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Heyyyy happy new year friends!!! (Well almost)
This year has been-...a wild journey to say at least, nevertheless I still somewhat kept up writing.
If all goes well I will continue this account in the new year and hopefully you'll be here to see that too.
I am so happy and thankfully to everyone who still kept reading and liking my stories this year, it means so much! Even if the actual gabenath fandom is slowly dying, I hope that this can be a safe place for all.
Have a great 2023 and see you next year!
Love you so much.
Now enjoy reading!❤️

Softly, the designer sunk his lips into hers which felt so intoxicating that he couldn't help but whisper "I love you" once parting.

The woman blushed from both his words and the feeling of the grey haired man so close against her.
Truly it was delightful.

For a second they stayed motionless, staring into one another's eyes and getting lost. Even their breath seemed to be in sync.
However as the assistant grinned at her superior, he snapped back into reality realizing that this wasn't a dream at all.
She was glaring at him with daring eyes and her lips did indeed seem temptingly close.

"Gabriel." Nathalie breathed while her superior's hands began to roam around her body "Gabriel we need to hurry up!"

"Why?" His eyes met hers with a grumpy glare.
"Didn't we agree that we'd take today off?" The man suddenly pulled back and waited for an answer from his assistant who just stuttered.

"W-well-...w-we have a lot of w-work-"

"Everyone needs a little rest once in a while." He attempted to kiss her again, except his fiancée shook her head.

"Yes b-but-..."

"But?" The designer had a frown painted all over his face.

Despite not wanting to end their closeness, he had to distance himself until Nathalie would answer. She didn't sound so sure after all, and the last thing he would've wanted to do was force the woman into anything which she wouldn't desire.
Nevertheless Nathalie clearly saw that she messed up. With her words and actions she has caused Gabriel to get more distant than originally intended.
The woman only wanted to remind him that they couldn't waste time, but as her boss stepped away, she knew she'd killed all the sparks between them.

"Ugh I ruined it." Nathalie groaned.

"Ruined what?"

"Everything!" She sighed.

Tilting her head back against the tiles of the shower wall the woman whined.
"I wanted to spend time with you and this was all going so wonderfully, but of course I ruined it with my worries about work."

"Oh." Gabriel understood "Well you didn't
necessarily ruin it Nath." He smirked, taking one of his hands and carefully seizing his employee's face "We can continue if you'd like."

"Uhm." The assistant looked at him "Now it's just awkward!"

"It is if we keep on standing here, however if-"

"I'm sorry Gabe" she cut him off "I don't feel like doing anything anymore."

The man nodded understandingly with a smile.
"Don't worry that's alright." Gabriel tried his very best not to sound disappointed.
He wouldn't have wanted to let Nathalie be aware of his crushed feelings.
So the man acted unbothered with all his power.
"Let's then have a normal shower and get ready, okay?"

"Ugh." the assistant weeped, shutting her eyes tightly together and again, like before, laying her head back onto the tiles. "...you know when you're so cute like that I do want to do things."

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