Chapter 41: Stuck inside O'Khasis

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- Aidan's Prov
Garroth's mother started calling Garroth "GarGar" for some reason, it's a nickname I guess, she's shocked knowing her son is alive but we're really running out of time now "Aphmau..." Katelyn started "We got to go" I told her "I know. It's getting really dangerous to be out here" Aphmau told us, she then went to Garroth "Garroth" Aphmau whispered and he immediately spun around, I quietly walked beside her and saw Garroth's mother, Lady Ro'Meave "Lady Ro'Meave, we're sorry to break up the family reunion, but we need to go" Aphmau told her "We are so sorry my lady, but it's way too dangerous to stay out here for too long" I told Lady Ro'Meave, we then turned to Garroth "A-Aphamu? A-Aidan...?" Garroth started "We won't be able to get your mother out if we're caught ourselves" Aphmau told him "Y-Yes" Garroth replied, I suddenly heard footsteps, I immediately drew my wand and pointed it at the end of the alleyway, I saw Garroth whirl around to look at where I'm pointing my wand "Quickly. Before anyone sees us" Aphmau told us, "I wish I knew how to Apparate, what I wouldn't give to just Apparate in the cell and Disapparate out of if" I groaned quietly "I'm not 16 yet, so I'm not strong enough to Apparate yet" I told them as I quietly groaned "Apparate?" Garroth asked "It's basically a witch or wizard able to teleport from one place to another" I explained "But it's very dangerous and very difficult" I told him "I need to be at least sixteen years old to be able to learn how to Apparate" I told them "We got to go before we get caught" I told Garroth "Yeah, like one of those many Tu'La guards walking around..." Katelyn told us, I immediately spun around and pointed my wand at her but immediately lowered it when I saw it was only her "Have the guards increased since we've been here...?" Katelyn wondered "Right. That would be bad" Garroth us "Really... REALLY bad" Katelyn told him "So let's not do that" Aphmau told us, I nodded "Garroth, what's going on? W-who are these people?" Lady Ro'Meave asked "Hey bro, you hear anything?" we suddenly heard that familiar guard talking about finding another Relic, "Nah bruh, but if you do, then there must be something. You wanna go check it out?" we heard another guard ask, oh no, "Yeah. I could have sworn I heard something. Sounded like talking over in the cells" the guard replied, oh no, we have to go now! "Give me a second, I gotta get my armor on right" said one guard "Hah! Yeah! You're probably gonna want to do that!" the other guard laughed, "Don't need the General to chew you out again, amirite?" he added, "Yeah bro, my ears still hurt from the last time she did that" the other guard told his friend "Yeah, she's scary, man. No wonder the King wanted her to lead this expedition" said the other guard "Let me know when you're ready" the other told him, oh we got to go and we got to go NOW "Lady Ro'Meave, I'd love to tell you more, but right now, we really should be leaving" Aphmau told Garroth's mother, "Right. Don't worry mother. I'll come back for you" Garroth promised his mother "I know you will my sweet darling. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine" she told him, "Let's go. Good night Lady Ro'Meave" Aphmau told her "Good night Lady Ro'Meave" Katelyn told her "Good night my lady" I told her, we then began to quietly run and hid behind crates "Garroth what were you thinking?! Tu'La guards are stationed practically everywhere!" I whisper yelled at Garroth for being so stupidly selfish "If they had found us, we will have a lot more to worry about" Katelyn told him "It's bad enough we didn't find any new information that could help us" Katelyn added "But you running off without telling us anything doesn't help! What if you got caught? What then?" Katelyn told and asked Garroth, I looked at him waiting for a response "I am sorry. But I had to" Garroth apologized and told us "I had to know if it was really her" Garroth told us, Aphmau sighed "I know Garroth, I understand, but why didn't you just ask us? We would've helped you" Aphmau asked him, he sighed "It's just... she's my mother. It's my responsibility and my burden" Garroth explained, wow, calling his own mother a burden?? that's rude "I didn't want to bother anyone else. So when I saw the opportunity, I slipped away to find her" Garroth explained himself, I sighed "Garroth, I might be 15 and still a 'child' but we're here for you, you know that you can talk to us. You aren't-" I was about to tell him but I suddenly heard someone coming! I quickly grabbed Garroth and pulled him behind the crates more "Is someone there?" A Tu'La guard called "Oh no.." Aphmau whispered "Identify yourself immediately. Don't you know there's a curfew in effect?" another guard called, great, there's two guards here, I drew my wand "If they get too close... I'll Stun them" I whispered to Aphmau and held my wand at the ready, she grabbed my arm and motioned for me to be as quiet as possible, I nodded but if they look over here, they're getting Stunned, "I swore I heard something from over here" the other guard said, "Hm, let's check these crates... Huh?" the other guard said, I was about to raise the Vine wand to yell the Stunning Charm incantation after hearing a loud noise and suddenly a kitty came out of one of them "It's.. just a cat..." said one of the guards "Dumb cats" said the other, hey! cats are not dumb! they're just hard to understand! "Isn't your wife a Meif'wa?" one of the guards asked, ohhh, "My statement still stands" the other said, wow, rude, they began to walk away, we let out a sigh of relief "That was close" Aphmau huffed "Definitely" I told her, she then looked at the kitty on the bush "Thank you cat friend" Aphmau thanked the cat, it meowed at us "Good kitty, who's a good kitty? You are" I told it "I got a treat for you" I told the cat and it came over to me, I then fed it a salmon and it gobbled it up quickly "You were hungry, weren't you?" I asked petting it, it purred rubbing its head against my hand "You're welcome little one" I smiled at the kitty, it then went back on the bush and left "Didn't know you could talk to cats" Garroth told Aphmau and I, we turned to him "Well, we were one for a while" Aphmau explained "So you pick up a few tricks" I told them, Katelyn looked at us amazed "...You really speak cat?" Katelyn asked amazed, Aphmau and I smirked at each other "Meow" Aphmau and I said in unison in high pitched voices jokingly, they both fell for it! Aphmau and I started quietly laughing with each other "Anyway" I started "That was way too close, I nearly used The Stunning Charm on both of them, we have a mission here, we still don't have an answer to what Tu'La wants" I told them "Wait, what about those guards in the cell? Didn't they say that there was more than one Relic?" Aphmau asked "Yeah, they did" I told her "That would fit to what Ivy mentioned before. Maybe that's what she found and why she was able to stand on equal footing with you?" Garroth suggested to Aphmau, "Hmm... Or maybe we could talk about this somewhere where we won't get arrested or KILLED!" Katelyn exclaimed "Katelyn! Shh!!" I whispered and she immediately crouched a little "You do bring up a good point though, we need to get out of here and back to The Thieve's Guild" I told them "Aidan's right, we have to get back" Aphmau told them "If we're going to do that, we need to hurry" Katelyn told her "The sun's getting ready to rise" Katelyn told us looking up at the sky, "Yes... this isn't good" Aphmau told us "I wish I could just Disapparate but like I said before, we have to wait until next year when I turn 16 so I can begin to learn how to Apparate" I told them feeling helpless, I can't Apparate, I can't fight with a sword, I'm pretty much useless here, "We'll lose the veil of darkness if we don't hurry" Aphmau told us "...And our exit point is all the way across town" Garroth told us, great, now I REALLY wish I can Apparate! "It'll be morning before we get there, it'll be a challenge" Garroth told us "Now I really wish I could Apparate!" I exclaimed quietly "First I can't properly fight with a sword, now I can't just take us to The Thieve's Guild instantly, now I know I'm helpless" I told them letting out the feeling of being helpless "Aidan, you are not helpless, you have shown you have great potential, you just need someone to teach you how to enhance it, I'll teach you" Aphmau told me "Aaron trained me for months, I still can't fight with a sword properly, even if I was trained by the best" I told her "We'll teach you more about how to use a sword, I'm sure once you become 16, you'll be able to Apparate us anywhere we need to go, but beating yourself up for not being able to do that yet is not okay" Katelyn told me "You're strong Aidan, you can conjure a Patronus, not a Fully Corporeal one, but even an Incorporeal one is just as good, you said it yourself that it's the most difficult spell of all" Aphmau told me "And you can cast it" Garroth told me "You are not helpless, so stop saying you are" Katelyn told me sternly, I sighed and nodded, "Thanks... I really needed that, I appreciate the pep talk" I told them smiling, they smiled back, they're right, I can help, I just got to think of a different way how, "This doesn't look good. I don't think we'll make it without being seen" Katelyn told Aphmau "And because I can't Apparate, we'll have to go on foot" I told them, "I know Concealment Charms but they don't work if we're moving, they only work if we stay in an area" I told them, which is true, the Invisibility Cloak I have definitely won't fit all four of us, Aphmau sighed "If no one has any better ideas, then we're just gonna have to risk running for it" Aphmau told us, "And chance having Tu'La know about us being here?" Katelyn asked "We definitely don't want that" I told her "Hmm. Maybe we don't have to. I know a place we can use. Follow me" Garroth told us, he then started walking to where he said we might be able to use, we then followed him, might as well, we don't have much choice now, Garroth then eventually guided us to a house? "Garroth are you sure about this?" Aphmau asked him after we stopped walking "Don't you know if there's another way out of O'Khasis?" I asked him "Unless you want to ask some Tu'La guards if we can use the front gate, there really isn't another option. We'll have to stay here until nightfall" Garroth told us, Katelyn then went onto the wall of the roof a little bit on the house we were at, Aphmau sighed "If there really isn't another way..." Aphmau started "Wait, how do you know this house is safe??" I asked Garroth cautiously "What if someone's living there?" I asked, he looked behind him at the house and back to us "Don't worry, we should be fine, no one should be there. It's always been abandoned" Garroth told us, suddenly I heard glass break close to us! I whipped out my wand pointing it at where that sound came from "Well I hope you're right. Cause if anybody lives here, they are not going to be very happy with us now" Katelyn said as she stood by a window she just smashed "Did you just- Katelyn! We have to be quiet! What if someone hears us?!" Aphmau quietly exclaimed shocked that Katelyn just broke open a window "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm breaking it as quietly as I can" Katelyn told us, "It looks a lot like vandalism" said Garroth "It really does" I told Katelyn "You could call it that too" Katelyn told us "There was a key to get us in, you know. You didn't HAVE to break the window" Garroth told Katelyn "Well, it's a little late for that now" Katelyn told him "Ya think Katelyn?!" Aphmau told her harshly whispering to her "You should have said something before I made a new door for this house" Katelyn told her, she's got a point "Come on. What are we waiting for?" Katelyn told us, she then climbed in through the window she broke, Aphmau sighed "Well, shall we?" Aphmau asked Garroth and I "...Yeah. Let's use Katelyn's new 'door'" Garroth told Aphmau "I'll use The Mending Charm on it to fix it" I sighed, we then went in the way Katelyn went in, we looked around and saw it was actually a pretty place here, except the cobwebs "Wow" Aphmau whispered looking around "See? Sometimes punching things can be the answer" Katelyn told Aphmau "You've got some glass in your hand there" Aphmau told her, I looked and saw she does have glass shards in her hand, that must be painful, "Pfft, details" Katelyn told her "I can try to heal that if you'd like" Aphmau offered "It's just a scratch, I'd rather you save your power for something not as trivial" Katelyn told her, Garroth explained he and Vylad used this house to get away from everything, I pointed the Vine wand at the broken window "Reparo" I whispered, the wand had a ball of light on the tip of it and it started acting as though I made time rewind on it and the shards of glass put themselves back together and it was fixed completely, I looked to the others "I'll go set up Protective Enchantments around the area" I told them, they nodded, I unlocked the door and walked out, I pointed the Vine wand in front of me "Protego Totalum" I whispered, I suddenly saw what looked like hot air erupted from the wand and expand, I walked to the bottom of the stairs "Repello Muggletum" I whispered, the same thing happened with what looked like hot air emitting from the wand, I smirked, I then raised the wand "Cave Inimicum" I whispered and waved the wand from my upper right to the bottom left creating a wave of heat erupt from the wand tip as it created a wave as it began to expand, I then climbed back up the stairs, I then pointed the Vine wand at the other stairs to the right of the front door when you leave "Cave Inimicum" I whispered, doing the wand movement again, I did the same thing as earlier, I then raised the Vine wand again "Salvio Hexia" I whispered again and created another wave of heat from the Vine wand, I had to put a little more effort into the spells but they worked just fine, I went back inside after I finished putting up Protective Enchantments around the area, I then followed Garroth and Aphmau to the bedrooms, I went to bed hoping the Enchantments worked.

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