Episode 70 "The X in the File" Part 2

Start from the beginning

Hodgins then says, "Sweets, there's nothing to face, okay? Him and Angela made out once. But we're all fine." I think for a bit knowing that whatever these two are trying to prove where going to put me right in the middle. I then see Sweets looking at me to see if I was fine as I say, "I... I'm..." I just give him a nod. But I could tell Sweets notice my discomfort as he then tells the two, "Alright. If that's what you think. But I am going to need Venus, Booth says she has somethings to discuss with me about the case your guys solving." He looks at me as I catch on what he is trying to do as I nod, "Oh, right. I almost forgot about that, thanks for reminding me." I look at the boys, "Sorry, but I need to go." They nod as Wendell says, "That's fine. I'll see you back at the lab later." I nod, "Yeah. See you both later." I then grab my things and leave with Sweets as he grabs his order. We are outside walking on the sidewalk as he says, "So, tell me what's going on with the two? And how are you feeling?" I look at him, "I'm not sure what I'm feeling... but when Wendell kissed me it felt different..." "Different?" I nod, "It felt as if there was no love in that kiss, just a need to prove something. It felt more like I was being used in there..." He nods, "And that's not okay. He shouldn't do things that would make you feel uncomfortable." I nod listening to him as he then asks, "Would you be able to tell me how things turned out to that?" I nod and begin to tell him what has happened.

I am back at the lab as Angie called over Hodgins, Cam, and I as we go to her workspace as she sees us and begin to explain, "So the footage was pretty rough, as you saw. So I ran an application to counteract the motion of the camera with opposite movement. Then I translated each pixel of the infrared spectrum... into a pixel of the visible color spectrum." I nod as Cam says, "Okay. Let's see it." We watch as the blurry video goes through the program clearing the image up more as we then see people in hazmat suits with tanks of trucks dumping something out as Cam says, "Well, that's a lot more terrestrial than I expected." I nod, "Two tanker trucks." Hodgins adds, "Some sort of digger." We watch them spraying the green glowing liquid out as I say, "And this is a hose. What do you think three inches? That's the source of the glowing liquid." Angie then asks, "What about the alien things?" I then say, "Fremontodendron mexicanum." Hodgins adds, "It's Mexican flannelbush." Cam then says, "Weird glowing liquid in the Mexican desert. Hazmat suits." We then see someone walking towards the camera as Hodgins says, "Oh! They must've been dumping chemicals illegally." We notice the camera going down as I say, "Oop. She fell. That must have been where she fractured her knees." Hodgins adds, "Yeah, but she still managed to get away. You guys see what happened? She was out looking for U.F.O.'s, but found this instead. These guys killed her." Angie then says, "I think I liked this all better when it was aliens."

Hodgins and I were in his workspace with Cam as we were able to narrow down what the liquid was as I begin to explain, "So we were able to clarify the chemiluminescent signature... of materials being dumped in the video." Hodgins pops up the results as he says, "Manganese and sodium borohydride. Used in the manufacture of batteries." Cam then asks, "Can you two get a specific manufacturer from that?" I smile, "We were way ahead and got that already." Hodgins pops the image, "Innatron." I then ask, "Mexican flannelbush is on the verge of extinction, right? Innatron has a plant located smack-dab... in the middle of the last remaining flannelbush population- here in Juarez- and they use manganese and sodium borohydride." Cam says, "Wow." We nod as Cam walks away. I then look at Hodgins, "Alright Hodgins. I see what your playing towards and I'm telling you to go see Sweets." "What?" I nod, "You reacting this way because of something that happened once is no good for either of us. So go see Sweets." He chuckles, "I don't need to see Sweets..." "I cut him off, "You are. As your Boss, you must go speak with him." "That's not fair, you're pulling out your sorority card..." "Either take that or you're going to deal with revengeful me later." He quickly nods tacking off his gloves, "I'll go see Sweets right now." I smile nodding watching him leave.

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