Chapter 14: Going to Bright Port and looking for Levin, Malachi and Zoey

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- Aidan's Prov
I decided to stay in Phoenix Drop while Aphmau and the others went to an island called Enki Island, mainly because I've had enough adventure for a bit, but Levin actually started having some of the stonemasons here start building me a house in Phoenix Drop, I decided to have my home built by the beach where the old dock was, by Aphmau's house actually, I helped with building a house into the hillside using Locomotive Charms and healing some of the stonemasons who hurt themselves, but after it was done, I started putting some of my things in the house, I even put up some Protective Enchantments around my house just for a safety precaution, I'm currently in my house sitting on my bed reading a book on Magical Creatures, I then flipped a page and this one was about Dementors? I heard of those creatures, I started reading up on them and it gives a description of what they do, so human happiness is literally food for a Dementor?? That sounds horrible! I closed the book because it doesn't say anything on how to fight a Dementor, Levin, Malachi and Zoey should have been back like an hour ago, Aphmau and the others came back but Aphmau was leaving using the original dock?? I came out of my cabin "What are you doing Lady Aphmau?" I asked and she jumped from my voice "Oh my Irene Aidan you scared me!" Aphmau exclaimed "Sorry" I replied and saw she has a small boat in her hand "Going somewhere?" I asked and she started making a dumb excuse as to why she's here "Aphmau I'm a Legilimens, I can see and hear your thoughts" I told her a little annoyed "I now know when someone's lying, so please tell me what you're doing" I told her, she sighed and explained everything Dante told her "Dante's worried about Levin and Malachi?" I asked and she nodded "And he asked you to go to Bright Port to go check on them?" I asked and she nodded "Count me in" I told her smiling, I then went into my cabin and grabbed all the things I need, my sword, dagger and bag, especially my wand, I came out and saw Aphmau placed the small boat that happens to be a dinky box, I opened my new bag and put my whole arm in it then pulled out my new broom "You don't have to come with me" she said trying to get me to not come "Levin and Malachi are your sons and your my friend, if something's wrong, I'm coming with you, you might need backup" I told her mounting my broom

- Aidan's ProvI decided to stay in Phoenix Drop while Aphmau and the others went to an island called Enki Island, mainly because I've had enough adventure for a bit, but Levin actually started having some of the stonemasons here start building me ...

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"I'll follow you" I told her then jumped from the ground as hard as I could and started hovering waiting for Aphmau to lead the way "Let's make this quick" Aphmau sighed and started going, I flew close behind her, I forgot to mention, she met a pervert named Travis that happens to be Aphmau's guard now, anyway, oddly enough, we arrived at Bright Port pretty quickly, I flew down then landed on the dock, I then dismounted my broom then carefully put it back in my bag, I then helped Aphmau out of the water and before anyone asks, yes, I don't like water as much anymore, I used to LOVE swimming before this Curse was placed on us, I used a Hot Air Charm on Aphmau and she was immediately dry "Thanks" she said in her now slightly higher pitched voice "No problem" I replied, suddenly a blond young man in armor with green eyes came down the stone steps to the top of the hill towards Aphmau "Excuse me, but you... have we met before?" the stranger asked Aphmau "Uuuuhhh" Aphmau replied and I'm as confused as she is, more actually, "...I can't place my finger on it but you look impossibly familiar.... Though to be honest, I've never met a cat person before, or both of the opposite genders for that matter, but your face.... I can't quite place it..." the guy said to Aphmau, he motioned about the opposite gender thing to me and her though, "Were you waiting for me and my friend here??" Aphmau asked in a very confused voice "No, I was waiting for a ship to come in that had some trade supplies on it. I need to negotiate- wait why am I telling you this? DEAR IRENE THIS IS GOING TO BOTHER ME! YOUR FACE IS....." the stranger exclaimed in frustration about the familiarity of Aphmau and I'm just standing next to her confused "This is Aidan, my Grand Wizard, my name is Aphmau... if that helps any" Aphmau introduced us "....Aphmau?.....Aphmau! APHMAU! HAH HAH HAH! I KNEW THAT FACE WAS FAMILIAR! THAT NAME TOO! Do you remember me?.... It's me, John, Visher's son. Lowell's friend" he said, his name's John? Alright I got to try to remember that, Aphmau gasped at realizing who this guy is "YOU'VE GROWN!" Aphmau gasped and she explained why we're here and wanted to talk to the Lord of Bright Port but apparently John is Lord of Bright Port?! he then told us Levin left yesterday but he hasn't been back in about 2 days, Aphmau then went to a wolf tribe she's friends with and I stayed with John and he was asking me questions on magic and stuff, I answered his questions as best as I can, I'm currently waiting on the outskirts of this ruined village "APHMAU! APHMAU! AIDAN!" I heard John call, as Aphmau and I were heading back to Bright Port "John I have something I need to tell you about, there's a huge active Nether portal in the ruins of the old wolf tribe" Aphmau explained wait WHAT?! I gave her a shocked look, John told us he'll send his guards but he needs to tell her something "What happened??" I asked John concerned "M-MY MEN FOUND LORD LEVIN'S SHIP CRASHED ON THE SHORELINE!" John yelled "What?!" Aphmau exclaimed scared, we started running to the crash site, we eventually found it, oh my Irene what happened here?! I stared at the wreckage in shock as Aphmau was given a green scarf, definitely Malachi's, she then started looking around for anything, I drew my wand "Appare Vestigium!" I exclaimed pointing my wand at my left hand then started blowing gold dust in a circle around me, I then saw Levin, Malachi and Zoey on the sand unconscious??? I then saw a figure dragging them, I then pointed my wand at it "Revelio!" I exclaimed waving my wand a little bit and it revealed... MICHI! I gave a furious look as I watched her drag Levin, Malachi and Zoey to the other side of the beach to another boat and taking them away "I figured" I said out loud as the Echo Charm I used faded and John informed Aphmau about what others found, I walked up to them "I saw what happened" I told them "What?! Tell me what you saw!" Aphmau exclaimed "It was Michi, I saw her drag Levin, Malachi and Zoey to the other side of this beach and took them away on a boat" I explained, that's when Aphmau needed to get back to Phoenix Drop, John gave Aphmau a horse and I rode my broom back to Bright Port "Vylad! Vylad!" Aphmau called after she tied her horse to a post for its owner, we were back at the docks and I put my broom back into my bag, then I saw a man with brown hair, forest green eyes, a green scarf, wearing what seems to be ragged clothes or something, I don't know how to describe it, Aphmau calls him Vylad so that has to be his name, I noticed Aphmau was exhausted apparently "Something is amiss... what's wrong?" Vylad asked us "Levin, he's... he's been kidnapped along with Malachi and Zoey!" Aphmau panted "What?" Vylad asked shocked "Levin, Malachi and Zoey were kidnapped by the hussy Meif'wa that did THIS to us" I told him motioning to our ears and tails, he then got his old boat ready as Aphmau and I sat down in Vylad's boat and he sailed us to Phoenix Drop and Dante came running and Aphmau explained what happened and what we found and Aphmau gave Dante Malachi's papers and he explained what might be a useful lead, I really hope we can save Levin and Malachi in time.

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