Chapter 36: Hearing the story of Janus the Silver Death and meeting Ivy

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- Aidan's Prov
I'm currently with my Aunt and she's actually teaching me The Impediment Jinx, it's supposed to put a target in slow motion, I never learned that Jinx at Hogwarts and she told me it'll be very useful in my arsenal, Laurance offered to let me practice the spell on him which I greatly appreciate, "Alright, I think you got it down" Aunt Rebecca told me, I nodded "Now, use The Impediment Jinx on Laurance" Aunt Rebecca instructed "Laurance, charge at Aidan as though you're about to attack him" Aunt Rebecca instructed "What?" Laurance and I asked in unison shocked "You won't hurt him, just draw your sword and only act like you're going to charge and strike him down, but don't actually do it" Aunt Rebecca explained better, that sounds less worse than it did, he drew his sword, grabbed it with both hands, raised it above his head and ran at me, I was shocked that it actually seemed real, I immediately acted "Impedimenta!" I exclaimed flicking and pointing my wand at him and sent a jet of turquoise light at Laurance, right before he reached me, he was instantly hit with the turquoise jet of light and started moving in slow motion! I did it! Laurance very slowly lowered his sword trying to stop "Oh, sorry" I told him after he was just standing there "Finite!" I exclaimed flicking my wand at him and he immediately was back to his original state "Ha ha!! I did it!!" I exclaimed happily "Well done Aidan!" Laurance said happily for me casting a new spell on the first try, Aunt Rebecca was happy for me too, after the lesson, I apologized for using magic on Laurance but he said it was fine, he offered to help me with my lesson, we went our separate ways and I saw Katelyn talking to Mikai? I walked up to them "Hey Katelyn, hey Mikai" I greeted them, walking up to them "Hey Aidan, how did your lesson go?" Katelyn asked, I smiled "It was really good, I actually managed to use The Impediment Jinx on Laurance and it worked perfectly!" I exclaimed happily "Very nice" she said "Well done" Mikai said happily, though I can tell he doesn't know about magic, but I get that, Aphmau came "Lady Aphmau, Grand Wizard Aidan, I'm glad I finally found the both of you" Mikai told us, yes, I'm still Aphmau's Grand Wizard, "Mikai it's been forever... wait... why are you here?" Aphmau asked... I suddenly heard what she was thinking "Has Scaleswind-" I was about to ask worriedly "NO! NO! It's nothing like that..." Mikai said reassuringly "Scaleswind is fine" he told us reassuringly "Levin and Malachi directed me here" Mikai explained "Are you here for Michi?" I asked confused "Michi is here?! I can't believe it, where is she?" Mikai asked me shocked that his sister is here "She's... safe and sound... in our prison" Aphmau explained "That I put Enchantments around so that when they try escaping, the stairs will just flatten into a slide" I told him, Aunt Rebecca taught me that Security Enchantment "Ah... I see. So it would seem she hasn't changed at all. For a moment I thought she might have given up her old ways. But no. I have not come on my errant sister's behalf" Mikai told us, "I have news on the Tyrant King of Tu'la" Mikai told us, no way! "News?" Katelyn asked "Yes... my spies in O'khasis have been keeping an eye on the king. We've discovered why he is here in Ru'aun" Mikai explained, no way! He found out why Tu'la invaded?! "Why?" I asked curiously "He's looking for Zane Ro'Meave and the remaining members of The Jury of Nine" Mikai told us, wait, why would he be looking for a murdering freak and a group of murderers?? Except Katelyn and Jeffory, they're okay in my book, "What?" Katelyn asked shocked "He's looking for Zane?" Aphmau asked shocked as well "Why??" I asked confused "We aren't sure. The only other information we have is that the Tyrant King's researchers are pouring over documents in Zane's chambers. He is looking for something. We do not know what" Mikai told us, what could the king of my old Region want with Zane's findings?? "He invaded Ru'aun and occupied O'khasis for this??" Aphmau asked shocked at the moron king's actions "This doesn't make any sense!" Aphmau exclaimed "No, it doesn't" I told her "Why would you bring an army if you only want information??" I asked confused "Do you believe in rumours, Aphmau? Aidan? In ghost-stories?" Mikai asked us, why did he change the subject? "What do ghost-stories have to do with this?" Aphmau asked "I don't believe in them. I don't believe in anything I can't see for myself. But there's a story an old Tu'la guard told me, and I keep coming back to it: some years ago, there was a monster tearing through the countryside of Tu'la, killing everything in its wake. Small villages would be burnt to the ground, nothing but blood and ashes left. Any survivors found, would be in hysterics, screaming about a pale monster with dead eyes and scars on its face, covered in blue light" Mikai told us, "Yeah... I heard of that rumour before" I told him "When I was a First-Year of Hogwarts, I heard of that rumour" I told them "They say the king sent his elite guard to quell the beast. Wave after wave of the king's best warriors were killed before they were able to take the beast down, and bring peace to the countryside" Mikai continued and I finished it with him, proving I know the rumour "What..." Aphmau whispered "It wasn't a beast, was it?" Katelyn asked, wait, she knows what it was?! "You know the story as well?" Mikai asked her "I don't know the story. I know the monster" Katelyn told us, wait, WHAT?! "So it's true?!" Mikai asked shocked, I'm as shocked as he is "Katelyn?" Aphmau asked "It's one of the Jury of Nine. Janus the Silver Death" Katelyn told us "...How could you possibly know that??" I asked amazed "Because I've met Janus. Only once... I won't ever forget them" She told us "Jeffory always thought there was something unnatural about him" Katelyn told us, Janus the Silver Death is a man? "He was easily the strongest Juror, and one of Zane's favourites" Katelyn continued explaining "Always doing Zane's dirtiest work. He delighted in it. Said it gave him a purpose" Katelyn told us, so she knew Janus "Gives me chills just thinking about him" Katelyn told us, so she's actually afraid of him?? I never expected Katelyn to be capable of feeling fear, "Not long after the fall of the beast, the King began his quest to amass his troops for Ru'aun" Mikai finished explaining... "So... why is the King looking for Zane and the other members of The Jury?" Aphmau asked concerned "That's what we can't figure out" Mikai replied "Katelyn?" Aphmau asked looking to Katelyn "You're guess is as good as mine. I wish I knew more" Katelyn told her, "Aidan? You're from Tu'la, do you know anything at all?" Aphmau asked, I shook my head no "The only person that can answer that question is Zane" Katelyn told us "Which means..." Aphmau whispered, oh no, "Aphmau?" Katelyn asked "Please don't tell me what I think you're planning on doing..." I said "Katelyn, Aidan, I think... I think... we'll need to get both Garroth and Zane out of The Irene Dimension" Aphmau told us, she's OFFICIALLY lost it, "WHAT? You can't be serious! Zane?!" Katelyn exclaimed shocked, "I figured you'd say that, you have officially lost it" I told her just as shocked at Katelyn is "I don't think we have a choice Katelyn, Aidan, it's for the good of the Region, how else are we going to know what the King of Tu'la wants aside from just asking him?" Aphmau told us... she's got a point... "I... if you think that's best, Aphmau... I trust you" Katelyn told her, they looked to me "I trust you with my life Aphmau, Katelyn, so if you both think that's our only option... I'm right behind you" I told them, wholeheartedly, "Thank you, Mikai, it can't have been easy for you to come all this way" Aphmau told him "You're welcome Aphmau... however I came here to request a favour of you" Mikai told her "As well as you Aidan" he told me "Yes, what is it?" Aphmau asked "Yeah, how can we help?" I asked "You've both done so much for us already. But... it's about my people... is it possible for us to relocate to your village?" Mikai asked Aphmau "Here?" Aphmau asked "What about Scaleswind? Is everything okay?" I asked him concerned "Lord Von Ronsenburg has been beyond gracious to us, but it looks like as though we have been putting a strain on the village. Tu'la has been making everyone anxious, and we think it'll be best if we can get away from the danger he presents. It would be easier for us all, especially when we have children with magic" Mikai told us, wait, there are children with magic?? "Didn't they get their Hogwarts Letters??" I asked confused "No, they all became 11 but we left the Region before any of them could get their Hogwarts Letters... we were hoping you could teach them" Mikai told me, wait WHAT?! "Well... Aidan's been wanting to start a school of magic of his own.. but he was hoping to start it when he's 17" Aphmau told him "...I'll think about it" I told him "We don't intend to be a burden. We'll work harder than anyone else to support this community" Mikai promised Aphmau "I know Mikai, you and the other refugees are more than welcome to come here" Aphmau told him "Absolutely. Anything that would help Scaleswind" Katelyn told him "We'll help you to the best of our ability" I promised him "Feel free to stay the night here Mikai, I know your journey here must've been a very long one" Aphmau told him, "That would be greatly appreciated" Mikai told her "I have a lot of space at my cabin, he can stay the night with me if he'd like" I told Aphmau and Katelyn, they nodded, "If that's okay with you" I told him, he nodded "Follow me" I told him and guided him to my cabin, I went into the forest with Aaron because we had another training session, when he started attacking, I actually blocked his attacks expertly to my shock, AND I ACTUALLY BEAT HIM! I stared shocked at the fact I have him pinned against a tree with him fallen over "You've gotten much better, I see you've been practicing" Aaron told me, I smiled then sheathed my sword and helped him up "I had the best teacher" I told him, we then went at it again a few times before heading back to the beach to our camp, I thanked Aaron for today's lesson and went to my cabin, when we all went to bed, the next morning, Aaron stole The Divine Fragment from Aphmau?! I immediately got out of bed and got dressed then immediately started looking around but I found nothing, I couldn't find the fragment or Aaron, I told Aphmau my progress and she started panicking but Katelyn calmed her down "MOM! LADY KATELYN! GRAND WIZARD AIDAN!" I heard a familiar voice yell?? Aphmau, Katelyn and I all turned to the voice and saw MALACHI?! "Malachi?!" Aphmau exclaimed shocked to see her oldest adoptive son running to us "What are you doing here?!" Aphmau exclaimed shocked "I...have...bad news..." Malachi told us panting "Catch your breath.... What's happened" Katelyn told him and asked him "It's Mikai and the refugees... t-they..." he started and continued panting "Malachi, breathe, what happened?" I told him and asked, he then took a deep breath "Mikai and the refugees were apparently attacked by some Tu'La troops" Malachi told us, WHAT?! "What?" Aphmau asked shocked "Are they okay?!" I asked worriedly "The refugee caravan has some injuries, but a lot of the resistance fighters took the brunt of the attack, defending while everyone escaped" Malachi explained "Attacking refugees? That's... horrible! I can't believe Tu'La troops would do something so low" Katelyn told him "Absolutely. It makes me sick. The remaining refugees managed to make it to Phoenix Drop, but things are a mess. Levin is doing his best to situate the refugees, but we need more people. Will you and the others come help?" Malachi asked, I immediately nodded, Aphmau hesitated because of Aaron "I know you've got a lot of things going on here; I won't bother you unless it was absolutely important. We REALLY need the help" Malachi told us, "I understand Malachi... um... sorry, I... just got distracted" Aphmau told him "I'll get Travis" Katelyn told her "I'll get my Aunt Rebecca" I told Aphmau, we agreed to meet back at Phoenix Drop, I got all the healing potions I have, Essence of Dittany, Wiggenweld Potion, Skele-Gro, I suddenly saw a piece of paper on my bedside table? I looked at it and saw it was a design from Aaron, I don't have time to look at that! it looked like a design made of stone but I can't build that! Not yet at least, let alone look at it, I pulled my bag up and put it back on and went to the portal after I informed my Aunt, she got her things too, I crossed the portal and INSTANTLY felt nauseous, Aunt Rebecca said I basically just Apparated because that's how the after feeling feels like, I panted a little and not long after, Aphmau and Zoey came through, "Lucinda!" Aphmau exclaimed, running up to Lucinda, she turned around and saw us "Oh, thank Irene! There you are!" Lucinda exclaimed "Glad you were able to make it" Lucinda told us "Wouldn't miss a chance to help people for anything" I told her finally recovering from my nausea, "How bad is it?" Aphmau asked Lucinda "It could have been a lot worse... The spirits of the people are pretty low here..." Lucinda explained "Is there anything I can do to help?" Zoey asked as my Aunt offered as well "Dante and the other guards have just gotten the refugees to the front gate. Levin and the others are talking with Mikai at the town center" Lucinda told us, "Wait..." Aphmau whispered "Zoey, you and Rebecca go find Dante, and help the refugees" Aphmau instructed Zoey and my aunt, "Aidan and I will go talk to Levin and Mikai" Aphmau told them, I nodded with my wand ready "Of course, Aphmau. Let me know if you both need me" Zoey told us "And me" Aunt Rebecca told us, I smiled and hugged my Aunt for luck "Alright... um... we'll meet Zoey and Rebecca out there then" Aphmau told me, I nodded snd we saw Zoey and my Aunt jump from the magical platforms ahead of us, Aphmau went first and I followed her, she helped me to the other side because I accidentally lost my balance and almost fell but Aphmau was quick enough to catch me, we then went to the settlement "Mom! Aidan! We're over here!" Levin called to us "Levin!" Aphmau sighed in relief "You both don't know how happy I am to see you right now" Levin told us "Is Scaleswind also under attack?" Katelyn asked Mikai "No, it was just my caravan... or at least I'd like to believe so. You'd have to go for yourself to be certain, but that's too dangerous: there's no telling if Tu'La's forces are still in the area" Mikai told her "Scaleswind should be fine, Katelyn. By the sound of things, Tu'La only wanted the caravan, not any territory of Ru'aun... at least as of yet" Levin told her, "Tell that to O'Khasis" Katelyn retorted "Katelyn... I know you're worried, but I think Levin here has a good point. We can start at the beginning" Aphmau told Katelyn, Miaki began explaining exactly what happened and it was planned? I'm shocked they knew that would happen "Gahh! I feel so foolish! How could we have just played into Tu'La's hands like that?!" Mikai yelled frustrated, suddenly I heard a woman laughing?? "Ahhh... This is just TOO delicious~" the unfamiliar voice said, Levin, Mikai and Katelyn all looked behind me and Aphmau? I turned around with Aphmau and saw... a woman in some kind of armor? "Isn't misery just so satisfying?" the woman asked, she has magenta hair and a giant sword with the blade that seems to be made of ice?? Mikai ran in front of me "Are the deaths of my people... MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS, AMUSING TO YOU?!" Mikai demanded "Now now little kitty..." the stranger started, she suddenly jumped off the gate and landed on her feet "Don't get so pouty about it. Nobody likes a sore loser!" the woman exclaimed, wow she's the embodiment of the word "Condescending" and "Immature", "What the- who is this woman?!" Levin exclaimed "I'm as confused as you are" I told Levin "Mikai?" Aphmau asked "No... I'd remember someone as foul mouthed as her" Mikai told us "Well, I remember you... MIKAI. I've been watching you for a while. Though you've never noticed me. Normally I'd take offence to that. Luckily for you, this us just business" the woman said "Stalker much?" I said to her "And I've been watching you as well... AIDAN. I've been watching you since you travelled Regions illegally" she told me, okay, she's definitely a stalker if she knows what I've been doing since I ran away from Tu'La, I drew my wand "Wait" Aphmau told me, I nodded, she turned to the woman "Who are you?!" Aphmau demanded "Ivy... the Venom Scythe" Katelyn answered her, wait... she KNOWS her?? "WOW! IT'S BEEN AGES SINCE SOMEONE HAS CALLED ME- Oh?..." this woman named Ivy exclaimed and took a closer look at Katelyn "OH!" Ivy exclaimed she then started laughing "KATELYN THE FIRE FIST? IS THAT YOU?! I ALMOST DIDN'T RECOGNIZE YOU WITHOUT YOUR ARMOR!" Ivy yelled laughing annoyingly, one move and I'll Stun her "HAHAHA! YOU LOOK LIKE YOU'VE GROWN WEAK!" Ivy taunted "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE IVY?! WHAT SICK GAME IS ZANE HAVING YOU PLAY NOW?!" Katelyn demanded, Ivy started taunting Katelyn "That sword..." Katelyn said as she examined it from here "WHERE DID YOU GET THAT SWORD? Katelyn demanded, she knows that sword?? "Oh... this old thing? Just a gift from my employer" Ivy answered "ZANE?! HE DIDN'T GIVE THAT TO YOU! THAT BELONGED TO JANUS THE SILVER DEATH! HE'D NEVER LET YOU TAKE IT WITHOUT PRYING IT FROM HIS COLD DEAD HANDS!" Katelyn accused, Ivy laughed "You aren't far from the truth! But no, I'm not talking about Zane. I mean my new boss, the King of Tu'La" Ivy clarified, she's WORKING for the King of Tu'La?! "You are one of the King's agents?!" Mikai asked shocked "You're working for Tu'La now?... Have you no sense of LOYALTY?!" Katelyn yelled "Tu'La? Ru'aun? Zane? What difference does it make? Honor? Who needs it? I don't care as long as I can do what I love..." Ivy said and started laughing again, I'm seconds from attacking "You're despicable.." Katelyn hissed "Hmph! You always were SO BORING Katelyn! Always thought you were better than the rest of us..." said Ivy "Well, not all of us" Ivy corrected herself, she then started looking around? "That's right. My, my... where is JEFFORY?! He's not here to save you from yourself, is he?" Ivy taunted "He can't hold you back from his place in the Nether..." Ivy started "Now can he?" Ivy finished, she started laughing, Katelyn growled angrily "Katelyn, don't listen to her" I whispered to Katelyn "She's just baiting you" I whispered to her, trying to warn her about Ivy trying to provoke her, but Katelyn drew her gauntlets "Father or not, that guy obeyed Zane as you did... and you know Zane made us do some really BAD things... such a shame he had to remember his daughter... he would've made a very handsome thrall if he gave up his emotions..." Ivy taunted "ENOUGH IVY! I'LL KILL YOU FOR TALKING ILL OF HIM! FIGHT ME LIKE A KNIGHT NOW!" Katelyn demanded, Ivy started laughing AGAIN! "I THOUGHT YOU'D NEVER ASK!" Ivy yelled, to my shock, they started fighting, I pointed my wand at Ivy because she already slashed Katelyn!! "Katelyn!!" Aphmau bellowed shocked drawing her sword "Stupefy!" I bellowed flicking my wand at Ivy, she dodged it, I raised my wand again "Crucio!!" I roared in fury for her hurting my friend! I casted an improper Cruciatus Curse but she blocked it with her sword's blade?? "Oh, would you look at that, I almost got a little too carried away. You're lucky I was instructed to not kill anyone important on this trip, but what's a good fight without some blood, eh?" Ivy asked, I immediately put my wand away and climbed up the ladder to her, I then drew my sword "COME ON!!" I bellowed charging at her, we then clashed swords but before I could even attempt to attack her, she kicked me off the gate!! I closed my eyes tight bracing for impact "AIDAN!" Aphmau shrieked shocked, but I felt myself being caught in a pair of arms? I opened my eyes and saw MIKAI MANAGED TO CATCH ME IN TIME! I smiled at him "Thanks" I thanked him, he helped me down and helped me to Aphmau "Are you okay?!" Aphmau asked worriedly "Yeah, I'm fine, Aaron trained me" I told her, she was surprised Aaron had trained me "You've got some skill with a blade young wizard, almost had me there, however... you still have so much left to learn" Ivy mocked, she then started laughing maniacally "Take care of Katelyn, I'm sure we'll see each other soon!" Ivy exclaimed and she left, I put my sword back in its scabbard and Aphmau and I sprinted to Katelyn, oh Irene, when I get my hands on Ivy, she's DEAD!.

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