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Take a second to admire my friend's fanart of Playboy bunny Gabriel!

FIRST OF ALL!!Take a second to admire my friend's fanart of Playboy bunny Gabriel!

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Gosh it's getting hard to breathe....phewww...anyways...Enjoy reading!

There they were now in the future trying to find Emilie and Gabriel's long lost daughter who he could barely remember. But he still tried his best to. It was just simply difficult to think of a person after such a long time.

"Do you know when she got taken away?"
"N-no not really." The designer sighed embarrassed as he turned away to hide his forming tears "I-it w-was j-just n-night a-and-"

Emilie screamed as she shook her husband awake who immediately shot up from the bed to comfort the sobbing woman.
"What?! What happened?!"
"GONE?! What do you mean gone?!"
"I DONT KNOW! I-I just heard her cry so I went to see what that was about b-but...when I got there..."

The blond woman couldn't even finish speaking as she already fell into tear for the second time now. But it was understandable. Her only daughter was taken away and she had no idea what to do so obviously Emilie's behavior was acceptable in this situation.

"W-what i-if s-someone w-wants to hurt her!"
"That won't happen my dear, I promise to find Alice!" Said Gabriel but little did he know that would be the exact promise that would break both of them apart.


"I should've never said that! I was and still am so dumb!" The designer shook his head as he now furiously walked around the whole house but there was still no sight of his little girl.
So this began to frustrate Gabriel like nothing else, and not even Nathalie could calm him down with her usual reassuring smile.

"Sir please! Calm down! We can't find her like this!" She yelled now grabbing her boss's hands and pulling him back but the grey haired man had so much anger built up in him that as soon as he turned around he would've wanted to slap Nathalie. But luckily Gabriel came to his senses before he could've done it, so now he stood there glaring down at the young woman in front of him with one of his arms raised.
"I'm sorry." He began pulling his assistant close "I didn't mean to." He now laid a kiss on top of her head earning her to immediately wrap her arms around him "I just got frustrated, like always. I know it's a bad habit and I promise to stop. But right now-"
"It's fine. Let's just find Alice already!"

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