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Sorry about any spelling mistakes!
Anyways, enjoy reading this in 2022
Sooooo hilarious wow (gosh I apologize that was a really bad joke, I can't even be funny)

"I told you it was a horrible idea." The little black cat whispered to his owner who just gave the kwami a death stare.
"It's not my fault father has some tracking device in his head."
"But it is your fault that you ran away to your dumb cousin who is some weird creepy drug dealer!"
"He is NOT a drug dealer!"
"He could be...have you seen that so called 'club' and his poor girlfriend, gosh she deserves someone muchhhhh better."
"Well I-..." Adrien struggled to find the right words, so with a depressed sigh he sat down on his bed all grumpy and emotional "...I can't help it. I hate it here! I'd rather be with Felix than Father and that stupid-"
"Adrien! It's time to wake up." Nathalie walked in, and teenager immediately shut up as he ran downstairs to the kitchen.
Of course the assistant found it a little weird but since she had heard the whole conversation she wasn't really surprised by Adrien's actions. The only thing she was stunned to see was that the kid had been all alone in his bedroom but earlier just a few seconds ago he was talking to someone.
Anyway, Nathalie shook her head thinking it was probably just a little misunderstanding and Adrien actually only talked to himself.
So she also walked down to the kitchen, but by that time the child was already out the door and running so that he wouldn't be late for school.

Nathalie sighed as she made her way to the office where she found Gabriel working like usual.

"You have an appointment at 2 this afternoon," said the designer as he looked up and saw the confused expression on his assistant's face. "...for the...baby." He added.
"Oh right." She nodded taking a seat at her own desk a little uncomfortable though.
Nathalie wasn't exactly looking forward to 'the appointment' since she'd never liked the doctor, even when she was just a little kid that hospital place always intimidated her.
And right now since she was in such a weird situation the assistant was even more scared than usual.
What if the doctor would give her weird looks or even start judging her.
Nathalie was imagining the worst case scenarios so vividly that she didn't even react when her boss spoke from right behind her.

"If you want I could come along." Gabriel whispered but the young woman was deeply lost in her thoughts, so he had to speak louder "...Nathalie!"
"Y-yes!" She jumped anxiously "w-what?"
"Would you like me to join you?"
"T-to the doctor's?"
"Yes, I mean only if you feel comfortable with having me there, I completely understand if you-"
"I'd like that, to be with you."
"O-okay." He smiled and Nathalie did the exact same.
They almost got a little carried away whilst looking into each other's deep blue eyes but then the phone rang and disturbed their cute little moment.

With a disappointed glare the assistant looked away and answered the call:
"Hello? Nathalie speaking, Mr Agreste's assistant. What can I help you with?"


After some hours of working it was finally time to stop. Gabriel got up first and then reminded his assistant about her appointment.
She just smiled awkwardly and then went to get dressed in something more casual which was not her usual work attire.

All she could find though was some basic designs of her boss he had never used because they were considered as 'fails'. But Nathalie liked them anyway. At least they were comfortable and not something too fancy.

So then after getting ready she waited for Gabriel, and once he arrived they drove to the 'trusted doctor's' place.

Nathalie was a little...no...VERY nervous so whilst her superior drove she anxiously fidgeted with the sleeve of her shirt.
Naturally the designer noticed her strange behavior and he even spotted what she was wearing so to ease her stress he commented:
"Nice outfit Miss."
"O-oh this...yeah...you made it."
"I know, and it looks especially good on you."
"T-thank you."
She smiled a little before turning away which left Gabriel worried.
He had to make sure that she was ok so without wasting a second longer he placed his hand on top of hers an whispered:
"Nathalie...are you okay?"
"Y-ye-yeah...just a little nervous."
"I understand, but it will be fine, trust me. Well actually don't trust me, trust the doctor, I don't know shit..." Gabriel laughed as he tried to make her feel better but Nathalie couldn't even force a smile onto her face now.
She just nodded and gave his hand a gentle squeeze which slightly reassured the designer that she was 'fine' and there was no need to worry.
(But knowing Gabriel he probably worried himself to death already)

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