "Y-yes, but... he..." Aphmau started "I think you both should speak with him. Come talk to me when you make a decision on what he has to say" Lucinda told us, "He's already told me everything and well... all I can do is act on your judgements" Lucinda explained, she then went to the room Laurance is in... "Okay.." Aphmau replied, she looked to me and I nodded wanting answers too "Travis" Aphmau called and he stared at us "What happened?" I asked him "Aphmau... Aidan... I'm sorry" Travis told us, Aphmau sighed "We're gonna come inside" Aphmau told him, she then flipped the lever and the mechanical door opened, we both then went in and looked at Travis as he looked at us "Travis..." I started "Travis did you try to kill us?" I asked wanting answers "No. I did not" Travis answered "Then... why is everyone freaking out?" Aphmau asked, Travis didn't answer, he then looked down "Just tell us Travis" I told him "...I'm a coward..." Travis said, what?? "What?" Aphmau asked confused "What do you mean?" I asked him "Expelling a spirit from the land is fatal. I've known this. My mother passed away from doing this act... I knew what I was doing when I asked you both to lend me your strength" Travis explained, "What?" I said confused even more "But... Aphmau... Aidan.... Something about the two of you... deep inside of me, I feel like I knew you both wouldn't die" Travis explained, how did he KNOW we would not die??? Travis then explained everything on how he knew we wouldn't die, he even asked what he and Aphmau are because he gets this feeling from her, after we talked to him, we talked to Lucinda and told her he's innocent, as a joke, Lucinda told Travis she'd kiss Travis' cheek but lied, Lucinda even told us she's rejoining The Phoenix Alliance! she just needs to take care of a few things here, we accidentally forgot Travis in the cell! I was laughing and Aphmau said we'll leave him in there for fun, Lucinda then went to the door "Alohomora" I said flicking my new wand at the door and it opened, I continued laughing, so did Aphmau, I just hope we don't have to do something that eventful for a VERY long time.

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