Chapter 44: Becoming a teacher and saving two children

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- Aidan's Prov
We're back in Phoenix Drop but I went to the island and saw children playing Gobstones and some flying on broomsticks, I chuckled but saw one of the kids trying to levitate a feather with The Levitation Charm but he can't get it right, I walked up to him "Hey bud, you having trouble?" I asked the kid, he sighed and nodded "I don't know how to levitate something..." he said in a sad and defeated voice, awww, I stood up "I'll teach you" I told him, he seemed to be a lot better because he was very excited about learning magic, I then pulled out the Vine wand "So it's quite simple really" I told him "Just focus on it floating in the air, picture it with your mind" I instructed, he nodded and tried again but he didn't say the incantation so it wasn't working, no wonder he can't get it, because he doesn't know the incantation or wand movement, I chuckled "Here" I said "First, the wand movement" I told him, I then started teaching him how to swish and flick his wand "Now, swish and flick, ready?" I said to him, he nodded "Swish and flick" we said in unison doing it together "Very good" I told him "Now, you need to say the incantation for the spell to work" I told him "You have to say words too?" he asked, so he doesn't know even the incantations, I then started teaching him The Wand Lighting Charm first because it was the very first thing I ever learned at Hogwarts, "Now, the incantation for this spell is: Lumos" I told him, he nodded "Give it a try, focus on a ball of light, like a star growing on the tip of that wand of yours" I told him, he nodded, he then raised his wand "Lumos!" he exclaimed, he actually conjured light! I smiled at the fact I was able to teach him how to produce light first "Now for the feather" I started "The incantation to make it levitate is: Wingardium Leviosa" I stated "You have to make the 'Gar' part nice and long" I instructed, he nodded "Give it a try" I told him, he then raised his wand "Wingardium Leviosa!" he exclaimed swishing and flicking his wand at the feather, it suddenly started flying in the air!! He did it!! I smiled at him, he smiled brightly at The Levitation Charm he successfully casted, I then went to my cabin but to my shock, I saw an Imp attacking two children?!? I looked shocked, I then drew the Vine wand and pointed it at the Imp "Hey!" I called to it, it turned to me "Reducto!" I bellowed, a jet of blue light shot out of my wand and it slammed into the Imp and it blew up, I then ran to the two children laying unconscious on the grass, I kneeled beside them and checked their pulses, they're alive... but barely, they're badly injured and need healing now, I then heard something coming so I stood up and whirled around and pointed my Vine wand at whatever was running here but saw it was only Vylad? I sighed in relief and lowered my Vine wand "It's only you Vylad" I sighed in relief "What happened??" Vylad asked looking at the boy and girl laying unconscious on the grass "I don't know, I was walking to my cabin but I saw an Imp attacked them, I killed it but they're really hurt" I explained, I then kneeled to the boy and looked to Vylad "Help me carry them to my cabin, I can treat their injuries there" I told him, he nodded, I then carried the boy I was kneeling next to, while Vylad picked up and carried the girl, we then carried them back to my cabin, I opened the door and got out two bed mattresses and placed the boy in my arms in one and Vylad placed the girl on the other, Vylad then got some pillows for their heads, I went to my cupboards and looked through them, I then found a Wiggenweld Potion, I then got out one of my ladles, I then went over to the children "Vylad, I need you to help me make the children drink this, it will help them" I told him, he nodded and propped up the boy and opened his mouth for him, I then poured a bit of the Wiggenweld Potion into the ladle and Vlyad helped me make the boy drink it, we then got to the girl and he helped me feed the Wiggenweld Potion to her as well, he wanted to stay and insure their recovery, apparently he knew the children and their parents, but their parents were killed by the Imp I saved them from, he told me he knew their parents for years, before these kids were even born, he actually saved their parents from bandits when their mother was pregnant with the boy before she birthed his sister, so he wanted to make sure I can heal them from their injuries, he knows how well trained I am in Healing Magic and he knows I'm doing my best, they eventually actually made a full recovery and to my astonishment, they were magical, meaning they were both a Pure-Blood witch and wizard but are not raised to only think magic should be kept pure, they were raised that everyone with magic should be treated the same, they were devastated their parents were killed... I told them I'm so sorry I wasn't there soon enough to save them... they didn't blame me for not saving them, they were honestly wondering why they can't go back to Tu'La so they could get their Hogwarts Letters, that goes to show they don't know about the tyrant King of Tu'La and Liam... it's way too dangerous to go to Tu'La, so instead, I promised them that when they become the age of 11, we'd start a school of our own, and that I'd craft them wands of their own, that got their imagination and started coming up with all kinds of ideas for the school I want to start, I really hope this was the right thing to do because I'm fifteen and I basically just adopted these two as my children but I'm not nearly old enough to do that yet, but I really hope I made the right decision.

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