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In the morning whilst the assistant was sleeping soundly, her boss had woken up.

Gabriel opened his eyes to see himself still fully dressed in the suit he wore yesterday, his shoes on, and his hair still styled the same way, all this looked great, but it sure didn't feel great.
In fact getting up with a horrible hangover and the most ridiculously uncomfortable clothes ever had the designer wanting to die.
But then when he looked to his side and saw his fiancée peacefully sleeping, he suddenly didn't have those bad thoughts anymore.
They all just disappeared as he admired Nathalie.

"Good morning love." Gabriel whispered "I hope you slept well because I sure didn't."

The woman didn't answer though, she didn't even move at all, but the man knew that she just must've been exhausted, so he didn't bother with waking her up.

Instead the designer silently made his way to the bathroom to somehow fix himself, because the state he was in, was absolutely unexplainable.

So Gabriel took a shower, dressed himself in some better clothes which were less fancy and more comfortable, before brushing his hair out of its gelled down form, which it has been in for a day.

And just when he looked nothing like he usually did, a knock was heard on the bathroom door.

"Sir?" Nathalie's voice asked "Are you in there?"

"Y-yes? W-why? Do you need to use the bathroom?"

"Well-...I'd like to, yes."

"I-oh-one second." He hurried to grab all his stuff before opening the door and giving his assistant a smile. "Good morning Nath."

"Good morning Gabriel." The woman returned, sounding very tired as she entered the bathroom and didn't even hug or kiss her fiancé.

This also made the designer himself feel somewhat sad, but because he didn't want to disturb her morning routine, he just left without a word.

So whilst Nathalie was doing whatever she was doing, the grey haired man himself packed
his suitcase for the trip and also began to pack his soon to be wife's suitcase, but just when he opened it, a small paper flyer flew out of one of the inner pockets and landed right before the designer. So although Gabriel didn't want to be nosy, he still couldn't leave the flyer alone, plus he couldn't have ever imagined the paper to be anything bad or too disturbing for him.
In fact he only thought it was some circus ticket which the assistant would've used to surprise Adrien, as he liked those stuff, but when the man picked up the flyer and turned it around, then, his jaw dropped.

It was an advertisement for a nightclub, the place where he could never ever imagine Nathalie going.
Yet as she had this in her suitcase she must've been somehow involved.

Maybe it was just all an accident and an old flyer, but the date on it said otherwise, so then Gabriel simply assumed that someone random who didn't at all know her must've given his fiancée this paper, because no sane person who she knew would give the woman such an advertisement, especially not since now she was engaged to her boss.

No one would dare to do such a thing to Gabriel Agreste's most loyal assistant and soon to be wife, no one would risk their lives like that.
And therefore this left the man to consider the possibility that his very own fiancée got this flyer for herself, without anyone else's influence, but before he could've thought much of it, the paper suddenly got ripped out of his hand by the assistant herself.

"GABRIEL!" She exclaimed loudly in shock "WERE YOU LOOKING THROUGH MY SGUFF?!?"

"What nonono! I-...I just wanted to do something nice for you and decided to help you pack your clothes...b-but t-then that thing flew out of the suitcase." He looked at the advertisement in disgust "So...are you-...doing something I don't know of?"

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