Chapter 3 Part 2- The Knowing, and the Keeping

Start from the beginning

"What's this about?" Tengan asked, staring at Ressa blankly.

"Well, we have another building for you guys to investigate, duuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh! But, this time we put a little spin on it!" Ressa said, chuckling to himself.

"W- what?" I replied.

"Basically, since you guys never use the ABSOLUTELY AWESOME special weapons that we give you for each of the buildings, we decided to change it up a bit! You can either investigate the new building, or you can go around the hotel, hospital, or ultimate labs to find secrets that we've hidden. You cannot investigate both the new building and find the secrets. You have to choose between the twoOoOoOoOoOoOo! And you may be wondering, 'what's making it so we can't do both!?' Well, if you used both sides of that peanut brain of yours, and actually manage to process 100% power, maybe with some sort of brain enhancer, you can probably tell what will happen if you try to do both, right?" Ressa said. Miyazaki's eyes widened, as her face went pale. Ressa pointed to her, striking a pose. "See, she did it! So now you guys gotta figure it out! Gooooooooooooood luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck!" He yelled happily, before disappearing. Everyone remained silent, no one able to speak above the long pause. Suddenly, Yamazaki got up from his chair and walked to the door.

"Where are you going!?" Imamura said, angrily standing up and slamming her hands down on the table. Yamazaki paused, looking back and glaring at her.

"I'm going to find the secrets before anyone else does." He replied.

"We're a team! You can't just take all of the clues! If we want to get out of here, we have to work together!" Imamura responded.

"Since when did you treat me like we were on a team?" Tengan asked, almost seeming genuinely curious but side eyeing her all the same.

"UGH I'm really not in the mood for this Tengan..." Imamura replied, looking away.

"No, I'm curious. Why am I treated differently?" Tengan asked.

"BECAUSE YOU DON'T RESPECT, SPEAK, OR ACT ON ANY SORT OF CONSIDERATION FOR MORALS!!!" She yelled, angrily glaring at her. She took a long sigh, her face in her hand only being held up by her other arm supporting her elbow. "Do you know what? Do whatever you like. I need a moment to think." Imamura said, walking out of the room angrily. Suddenly, Taguchi stood up, happily following her out of the room.

"What's with him?" Miyazaki asked, glaring as he wandered out. Sugai shrugged his shoulders, Yamazaki soon following the two out of the room.

"So, shall we go in groups again? I can divide us up again." Kajiwara replied. Everyone looked to Kawata, who remained silent. His eyes went wide, realizing that everyone had shifted their gaze to him.

"Y- you're asking me?" He asked, almost surprised.

"You're... basically the leader now..." Arima replied. Kawata stared at everyone, before he slightly smiled.

"You guys... see me like that?" Kawata asked.

"Yeah, of course!" Naito said, a bright smile on her face. Kawata grinned.

"I'm glad." He responded. He paused, thinking for a moment. "Well, there are eight people here, so it'd be hard to put everyone into teams of three, so should we-"

"It's actually nine. Otani's in the kitchen." Miyazaki replied.

"Oh crap! He's been in there this whole time! How will he know about everything!?" Kawata blurted out.

"I'll go check on him!" Naito said, standing up and walking over to the kitchen.

"Okay, so does teams of two sound good?" Kawata asked. Everyone who was still left in the room nodded.

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