Chapter 43 Trapping Ivy gone horribly wrong

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- Aidan's Prov
Katelyn is currently teaching me more combat with my sword, she is actually a really good teacher, she says I'm really good with a sword but for some reason I'm holding back "Why are you holding back?" Katelyn asked as she struck at me with one of her gauntlets, I raised my sword and blocked it "I don't know, I don't mean to" I told her and parried then got back in my stance "What are you afraid of?" Katelyn asked as she swung at my right shoulder, I ducked dodging her "I don't know, maybe I'm afraid of hurting you?? Maybe I'm afraid of not being able to protect others around me?? Or maybe I'm afraid of failing someone again like I failed Aaron!" I exclaimed and I was shocked at that... I lowered my sword "What do you mean failed Aaron?" Katelyn asked lowering her gauntlets "When I first fought Ivy and Gavin... I used everything Aaron had been teaching me when he still trained me, but nothing he taught me worked" I told her "I'm scared it will happen again... someone teach me how to fight and suddenly nothing I've learned works and I lose in seconds" I told her "Aidan..." Katelyn started "I don't mean to be a downer... I want to help, but my whole life growing up with Liam, he told me I'll always be helpless... worthless" I told her "Defenceless and weak" I sighed looking down depressed "That's not true" Katelyn told me sternly "You're strong Aidan, you're one of most skilled fighters I've ever met" Katelyn told me, I smiled and nodded "Thanks Katelyn" I thanked her, I then raised my sword getting ready, we continued sparring, she still beat me but she didn't actually hurt me, she pointed out what I'm doing wrong and taught me how to correct it, I'm surprisingly a quick learner and she's actually an amazing teacher, almost as good a teacher as Aaron was, I put my sword away, I then went to Garroth for my lesson with him, he started teaching me better blocking and dodging forms, he's a really good teacher too, he taught me how to use my sword with one hand properly and how to strengthen my grip on my sword, even how to block and attack one handed, I smiled after my lesson with Garroth, I then saw Katelyn running to the entrance of the hideout "What's wrong Katelyn?" I asked running up to her "It's time" Katelyn told me, I nodded and we went to get Aphmau "It's time, she's here" Katelyn told her "Right. Is everything ready?" Aphmau asked us "Absolutely. We'll be out front waiting for you" Katelyn told her, I nodded in agreement "Mmhmm, right" Aphmau replied, Katelyn and I both ran back out "You ready for this?" I asked her "Oh I'm ready for my rematch against that woman" she said confidently "Let's hope what you and Garroth have been teaching me be put to good use" I said hopefully, hopefully I don't disappoint them "I know you won't disappoint us" Katelyn told me encouragingly, I smiled, I then put on my Invisibility Cloak after Aphmau got to the outskirts of Narahka Village "Ready?" I whispered "Ready" she replied, she then drank the rest of Polyjuice Potion and handed me the empty flask, I put it in my bag "Good luck" I whispered to her, I then ran as fast as I can to Garroth and Katelyn in position with my wand ready, after a while Aphmau arrived, luckily the Polyjuice Potion hasn't worn off yet "There you are" said Ivy's voice, we then looked up at the top of the giant trees and saw Ivy at the top of one "When I heard Zane Ro'Meave was alive, I thought it might be some kind of trick" Ivy started "There was no possible way he could have survived that explosion" she went on "But I had to know if it was really Zane" Ivy told her, Garroth, Katelyn and I stayed hidden "It's a shame darling... I can tell you aren't really him though...." Ivy told her, "But the clothes are a nice touch. Zane may have been a pale weirdo with a complex, but he did have a flashy sense of style. I respect that about him. Well... that and his complete lack of care for human life. An inspiration to us all really! There was a man who did whatever he wanted; had complete freedom" Ivy told Aphmau "But he's dead. Isn't he?" Ivy asked Aphmau "Why are you hunting the Ro'Meave's Ivy?!" Aphmau demanded "Hm...? That voice? Is that?" Ivy started, oh no, "Hahahaha! Aphmau?! Is that you?" Ivy asked her, she then jumped down from the tree landing on her feet "Beautiful! I was just talking about you the other day!" Ivy exclaimed, Aphmau drew Aaron's sword "You know... I shouldn't be surprised. Who else would have been dumb enough to pretend to be Zane?" Ivy told her "But you look exactly like him, you have his body... I'm guessing... Polyjuice Potion?" Ivy asked, wait, HOW?! How can she know that?! HOW COULD SHE KNOW IT'S POLYJUICE?! I looked at Garroth next to me shocked 'How?! How could she know what Polyjuice Potion is?!' I asked telepathically, he shrugged just as shocked "You don't even know me. Let's stop with that. And talk about you" Aphmau told her "What are you after?" Aphmau asked "What is the Relic you're looking for?" Aphmau asked her "So you finally found out about it, huh? But you probably still have no idea" Ivy said smugly "Well... why don't you tell me then? I know the Ro'Meave's are at the heart of this. Is that why you invaded O'Khasis? Did you come here only to hunt down the Relics?" Aphmau asked her "Mmmm, you are smarter than you look. I think I've stalled long enough..." Ivy told her "Hmph, where are those idiot guards?" Ivy asked "I'm afraid they won't be joining us tonight, Ivy" Garroth told her, I smirked "That's right. I guess you could say they're a little TIED UP at the moment" Katelyn told her "Yeah, they won't be able to join from how they're bound together" I said smirking with the Vine wand in my hand "...Is that supposed to be a pun?" Garroth asked us "I thought it was pretty obvious, why?" Katelyn asked "It was pretty obvious, it was cool though" I whispered to them "That's not how puns work" Garroth told us, oh what would he know about puns? "Oh like you're an expert on puns" Katelyn told him "Come on pun expert, think you could do better?" I asked him "Guys..." Aphmau started "I know a thing or two" Garroth told us, I crossed my arms "Guys!" Aphmau exclaimed "Now's not the time for pun-ishing each other!" Aphmau exclaimed to us "See, that's a pun" Garroth told us "Yeah. Okay. I get it now" Katelyn told him "Yeah, no need to sound condescending" I told Garroth, Aphmau snickered "What complete idiots..." Ivy sighed, "Hm...? Ah! Hello Katelyn. Hello Aidan. Good to see you two are feeling better since last time" Ivy told Katelyn and I smugly, she got lucky last time "...Did you miss me, love?" Ivy asked Katelyn, wow, she's asking for it "Ivy. Not in the slightest" Katelyn told her "Oh Aidan, have you been taking more fencing lessons? Or have you just been practicing what you know?" Ivy asked smugly "For your information, Garroth and Katelyn trained me and you're about to find out how well they trained me" I told her "Oh! And Garroth Ro'Meave. You're here too... so is Aidan Goshawk, who says he's been trained by you two. Aphmau, darling, thank you so much for doing my job for me. You are such a sweetheart! Now I don't have to go looking through the countryside of this terrible place just to find them" Ivy told Aphmau, "We're not going anywhere with you. Now what do you want with me and my family and Aidan and his family?" Garroth told and demanded her "What does Zane got to do with it?!" Garroth demanded, she chuckled "Your brother had something... something very important... something my employer is very determined to have... and I don't intend to disappoint him..." Ivy told him "And a certain man is wanting his nephew back... he's been worried sick about his nephew... a certain man named Liam who was released from Azkaban prison and is hoping to find his long lost nephew" she said, WHAT?! LIAM ESCAPED FROM AZKABAN?! "Liam escaped from Azkaban?! How?! That's physically impossible! No one has EVER broken out before!" I exclaimed shocked, she smirked "Stop trying to buy anymore time Ivy. You're outnumbered here. Why don't you just give up and come with us?" Aphmau told her "But where would be the fun in that, my dear. Besides, I don't mind being the centre of attention" Ivy told her "In fact I quite love it" Ivy told us "It's nice to know I'm so popular" Ivy said to us, Aphmau growled "Can we just beat her up now?" Katelyn asked "I'm with Katelyn. Let's do this" Garroth told Aphmau "I second that. I need to know what she meant by Liam escaping from Azkaban" I told Aphmau getting ready "Let's go" Aphmau told us agreeing, she then transformed into her Divine form, we all got in our ready stances, Aphmau struck at Ivy which she blocked "Why don't we make this more personal?" Ivy suggested and suddenly created a ball of light "Protego!" I exclaimed conjuring the strongest Shield Charm I've ever conjured in my life

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