Chapter 29: Arriving on the island and exploring

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- Aidan's Prov
So we FINALLY got to the island, this place is HUUUGE!!! I got to the beach of the island and waited for the others, see, I flew to the island's beach on my broom, I looked back at the others, they were still travelling to here on a rowboat, I suddenly heard this loud swirling noise

I looked to it and saw my Aunt had Apparated next to me, I sighed because I readied my wand to attack but lowered my wand "Aunt Rebecca, it's only you" I sighed in relief, she chuckled "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" Aunt Rebecca apologized, I put my wand in my sleeve "It's okay Aunt Rebecca, but next time, maybe a little warning next time please?" I asked, she laughed and nodded, I looked around the island... if I do achieve my ambition... this place would be the perfect place to build a school of my own, but Lucinda, Aphmau and Travis all sensed something and I actually sensed it too, I have NEVER been able to SENSE things before, we waited for the others to get here, once they did, Aunt Rebecca and I helped everyone off the boat "Wow.." Aphmau gasped "We're here" Travis told us, but suddenly I felt that feeling again but WAY stronger than ever before! "Do you guys feel that??" Aphmau asked, I nodded vigorously, so did my aunt "It's getting stronger" Lucinda pointed out "That feeling from before?" Katelyn asked, I nodded "Yeah..." Lucinda answered, "I sensed it before but this... it's nothing I have ever felt before" I told them "...No..." Travis said, what is going on?? "This is..." Aphmau started.... Suddenly.... THE DEMON WARLOCK APPEARED BEFORE US?!?

I IMMEDIATELY drew my wand and my sword, my Aunt drew her wand as both her and I pointed our wands at him as Aphmau suddenly transformed into her Divine form while Travis turned into his demon form, Laurance and Vylad went into their Shadow Knight...

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I IMMEDIATELY drew my wand and my sword, my Aunt drew her wand as both her and I pointed our wands at him as Aphmau suddenly transformed into her Divine form while Travis turned into his demon form, Laurance and Vylad went into their Shadow Knight form and Lucinda readied her staff "Ahhh. It's been so long since I've been back here. It has hardly changed at all" it said in THE creepiest voice I have EVER heard, "YOU!" Travis bellowed "What's going on??" Aphmau asked worriedly "How?! I thought you were a myth!" I exclaimed at him, "THIS CAN'T BE!" Lucinda yelled "Travis, Travis I killed him! What is going on?! Is this your book?!" Aphmau asked worriedly "THIS IS NOT MY BOOK! THIS IS REAL!" Travis yelled, oh boy, we're about to fight a deadly demon, "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT?!" Katelyn yelled absolutely confused "I see no one..." Aaron told us "HE'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF US!" Laurance yelled "...I see what's going on..." Lucinda said suddenly, "...This is a spectre of The Demon Warlock" Travis told us, a Spectre?? "What do you mean??" I asked confused "You did kill him Aphmau, however... you only killed his physical manifestation" Travis explained "What does that even mean??" I asked confused "It means only mystical beings can see him" Lucinda clarified "Heheheh. You're an observant one, little witch... my aren't you pretty?" The Demon Warlock told her, I immediately raised my wand "Stupefy!" I exclaimed flicking my wand at him as a jet of blue light erupted from my wand BUT IT PHASED THROUGH HIM?!?? "Well, that proves it then, I can't Stun him, so he can't be here" I admitted "My... aren't you one extraordinarily powerful young wizard..." The Demon Warlock said to me, uh oh, "Leave them out of this..." Travis told him "I admire your taste, boy. Seems like we have another thing in common" The Demon Warlock said, "We have NOTHING in common" Travis spat, "Come on, I'll take you on myself!" Aphmau told him, okay, she's crazy if she thinks she can fight that thing alone, "Don't get too cocky. You caught me off guard last time... I didn't realize who you were" The Demon Warlock told her, again, in THE most creepiest voice I have EVER heard in my life "Stop being cryptic with her!" I demanded "Why are you here?!" Aphmau demanded, he just laughed "Legilimens!" I exclaimed flicking my wand at him but the second I went into his mind..... I just saw horrors, I instantly pulled myself out and trembled at what I saw and Aunt Rebecca was shocked I tried using Legilimency on a demon, "You...." The Demon Warlock said looking right at me "...You are the one..." it started "What are you talking about?!" I demanded "I don't know a thing about you and now you act like you suddenly know me!" I yelled, he started laughing again "You are such fools to come to this island" it told us, specifically me and Aphmau, "I thought you had sealed it away after the events that took place here..." The Demon Warlock said, wait, what?? why does he act like we've been here before?! "W-what?" Aphmau asked "What in the name of Irene are you talking about??" I asked confused as Aunt Rebecca and Vylad helped me up after I fell from attempting to use Legilimency on him, I really don't like his laugh, "What are you laughing at?!" Travis demanded "Tell me... Little Saint. What is my name?" The Demon Warlock asked Aphmau "The... Demon Warlock?" Aphmau asked confused, it turned to me "You must know what my name is, little Legilimens, after all... I let you into my head" it told me, what?? "I NEVER heard a name in your head and I will NEVER use Legilimency on you again" I told him "What is my name little Legilimens?" The Demon Warlock asked me, why in Irene's name would he think I know?? I suddenly heard a name echo in my mind and I flinched at hearing it "I don't know..." I told him, I can't remember the name I heard echo in my mind, it was WAY too faint for me to hear properly, he started gloating that we don't know him, he started monologuing that I cannot remember anything he said, he started laughing psychotically and just vanished, I lowered my wand and my sword but suddenly Laurance grabbed Travis and demanded him to start talking, "LAURANCE! CALM DOWN!" Aaron demanded "MAKE ME!" Laurance yelled, I pointed my wand at him "Laurance, don't make me hurt you" I warned "Laurance. Control it" Vylad told him, he suddenly growled in frustration "Laurance!" Vylad yelled "VYLAD!" Laurance yelled back mockingly, okay, I'm about to Stun him "Laurance, follow me. You need to calm down" Vylad told him "What's wrong with him??" Aphmau asked worriedly "The presence of that entity forced him into his Shadow Knight form. He's enraged and needs to control it. Don't provoke him" Vylad explained and warned, he suddenly saw me pointing my wand at Laurance "Aidan, lower your wand" Vylad ordered "I will as soon as he lets go of Travis" I replied "Laurance, you can do this. Calm down" Aaron told him "...Grrrr... Fine, Vylad let's go" Laurance said, he let go of Travis, he looked to me and I looked to Vylad, he nodded, I looked back at Laurance and slowly began to lower my wand "This way" Vylad said "Where are you going?" Aphmau asked "We'll be sitting on the shore. He needs to meditate and remember who he is" Vylad explained, Vylad's going to teach Laurance how to meditate? "Take care of him Vylad, he's controlled it once before" I told him, I looked to Aphmau and she nodded, we both turned to Vylad "Right" Vylad replied, he then guided Laurance to the other side of the beach "I'm so sorry... this is all my fault" Travis apologized, Katelyn demanded to know what happened, Lucinda and Travis then told Aaron and Katelyn what we saw "Though we could not see him, we could see your reactions to him" Aaron told us "You all took stance, even you Aphmau" Aaron told her "As well as you and Rebecca, Aidan" he told me and my Aunt, I didn't think it would be possible for something like THAT to happen, Aphmau explained what happened and the sword she conjured, Katelyn stated to know where Travis's loyalties lie, I stood up for Travis as well as Aaron and Aphmau, she's being so disrespectful to Travis, Travis means well, he's a friend of mine, I always stick up for my friends, Katelyn and Travis then went into the forest while Lucinda flew on a broom to the ship to see if Isabell and Lilith are okay, she went there mainly to spend the night with the adorable little munchkin, I went to set up Protective Enchantments around the area where we made camp

- The Next Morning

- Still Aidan's Prov
I woke up in the morning with the others, we let Aphmau sleep in while Aunt Rebecca and I went exploring and I explained to everyone I put up Protective Enchantments around the camp such as an Environmental Shield Charm, a Hex-Deflection Charm, a Disillusionment Charm, as well as a Muggle-Repelling Charm, I learned The Environmental Shield Charm from my Aunt, anyway, after a few hours of exploring and Aunt Rebecca testing me on my knowledge of what she's been teaching me recently, I then saw Aphmau and Vylad as well as Chad at some purple leaved trees?? I looked to Aunt Rebecca and went over to them, we suddenly saw old ruins?? "What happened to being careful old man?" Vylad joked, I chuckled at his joke, I never actually thought I would but, he's actually pretty funny, we suddenly went down a ladder and saw banners? "By the way, Vylad" Aphmau started, he turned to her, so did I and my aunt "Um... I didn't know you had a soft spot for sweets" Aphmau told him, he does?? I looked at Vylad confused "You do??" I asked confused "What? I don't" Vylad told us, why do I get the feeling he's not exactly telling the truth? "Cake doesn't count as a sweet?" Aphmau asked "Yeah, it does" I told her "Oh. Right" Vylad said, he suddenly sounded sad? "...She used to bake, our mother" Vylad told us, "She didn't do a lot of cooking, but she loved to bake" Vylad explained, his mother loved baking?? Mine too, my mother LOVED baking things, especially sweets for me when I was little before... she was murdered... "The three of us would fight over who could get the first piece" Vylad said, that sounds adorable, "That explains a lot" I chuckled "Heh..." Vylad chuckled "Stories of your mother always remind me of my mother" I told him "Really?" Vylad asked "My mom LOVED baking, she did it all the time when I was little, every time I got hurt such as scrape my knee, she would make a plate of cookies or even cupcakes for me as a way to cheer me up, she even used Healing Magic on me whenever I scrapped myself" I explained "She sounds like a sweet woman" Aphmau commented "...She was... she even baked a cake to celebrate when I was getting my powers" I told her smiling "Really?" Vylad asked chuckling "Yeah, she was so happy and excited for me to begin going to school when I become 11, she baked the cake when I was 8 when I was beginning to develop my magic" I told them "...It was the last happy moment I had with her.. and my Dad... until.... They were suddenly taken away from me... in a blink of an eye..." I said saddened by that.... "I love cake, I still do" I told them "Do you? Well, maybe we'll get you a slice of one from Kawaii~Chan" Aphmau told me "Does... Kawaii~Chan make birthday cakes?" I asked "Yeah, she does" Aphmau answered "Why?" Vylad asked "It's my birthday in a few weeks" I replied "Really?!" Aphmau asked shocked "Yeah, I'm turning 15 in a few weeks" I told them "Then I'll be able to start studying Fifth-Year level magic" I told them, they were amazed at how much levelled magic I know, Aphmau turned to the banners behind Vylad "Still... what do you think this place could've been?" Aphmau asked us, "Aphmau!" Travis yelled suddenly which made me jump a little "How did you know we were here??" Aphmau asked "Chad's yelling. Now hurry! We need to head back, we found something you meed to see!" Vylad yelled, what?? Travis and Katelyn found something?? "What is it??" I asked curiously "I have no idea" Travis replied, not the response I was expecting but okay "Let's go!" Aphmau exclaimed, we began running as Travis guided us to where he's talking about, what did they find?? if Travis came running to find Aphmau then it must be important.

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