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Just as promised, nov 19, here's the new chapter:

Nathalie awoke at 4am sharp to get ready, and by 5am she was already standing in front of the big iron gates of the Agreste mansion.
The assistant tiptoed into the office so she wouldn't wake anyone but to her surprise Gabriel already awaited her in there.
"Good morning." He spoke before taking a sip of his coffee.
The young assistant couldn't help but wonder:
"Why are you awake so early?"
"I couldn't sleep. Plus we need to wake up early to catch the plane."
"Right-...Sir is everything okay? You seem to have quite a lot of trouble sleeping, do you want me to suggest you some medicine?"
"What? I already take enough medication, I don't think I need anymore." The designer scoffed as he rolled his eyes at her and focused back onto the drawing.
"Pardon my question but you take medication?"
Nathalie asked as she stepped up to the podium and now was on the same level as him so he didn't need to look down at her.
"Yes I do. Why Nathalie? Did you think I would've made it this far without it?"
"No-no I'm not trying to insult you, instead I'm quite intrigued to know: what you take."
"Anti-depressants." He replied sharply which earned a little gasp from Nathalie herself. "What Nathalie? Is anything wrong with that?"
"No-no of course not! I just didn't imagine-"
"You see-...I'm not all that nice and sweet, you haven't seen me at my worst yet, Nathalie. And trust me, it's not nice."

The assistant gulped in agreement as she vigorously began nodding. But still, that slight feeling of curiosity wanted to see him at his worst.
How did he act?
How did he speak?
How did he feel?
She would've loved to know all of the answers to that but at the same time she was absolutely terrified of him already and seeing him in such a state would only intimidate her more.

"Anyways Nathalie...are you ready to wake Adrien and leave?"
"Yes sir!"
"Great, then go do it!"
He ordered to which Nathalie smiled and ran up the stairs.
She slowly opened the door leading to the teenager's room and walked inside to gently shake him awake whilst sitting on the edge of the bed.
"Adrien...Adrien it's time to wake up."
"Mmm please noooo"
"We're leaving to London. You wanted to go didn't you?"
"I do but, that's just another 5 days stuck together with him."
"It won't be bad, trust me." Nathalie smiled down at the child who was just now beginning to open his eyes.
And once he left to shower the assistant's job there was done so now she could go down to the office and help Gabriel instead.
"Sir do you need any-"
"-no it's fine." The designer murmured whilst he was running around trying to collect all of the dresses and fit them into a suitcase.
But of course Nathalie couldn't help herself so just like the assistant she was she needed to walk over there and lend him a hand.
"Nathalie I said I didn't need you!!-...I'm sorry that came out way harsher then it should've-...I do need you, but not right now."
"Yes sir-...I understand." She nodded and walked away to her desk where she just sat miserably until he was done packing.
By that time it was around 6am and everyone was ready to leave, so with no further ado they made their way out to the vehicle where everyone placed their luggage into the trunk of the car.

After being done with that they all got in the vehicle and Gorilla drove them to the airport.

*in London*

Just like a family all three people arrived at their destination-...a fancy hotel!...in London.
The only problem was that the people who booked their rooms only booked two, and there were three of them.
"I can sleep on the floor." Nathalie suggested to which the designer vigorously shook his head in disagreement.
"No-no, you can take the bed, I'll take the floor. And I guess Adrien can have his own room."
"Thank you father!" The kid smiled as he grabbed the key out of his hand and ran up the stairs to find his room before the adults.
Gabriel and Nathalie however, they took the elevator. But they both immediately regretted their choices when the awkward silence got almost painful in that tight compressed space.
"Sooo-...do you think Adrien is happy?"
Gabriel mumbled which made Nathalie immediately focus at him.
"He was rather sad this morning, but now he seems fine."
"...he was? Why?"
"Just because of the things that happened yesterday-"
"-OH COME ON! I wasn't that harsh was I?!?!" Gabriel almost shouted but he didn't notice, so when Nathalie took a step away from him he wondered what the hell was wrong with her.
"N-no s-sir." The assistant whispered to which she got an agreeing nod from Gabriel.

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