Chapter 15: Joining a Thieves Guilde for information

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- Aidan's Prov
Aphmau, Laurance, Katelyn, Aaron, Vylad, Travis and I are sailing to Nahakra Village and Katelyn is talking to Aphmau about being her official guard and I'm on the Main Mast keeping an eye out for any land and I heard Aphmau doubting herself because she blames herself for us being Cursed, it was NOT her fault, there's no possible way she could've known that would happen, Katelyn and Laurance gave her a pep talk and told her it's not her fault "Aphmau, it wasn't your fault, there was no way you could've known what Michi was up to" I called to her and she went to talk to Travis, suddenly the boat tilted?! "Whoa, whoa" I said trying to keep my balance "AHH!!!" I screamed falling off the main mast!! "AHH!!!" I screamed as I was falling and braced for impact but suddenly I felt something cushion my landing??? I opened my eyes that I didn't even know I had squeezed shut and saw Aaron caught me?! I started panting "Are you alright?" Aaron asked concerned "Y-yeah, thanks for catching me" I told him and he helped me stand up right and made sure I was fine "A bit shaken up but I'll be alright, just give me a few minutes" I said leaning on the side disoriented from practically falling to my death "Aidan are you okay?" Aphmau asked concerned "Yeah I just fell off the main mast and felt like I almost fell to my death" I replied because it was a pretty high fall "I managed to catch him before he hit the floor" Aaron told her "Thanks again for saving me Aaron" I panted trying to not be so dizzy from falling that high, anyway, I eventually got myself back together and we actually arrived, I then picked up my stuff and strapped it onto my belt and put my bag on, we made it, Nahakra Village, it's apparently right next to O'Kasis

- Aidan's ProvAphmau, Laurance, Katelyn, Aaron, Vylad, Travis and I are sailing to Nahakra Village and Katelyn is talking to Aphmau about being her official guard and I'm on the Main Mast keeping an eye out for any land and I heard Aphmau doubting...

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I then saw Aphmau and Laurance leave to the docks, so I did too just to have a look around but we're not allowed back on the ship if we leave, because they're searching our ship but I already got everything I need, I then started looking around the marketplace but suddenly I felt someone bump into me?? "Sorry" I said stepping aside but then I noticed my bag is missing?! I looked at the girl with blond hair SHE STOLE MY BAG! I ran after her "GET BACK HERE!" I yelled chasing her, I'm lucky I still have my wand with me, I'm currently running after this thief, I then saw her turn to a corner "SOMEONE STOP HER!" I yelled running past a guard then I saw Aphmau chasing her too but she's closer?? she cornered her to a stone pillar, I then slowed down then stood beside Aphmau then drew my wand out of my sleeve and pointed it at the thief "Give me back my bag" I told her warningly and Aphmau was about to tell her to give her back something "LET ME GO YOU SWINES!" the thief yelled, "Give me back my music box and his bag you.... You rat!" Aphmau countered, really? I sighed "OooOoo such a comeback! I'm so scared! What are you going to do kitties? Claw me to death?" the girl taunted "How about I Curse you and leave you for dead in the bottom of the ocean?" I suggested and she didn't seem scared from my threat, Aphmau then threatened her with her sword then she suddenly called the guards lying about us???? I then saw her go into a secret passageway INSIDE the stone pillar?? I raised my wand "Revelio!" I exclaimed flicking my wand at the stone wall and it faded away showing a staircase behind it! I immediately sprinted down the stairs and started chasing her with Aphmau right behind me, I saw her right ahead of me and it's just a straight tunnel, she can't hide from me! I raised my wand "Locomotor Mortis!" I exclaimed flicking my wand at her but she somehow dodged The Leg-Locker Curse and went through another tunnel, I chased after her with Aphmau right on my tail, almost literally, I then saw the thief ran into a dead end like an idiot, Aphmau and I started laughing at her stupidity "You ran yourself right into a corner" Aphmau told her while I pointed my wand right at the thief's heart "Oh great" the thief sighed "Nowhere to run" I told her "I'm not taking my eyes off you this time" Aphmau told her "Me either" I replied still pointing my wand at the thief ready to Curse her if I have to "Hey look... we can talk this out right?" this thief asked, really? we cornered her and now she's wanting to talk about this?? Hilarious "There's nothing to talk out, just give me back the music box and his bag or I swear this is going to get really ugly" Aphmau warned, I grinned "You heard the lady, return what you stole and you won't get hurt" I told her "P-Please.... I n-n-need these to get food for m-my f-f-family" the thief lied in the most dumbest way I could ever even possibly imagine, I have NEVER in my life heard of the most dumbest lie ever, I face palmed at what she said and Aphmau laughed "What? That's a lie" Aphmau told her amused "Whaa?! HOW DARE YOU!" she exclaimed "Give it back before I use a Stinging Jinx on you, and trust me when I say this, it will HURT more than you think" I threatened, Aphmau then pointed everything out to prove this thief was lying "And your words were all jumbled" Aphmau finished "Yeah, that was the most dumbest lie I have ever heard in my whole life, and that's fact" I told her embarrassed for her "Ugh... see, this is why I prefer to pickpocket. I'm no good at confrontation" this blond thief admitted "Just give me back the music box and my friend's enchanted bag and this will be over" Aphmau tried to reason "Sorry girlie and boio. I need this to get into the Thieves Guild" she told us, what?? "What???" Aphmau asked confused "You mean you aren't already a member?" Aphmau asked confused "Yeah, you mean to tell us you're not an actual member??" I asked very confused and Aphmau explained we heard rumours of a Thieve's Guild "How do we know you're not lying to us?" Aphmau asked "While I'm a great pickpocket, I'm a terrible liar... like... I'm a REALLY bad liar. I have too many tells" she admitted "I'm a Legilimens and you're definitely telling the truth about that" I told her "A what?" she asked "You don't know what a Legilimens is?" I asked confused and she shook her head left and right for "No" I sighed "Maybe you should read about Legilimency" I suggested "That'll explain what I am" I told her still with my wand on her "Yeah, that sounded more genuine" Aphmau admitted "Okay then miss....." Aphmau started and I raised an eyebrow wanting to learn her name too "Amber" she said, her name is Amber? Her hair kinda looks Amber so it fits, "Hm, okay, Miss Amber,  I'll ask you one more time before I let my friend here Curse you" Aphmau said and I grinned "Give me back my music box and his enchanted bag" she told her "Or I'll take this sword, he'll use his wand and-" Aphmau started "I ALREADY SAID NO!" Amber yelled "I've had enough of this" I sighed then raised my wand "Furnunculus!" I exclaimed flicking my wand at Amber and a gold jet of light bursted out of my wand and hit her in the face and she actually yelped in pain and she looked at me scared as she had boils all over her face, I grinned "I did warn you" I told her "What kind of Curse was that?" Aphmau asked confused "Pimple Jinx" I told her "It's one of the first Curses my best friend Ben taught me at Hogwarts" I explained "It's not really a required spell to learn but it's the most basic Curse a First-Year can learn" I explained then Amber got up as I kept my wand pointed at her now boil covered face "What is wrong with you? Don't you realize that you're at a disadvantage here? You're cornered and I have a sword and a powerful wizard with me" Aphmau told her, I smiled at Aphmau as my way of thanking her for the compliment on calling me a 'powerful wizard' "PLEASE! HAVEN'T EITHER OF YOU EVER FELT LIKE YOU WANTED TO BELONG!?" Amber yelled "More than you know" I mumbled "What?? What are you even talking about??" Aphmau asked her confused "Look... I'm sorry I took your music box and your enchanted bag. I really am... but, I need them to get into the Thieves Guild" Amber told us, I rolled my eyes "How is stealing a music box and a bag with powerful Charms on it going to help you??" Aphmau asked her very confused "Yeah, that makes literally no sense in the slightest" I told her "T-The leader of the Thieves Guild wants a music box and a new bag, something with an Undetectable Extension Charm... something to help with sleeping at night and keeping her things safe. None of the other thieves have yet to bring back a music box with music so soothing or a Charmed bag with so much room, I don't know what yours sounds like and what your bag has on it but.... I'm willing to try anything to be accepted into the guild" Amber confessed, wait so she needs a music box because she's having trouble sleeping and a bag with an Undetectable Extension Charm for her things?? I could've just duplicated them... I face palmed "Look, you stole something. You're a thief" Aphmau told her "Now give them back!" Aphmau demanded "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? You think just.... STEALING things makes you able to get into the Thieves Guild? HA! Dream on! There's a reason why the Guild is allowed to exist and is known throughout the land... because they steal things legally, or at least make it look like that. I mean look at me... they wouldn't let me into the Thieves Guild after the stunts I just pulled... and I even exposed their secret passageway I'm not allowed to use..." Amber told us, wait so she just wants to become a member of the Thieves Guild THAT badly?? "Wait... the Thieves Guild... wait, don't they have information on... unlawful or bad things that happen?" Aphmau asked curiously "Uh, yeah of course. If there's something dirty going on, they usually know about that kind of stuff...... why are you asking?" Amber answered then asked confused, Aphmau then explained a little bit about Levin, Malachi and Zoey's kidnapping and we need information on where they are "This Thieves Guild... could they possibly help us with that?" Aphmau asked Amber hopefully "Y-Yeah, they could. Honestly... WAIT! I CAN'T TELL YOU BOTH MORE THAN THAT, IF I DO, I'LL BE IN TROUBLE! YOU'RE BOTH NOT EVEN TRYING TO GET INTO THE THIEVES GUILD! HOW DO I KNOW YOU AREN'T SOME GOODIE-GOODIES WHO AREN'T TRYING TO GO UNDERCOVER AND TRICK ME?!" Amber accused, that's definitely fair, "Please... look, I swear we're not" Aphmau told her and pleaded for help, Amber then said she'll tell us more about the Thieves Guild if we go there and apply to be members with her, take the trials to become members together, then we can ask her all our questions, and she gets to get her chance at joining... it does sound like a fair trade... I'll let Aphmau decide "That sounds way too good... just... after what you pulled I don't even... what's the catch?" Aphmau asked and I nodded "The catch is you both have to let me see if the leader even wants your music box and bag" Amber told us, what?! No! the things I need are in there! "What?! No! That music box is... it belongs to one of the people that's missing and it means the world to me, please, we'll help you find another one, just... not that one" Aphmau pleaded, we eventually came to an agreement where if we pass, Amber will find a way to get our things back, I looked to her "I just need something from my bag first "I told her and motioned for my bag, she reluctantly gave it, I opened it then pointed my wand in it "Accio 3 Bottles of Felix Felicis" I whispered and three bottles of Liquid Luck came flying out so I caught them, I then put them in this belt pouch I have

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