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Soon enough the day came and Emilie was going to give birth.
She was more than terrified but so was her husband, he worried day and night for his wife's health,
For example whenever Emilie had a grumpy face the designer would automatically ask if she wanted or needed anything.
Her answers were mostly "No I'm fine, don't worry." but there was one exception:
She insisted on Gabriel staying in the room whilst she gave birth. And the husband didn't mind much except that he was absolutely horrified even if he saw her in the slightest bit of pain, so obviously the designer wasn't looking forward to this.

"Gabriel, it will be fine."  Emilie whispered as she laid her hand on top of his and forced a tiny smile onto her face.
"No...no...why me? I mean seriously me? I'm such a loser!!! I'll pass out, oh god no...why not your mother? Or my mother? Or at least someone who knows a tiny bit about giving birth, NOT ME EMILIE NOT ME! I don't even know what's happening right now, are you okay? Any contractions or whatever the fuck they are called?"
"I'm okay." She laughed. "And yes I do have 'contractions or whatever the fuck they are called'."
"Hilarious. My cluelessness is just embarrassing at this point."
"It isn't, you're very much entertaining me which sort of numbs the pain...b-but I-I can tell you t-that the c-contractions are c-closer t-together..."
"So...that means..."

The young woman smirked before giving her husband's hand a little squeeze and with that he immediately knew what she was trying to communicate.

"Oh okay fuck woah Emilie wait no I'm not ready for this, do you need a doctor? Obviously you do! I'm stupid, I'll go get you one stay there! I mean you can't even move so-...sorry my love."
And with that Gabriel rushed to call someone who could help because clearly his wife needed A LOT of help.

"You there!!!! Room 32!!! My wife she-she needs a doctor!" The designer shouted to which a bunch of doctors and nurses looked up at him and after a moment of dead silence they followed him back. (I mean sprinted back to the room as if they were running for their lives)

"Em?" The quiet young man exclaimed in fear as he saw his wife who was clearly in a lot of pain. "Are you okay?...Dumb question sorry...please don't die!" Gabriel begged since he had no clue what to do so he could only watch what the doctors did. And everything looked utterly painful. So for the most part the designer was looking at the floor trying to hold back his tears as he heard his wife yell, scream, and shout at him.

"She's fine, you're fine, everything is fine! Gabriel stop thinking you idiot!" He mumbled to himself throughout the whole birth but somehow after repeating this sentence for the 345th time Emilie also had enough of it.
"Shut up! Oh my fucking lord Gabriel! Instead come here!"
"I-...are you sure my love?"
"It's best if you do what she tells you to." A nurse suggested as she saw the clueless man's worried expression which was in a lot of doubt and fear.
"Exactly!" Another nurse reassured, so with that Gabriel slowly walked over to his wife's hospital bed.

"Gabriel!" She spat cutting him off and not allowing her husband to speak at all "you fucking-...oh you bastard!"

The young man went speechless from 'that'.
What was he supposed to say anyway?!
No one knew.

"Don't worry she's not actually mad." The kind nurse said again "she's just in a lot of pain and blaming it on you...which is fair I'd say."
"R-right...so what do I do??"
"Nothing, just agree with whatever insult comes out of her mouth and tell her she's doing good. The baby should be out soon!"
"G-great...Emilie my love you're-...doing great I assume? I mean hopefully."

Nathalie's loversजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें