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After a long journey back home to France Gabriel and his 'crew' arrived at the Agreste mansion.
And of course Nathalie immediately offered to stay so she could help with sorting out things for Adrien.
The designer liked the sound of that plus this way he'd also be around his assistant a little more so he accepted her kind offer whilst Martin got all emotional and angry.
He also wanted to spend time with her but seeing how his rival 'claimed' her first he couldn't do much about it.

So after a goodbye Martin went back to his own house whilst Nathalie stayed behind.


Once she was fully done with every single task Gabriel had given her the young woman made her way back to the office and knocked on the door gently not to alarm anything or anyone.

"Sir do you need any more help?"  Nathalie quietly walked in to see her boss getting up from his office chair and walking near her.
"No, not really."
"Oh alright then..." the assistant inhaled sharply before taking a step closer to her superior so now she stood right before him."...sir I-...I apologize for my latest behavior, I was very frustrated and-"
"-oh it's alright Nathalie, I'm not mad, in fact I'm glad you can show some emotions."
The designer smiled down towards her but Nathalie still continued to have a depressed expression which had more to say: "...well I-...I'd like to ask a favor from you sir." she shyly mumbled to which Gabriel nodded and encouraged her to continue "...because you're like...strong and...could you please...could you hit me?"
"I-...I'd like you to very strongly hit me...on my stomach in fact."
"Nathalie I-....I can't. I mean why on earth would you want me to do that?!?!"

The young woman stayed quiet for a bit, she looked to her left, then to her right, but still the designer stared at her confused.

"What's wrong Nathalie? I mean why would you need me to-"
"-oh come on sir! Don't ask questions just hit me! Punch me you pathetic excuse of a father! You-you horrible shitty husband who can't do anything right! No wonder Emilie died! If I were her I would've committed suicide the second I saw you! Just hurt me goddamn it! What does it take to make you mad?!?"
The assistant shouted but even then her boss managed to hold himself back and he only responded with:
"Nathalie...that hurt..." he turned away and took off his glasses to wipe away those salty tears "...that was just a little harsh..."

After a few seconds of collecting himself the designer turned back to face his assistant with that same old boring look he always had on, and there was absolutely no trace of his sobbing.

"I won't hit you, no matter how hard you try."

And just as she had screamed that Gabriel sighed. "Nathalie, you're really testing me aren't you?"

His assistant smiled in approval as she took one more step near him and was about to yell again but then the designer just covered her mouth (carefully) with his hands.
"Please don't say another word." He breathed looking down at his 'muted' assistant. "...now tell me...why do you need this favor? It seems sick."
"I just...it would solve a lot of things." She let out a barely audible mumble.
"If I hit you...on your stomach?...not to be curious but is this having to do anything with a baby?"
"Nath, you're lying." Gabriel exclaimed loudly to which she shook her head vigorously but the designer didn't care and just continued to speak: "...I know you're lying! Don't try to hide it! B-but why'd you want to-"
"Because I never wanted this child!!"
Nathalie replied furiously as she 'tore' his hand off of her mouth and stomped away leaving Gabriel all by himself, but not for long, because right before she could've made it out the office the designer caught up with his assistant and grabbed her wrist.
"Nathalie! You better tell me exactly how this happened!"
"No! You're not the boss of-...fuck...well you might be my boss but you can't force me to say things!"
"I only want to help, and if I know I might be able to do so...please Nathalie please."

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