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"Oh" Amelie's lover gave her a surprised look again "I thought you two were together, my apologies."
"No-no it's alright...we're not together yet! So hopefully-"
"-A, now I get it!" He smiled and Nathalie blushed "You're almost there!"
"Exactly...almost!" She repeated with a smile, whilst looking at his very unexplainably creepy face, maybe it was that constant smile or the familiar looking features that bothered the young woman.

He had dark hair, inky black hair which seemed to have no flaw in it, no grey strand or a discolored one, it appeared perfect.
However this wasn't his only scary feature, the lovers's eyes also reminded Nathalie of someone, and yet she couldn't think of who exactly that mysterious someone was.

It was almost as if the assistant's mind would've suddenly just erased all her memories and she couldn't remember anyone.

So with a quick shake of her head Nathalie asked:

"Sorry what's your name?"
"Mine? Oh it's Ron, short for Ronald, but that just sounds embarrassing and so I-"
"Tom!" She yelled out, completely cutting off the man who was just in the middle of his explaining, and making him question:

"Who pardon?"
"Tom!-...o-oh-...you don't know...it's a person...I know...or knew...some time ago. He looked almost exactly like you...well maybe a little shorter...and I just couldn't think of him, but as you said your name and it rhymes with Tom I immediately realized!"
"I guess...but you don't have a sibling called Tom by any chance?"
"N-no...as far as I'm concerned...I'm an only child."
"Good, good." Nathalie sighed in relief, still not realizing that her talking partner was utterly confused, but after a few second of calming down she just shrugged it off.

"It's nothing you should worry about."


Meanwhile this though, the two lovers from the past were discussing everything they've missed out on, and although this conversation was just meant to be a simple goodbye, it got much deeper.

"I'm sorry." She began. "I ran away, without informing you and-...and I guess totally betrayed you by that."
"Yeah. Well-...I'm also sorry..."
"For what?"
"For...not being good enough for you."
"Please..." Emilie shook her head, and turned away, embarrassed "...you were always perfect. It was just me who made you seem so bad and useless. With that I tried to cover my own problems and insecurities but this only made things bad for the both of us...didn't it?"
"It did." Gabriel sighed hopelessly, but even in such a depressing time like this he managed to gather enough strength to wipe his wife's tears away and pull her close.

This without question took the blond woman very off guard, but she didn't mind, in fact, for the first time in forever she actually liked the physical touch he was offering her, and so, Emilie wrapped her arms around her husband's back, and quietly sobbed:

"Oh forgive me!" The woman cried as quietly and yet as loudly as possible "I am horrible! And I deserve-"
"Hush Em, I already forgave you many years ago, there's no need to apologize! I just-...I just want to-..."
"To stay like this...for a few more minutes."
"Of course..." she hugged him tighter "and surprisingly enough I also like this...a lot in fact."
"You do?"
"Mhm, it's a shocker I know."
"A good one though."

They both giggled in agreement before realizing that maybe this conversation had completely lost it's original purpose and now they were getting rather personal. But as neither of them cared they just continued in a friendly tone:

"So-...how has Adrien been? He's-...17 now, right?"
"Yes, almost an adult, in fact, only a few more months and he will be one!"
"Wow..." The woman whispered"...my sweet boy...he's getting so big, already? It feels like yesterday when I held him in my arms and he was so adorably tiny."
"I know. I also remember it, quite well,...in fact."

Nathalie's loversWhere stories live. Discover now