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An uncomfortable air of tension was clearly present at the dinner table;

Nathalie and Gabriel were sharing a stern look with one another while Adrien had no idea what was going on.

The kid only heard his 'parents' shout a couple of times through the telephone, but after that they came back into the kitchen acting completely normal.

Though it was obvious that something was not right.

"F-father?" The boy stuttered awkwardly.

"Yes Adrien?"

"Is everything okay?"

Before responding the designer's eyes shifted back onto his fiancée who took a deep breath in and closed her eyes.

"It complicated." Said Nathalie as she re-opened her eyes which were teary by now.
"Very complicated."

"Well," the boy tried to ease the situation. "I'm almost an adult so I guess I could understand. Right? I'm turning 18 very soon and you both know that!"

"Yes Adrien, but-" his dad sighed.

Gabriel felt as if a weight would've been pressing down on his shoulders, making it hard to both breathe and speak.

The man's movements slowed down, his forehead became furrowed and his eyes dart around, searching for a way out of the situation.

He didn't want to tell his son.

The designer knew his fiancée wouldn't have wanted for Adrien to hear the tragic news either, so, this was a moment of pure overwhelm for Gabriel.

"B-but I can't-"

"Father!" Adrien exclaimed, offended. "Don't treat me like a kid!"

"I'm not!" The grey haired man tried to defend himself, but his child's voice was way more powerful.

Overshadowing him in an instant the boy shouted:
"You are!"


"You've always treated me like a stupid little baby!"

"I-I just want to-"

"Protect me?!" The teenager scoffed. "Don't! Tell me the truth instead!"

"Fine." He spat, this arrogant, forceful behavior from his son caused Gabriel to get frustrated too.

It also made the designer completely go against the promise he made with his assistant;

'To not tell Adrien anything', that's what they agreed on, but clearly the man seemed to have forgotten.

It was predictable though, the dark haired woman also knew that it would only take a few second of annoying her boss for the secrets to not be secrets anymore.

"I'll tell you!" Gabriel yelled, his eyes narrowed at the boy while struggling to contain the intensity of his rage.

Even Nathalie, who just acted as an observer of the two men's argument, could feel the heat of their anger radiating off of themselves.

Almost as if she would've been standing too close to a bonfire, and unfortunately this only got worse;

"Go on!" Adrien wasn't holding back regardless of knowing how much trouble he would get into for talking back to his dad.

Tension between everyone rose higher immediately.

Like a bolt of lightning, their furious shouts struck quickly.

In fact, the designer didn't even notice when he smacked his fists on the table and was about to say "If you really want to know-"

"Gabriel don't!" The woman cut him off.

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