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Nathalie was unsure how to act at first but as she soon realized that grabbing her phone to call anyone for help would take way too much effort and would maybe even worsen her situation. So with that the assistant could only act as if nothing would've happened, and so she did.
The woman ended up continuing her journey home, exactly like she would've done so on a 'normal' day, except that this time she had a 'guest' following her.

"Wow, I really wouldn't have thought that it would be this easy to get you." Tom smiled whilst excitedly walking beside Nathalie who only scoffed as she heard him utter such nonsensical bullshit.

"Really?" She returned "I wouldn't have thought that you would kidnap me, again."

"Well...you're wrong there. I am not kidnapping you now. In fact, you didn't even fight back or try to escape, so...Look Nathalie this might not be exactly 'legal' or the right thing to do but since you're such an easy thing to control I-"

"-PARDON?!?!" She turned to him furiously, and before Tom could've even reacted the assistant grabbed a hold of his shirt, with that pulling him onto her level, which wasn't that much lower, but it was still made extremely dramatic by Nathalie's actions "DID YOU JUST CALL ME A 'THING'?!?!" AN 'EASY THING TO CONTROL'?!?!"

"I-...uhhh I mean-."

"AT LEAST PUT SOME RESPECT ON MY NAME IF YOU'RE GONNA USE ME." She shouted, then turned away acting completely 'normal' once again.

Now the dark haired man was a bit concerned, maybe Nathalie became even more insane then him, or maybe he became less insane?

Well one thing was for sure, something must've changed since the last time they've met because the dark haired woman was no longer that innocent looking assistant, suddenly she was the scariest 'thing' he's ever met.

Nevertheless Tom didn't back off, he still continued to follow her, but now not because he wanted to use her, now only because he was intrigued.
What more could've changed with her in those couple of months they've spent apart?

He wanted to know, and was about to find out as Tom wasn't the kind of person to give up.
He usually got what he wanted.

In the meantime Gabriel over at the Agreste mansion was getting ready for his dinner with Nathalie.

He had already washed his hair, and put on his best cologne, however there was still one more thing left to do.
The designer had to pick out an outfit, and according to him this was the most difficult thing, since by now he had almost ever suit he owned laid out on the bed.
Yet he couldn't pick one.

"Nooroo what's your opinion?" The grey haired man asked, a bit frustrated as his time was running out and soon he'd need to pick up his assistant. Nevertheless he was patiently waiting for his kwami to answer.

"Sir I don't have an opinion." The purple creature answered staring back at his owner who suddenly broke out laughing, hysterically.

"Nooroo! Of course you do! Come on now tell me!!"

"But Master...I-...if I say something you w-won't l-like t-then-"

"Oh god." Gabriel sighed as he saw that his kwami was getting awfully anxious by just a simple question, and he was to blame for it, the designer himself had terrorized Nooroo into thinking everything he did was wrong.
However now more than ever he regretted every decision he made which included magic.
It simply destroyed him and everything around him.

"Master?" The small creature's voice brought him back to reality "Master are you alright? Did I say something wrong? Is it my fault?"

"What? Oh no...Nooroo I'm so sorry. You didn't do anything bad, it was me. I ruined you."

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