Chapter 46: Garroth and I going back to O'Khasis

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- Aidan's Prov
I know Aphmau told Garroth about her pregnancy and Garroth's mother is about to be executed and he is FURIOUS "And you thought this was the time to tell me. Right after we found out that MY MOTHER is about to be EXECUTED by that witch who seems to have it out for you and she's making that MONSTER of a man do it. The same woman, by the way, who is terrorizing the countryside and the same man, by the way, who kidnapped Aidan and tortured him for years!" Garroth growled in fury "Garroth... I'm sorry. I didn't know I was pregnant and I didn't know how to tell you" Aphmau told him "You're sorry. That's great" Garroth said coldly, "Were you ever going to tell me, or were you just going to keep lying to my face?" Garroth asked "Garroth, that's enough, she had no idea what to do at the time, give her a break and quit being a jerk" I told him sticking up for Aphmau "I didn't know what I wanted. I've been worried about Laurance and everything going on with Ivy and I just, I-" Aphmau started "You do realize what you're saying, right... that I'm just an afterthought to everything else going on in your life" Garroth spat harshly, I nearly drew my Vine wand to make him calm down "How long did it take before you had forgotten about me?" Garroth asked her "Garroth! No! That's not what I meant! I... this is all coming out wrong. I feel like I'm just making this so much worse..." Aphmau told us "You think" Garroth replied, I drew my Vine wand "Garroth you need to calm down. Before I make you" I warned him "Aidan, no" Aphmau told me "Garroth... please... try to understand..." Aphmau told him "What am I supposed to do then? Just say everything is fine and pretend this never happened?" Garroth asked "That's not what she meant and you know it" I told him standing up for my friend "No, I... I don't know..." Aphmau admitted "Everything you've said to me. Did you even mean it? Were you just lying to me this whole time?" Garroth accused, I snapped and ran up to him and put the Vine wand under his chin "Aidan!" Aphmau exclaimed "Choose your next words carefully before I Charm you to calm down, now man up and quit acting like you own Aphmau, because you don't, be respectful and accept the fact that she can make her own choices" I told him "Aphmau is not a liar, you're accusing her of something that is not true and that's something no real guard would ever do" I told him "Now back off and apologize to Aphmau, because Liam is after me and he's using your mother to get to me. He's got my attention. So leave Aphmau alone and apologize to her, this is my fight and mine alone. I can't run from him anymore. It's time I faced him" I told Garroth, he looked shocked that Liam is doing this because of me... I'm the reason why Lady Ro'Meave is about to be murdered, so I'm going to fix my mistake and make things right... or die trying. I then walked past him and shoulder checked him "I'm going to save your mother Garroth. Alone" I told them "No- Aidan wait!" Aphmau called but I mounted my broomstick and flew back to O'Khasis to finish what we started all those years ago... I landed in a forest and put my broom back in my bag, I started walking around to come up with a plan to save Lady Ro'Meave and fight and defeat my uncle... "S-stop it, please. We need to get home!" I heard a child yell? I ran towards the voice and hid behind a tree and saw two thugs assaulting two boys "Heh heh heh" one of the two thugs chuckled "Oh yeah, we'll let you go. Just as soon as you hand over the money, kid" he told the older boy "B-but this is our money! We worked hard for it and Ma needs it" the younger boy told them "Leave my brother alone you, you bullies! You have no right to take our money!" the older boy yelled trying to protect his little brother and has a stick in his hand as a weapon "Hah, it sure feels right to me. What're a couple snot-nosed brats gonna do about it?" the other thug laughed, "Now hand over the coin" he told them, but the older boy actually hit one! "Grrrr, you shouldn't've done that you little brat" the other thug growled, I immediately drew my Vine wand and came out of the tree "Expelliarmus!" I exclaimed flicking my Vine wand at the thug who just threatened the boy, his weapon flew out of his hand after a yellow jet of light shot out of the Vine wand and his weapon just flew out of his hand after the yellow jet of light hit his hand "Leave them alone" I growled "Looks like some idiot kid wants to get himself killed. Happy to oblige" the thug said picking up his weapon "Now things are getting interesting. A good beating always makes stealing from peasants more fun" said the other thug "Stay away from them" I heard a familiar voice growl, I turned around and saw... Garroth?? "I'm having a really bad day, so I'm going to give you one chance. Walk away. Now" Garroth threatened them "What a joke. Now we're gonna kill you both AND your new little friends. YAARGRRR!" one bandit yelled, they then charged at us, I raised the Vine wand not wanting to toy with them "Crucio!" I exclaimed flicking my Vine wand at the one with the sword and casted a proper Cruciatus Curse, he fell over and started thrashing screaming in pure agony as Garroth slashed the other and looked shocked at me using Dark Magic "Aidan, that's enough!" Garroth growled, I looked to him then back at the thug and lifted the Vine wand and stopped casting Crucio "If we ever see you two around here again, it will be the end of you" Garroth snarled "And trust me, that Cruciatus Curse I placed on you? That was just a taste of what I can really do" I smirked "Do you understand me?" Garroth growled threateningly "U-u-uhhhh. Y-y-yeah" said the bandit I used Expelliarmus on "Yea. You'll both never see us again. No problem. Nope. Never" said the one I used Cruciatus on, they both then ran away scared, we both looked at the boys we protected "Are you okay?" Garroth asked them "That was AMAZING. You sure showed them!" said the older boy "Yea... we're okay. T-thank you misters" said the younger boy "You're welcome. Now get home safe. You don't want your mother to worry" I told them kneeling to their level as Garroth put his sword back in its scabbard "Oh, and you" Garroth said to the older boy "Yeah?" he asked "You did a great thing standing up to those men. Keep being brave. You'll make a fine Guard one day" I told him smiling "Take care, and make sure he doesn't get into too much trouble" Garroth told the older boy "Mm-hmm. Come on! Let's go. Ma's waiting for us!" the younger boy exclaimed "I can't wait to tell her what happened!" the older boy exclaimed "I'm gonna be a Guard! I'm gonna be the BEST Guard in the whole world!" the older boy said excitedly, I chuckled at them "Oh! one more thing" I told them, "You, come here young one" I told the younger boy, he came over to me "Y-yeah?" he asked, I looked through my bag and handed him a letter, an acceptance letter to the school I'm opening "You'll know when it's time. I look forward to seeing you in class" I told him smiling, I can tell he's a Muggle-Born wizard, because he was afraid of those thugs and he actually made a rock by him levitate, so he's still developing his powers "Wh-what's this?" he asked "Have you ever made anything happen? Anything you couldn't explain when you were angry or afraid?" I asked him, he slowly nodded, I smiled "I'm just like you" I told him "You can do things, can't you?" I asked "Y-yeah..." he said "Things no one can explain?" I asked, he nodded, I smiled "I know what it is" I told him, he looked surprised "Wh-what's wrong with me?" he asked worriedly "Absolutely nothing is wrong with you" I told him smiling "But I can tell when you're old enough, you'll become a wonderful young wizard" I told him, he was shocked that I called him a wonderful young wizard one day, he was shocked that what he's been doing is known as Accidental Magic, it's when a witch or wizard starts showing signs of developing magical abilities, they start showing signs when they start to feel intense emotions, such as pure rage or pure fear, magic is controlled by emotions, the more emotions we feel, the more energy becomes released, it's perfectly normal for everyone under the age of eleven to experience, they ran back home and his older brother was excited that he'll become a Guard and the younger boy was very excited that he's going become a wizard one day and I gave him a letter that lets him know he's been accepted into my school, I smiled at their excitement as they ran home "Why did you give that boy a letter accepting him into your school?" Garroth asked confused "Because I saw the signs, he was performing Accidental Magic, it's quite common for children at the age of 7, when a witch or wizard becomes the age of 7 years old, they start showing signs of developing magical abilities, it happened with me when I was 8, when he becomes 11 years old, he'll be accepted into my school where I'll teach him not only how to use magic, but how to control it" I explained to Garroth, he nodded in understanding, The Wizarding World is a bit strange but you get used to it "Mom... what am I going to do? I've got to find a way to save her" Garroth said to himself "You mean we have to find a way to save her. I can't Apparate yet so we can't just blip into existence there" I told him, we suddenly heard something coming?? "What was that?" Garroth asked "No idea" I said holding the Vine wand, suddenly A WYVERN FLEW HERE?! "Hello Garroth" said the Wyvern as Garroth and I drew our weapons again, I drew my Vine wand as Garroth drew his sword "You know my name? Wait... a Wyvern? Wait! Raven!" Garroth exclaimed, RAVEN?! HOW?! Raven came down from the tree he landed on "Yes" he said "Raven! It's so good to see you! You can talk?" Garroth asked "Yeah, he always could talk" I told him "You can understand him?!" Garroth asked shocked "I just recently found out when we found Lilith, I can apparently understand Wyverns" I told him "This is spectacular! When did you learn to talk?" Garroth asked Raven "Like the wizard said. I've always been able to speak. You weren't able to hear me. Until now" Raven explained "But how?" Garroth asked "Raven, how can I still understand you??" I asked confused because we still don't know how I can understand Wyverns "The Relic?" Garroth asked "Maybe because you're the Ro'Meave Relic's new wielder, it gave you the power to understand Wyverns?" I suggested "That's a good theory" Garroth told me "What are you doing here? How did you even find me?" Garroth asked Raven "And how did you get so huge?" Garroth asked him confused, wait, he wasn't always that big?? "Much has changed in your absence. But our bond remains. I sought you out once I felt your presence back in this realm. A Wyvern's debt is no small matter" Raven explained, "Raven... you don't owe me anything. You're my friend" Garroth told Raven "Friend? Wyverns do not make friends" Raven told him, that's sad, "Regardless, I have come to fulfill my debt to you" Raven told Garroth "Like I told you, you don't... hmm... Raven, may we trouble you for a ride?" Garroth asked him "Of course. Where are we going?" Raven asked Garroth "O'Khasis" Garroth answered "Very well. Are you ready?" Raven asked us, "Absolutely" Garroth answered, he turned to me "It's time to finish what me and my uncle started all those years ago" I told him, he nodded and helped me onto Raven's back, he then got on behind me, Raven then took off flying to O'Khasis. I just hope I'm ready for Liam... I know this is what I have to do... but I just really hope I'm ready.

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