Chapter 8

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He was given his four parts back after that happened. The two new pieces were dubbed "Marshal" and "Cardinal" by Ajuka, which he named after the fairies in the "Embassy Chess" form of the chess game. The Marshal combined the Rook's power and the Knight's speed. The Bishop's magical control and the Knights' speed combined to make up the Cardinal. Additionally, his red set pawns can advance these pieces. However, it seems that only people with chakra identical to his own can reincarnate using the parts imbued with his chakra. Therefore, he would have to travel to the dimension of his birth. The Maou adds that because he was a special instance, no one will ever be able to duplicate this. Additionally, he received approval for his additional pieces to join the Rating Game.

The entire family was in disbelief. This was the first time anyone had heard of this happening. He had more Evil Pieces than Rias and Sona, which made them envious. Due to his most significant advantage—even if it is only four pieces and a different set—Naruto is now a more formidable opponent. However, he can only use one of his sets at once. He was giving his opponent at least an opportunity to fight.

Now, We can see Naruto is reading about "summoning/conjuring spells" in the library. It is centred on calling forth entities or things and connected to necromancy. "We'll see. No, don't call it a bound sword. Possibly a summon-bound bow and phantom arrows." He kept skipping pages in search of a spell he could learn that would enable him to link a weapon to himself. He was going to put the book away when he noticed something. He discovered something on the last page that might be what he was looking for.

"We'll see. summoning "Dark Excalibur" or "The Stray Excalibur." Whoa, what's going on? Such a thing has never crossed my mind. Hmm." While browsing the library for a book about mythical swords, Naruto left the book's page on the desk. He went to the page of the sword he was looking for after discovering it. "This is it. The sword slicing the heavens is called Dark Excalibur or "the Stray Excalibur." It is Excalibur's Holy Demon equivalent. The power of the Original Satan and the souls of those who had endured suffering were poured into the blade. At the start of the Great War, the Original Satan employed it. However, it was rumoured that Morgan Le Fay, who had taken the blade, had cursed it and thrown it into an ice lake to prevent it from being used maliciously or evilly. You will be tested, and if you lack the strength to manage the sword, it could drive you insane with power."

The young devil was given the benefits and drawbacks of possessing a weapon. He might get a potent weapon to defend the people he cares about. He would become enraged with power, though, if he were weak, much like a certain Uchiha. However, the urge to be more resilient for others around him outweighed the negative impact. Returning to the book, he read the necessary passages to conjure the blade. Surprisingly, all he required for the edge to appear beside him was a body of water to serve as a middle ground. He was lucky to have access to the pond behind the mansion.

Once he arrived at his destination, he read the chant he must say to summon the sword. Taking a deep breath, he focused his demonic power on the body of water before him.

"Great sword of Dark and Light, please hear my cry." A magic circle began to form on the water's surface.

"I summoned yourself from a lake of ice to bring me victory in this fight." The area surrounding it began to be enveloped in ice. The outer circle of the summoning seal was done, and we began to work on the inner markings.

"Envelop the Heavens with your glow and cast your rage upon my foe." The red mist began to emit from the summoning circle. A centre ring began to form.

"Unlock your power from deep within so that together we may win." The surface of the ice underneath the summoning circle began to crack. Like something was pushing upwards. The seal was finished and had many symbols that were tribal in nature.

"Appear in this forbidden realm as I call out your name, Dark Excalibur!" Soon the ice shot upwards as shards fell around the area. Then there before, where the centre of it floating in the air was the weapon he summoned. It looked like a giant great sword with a gold hilt and a long red handle. "Time for you to finally be tamed."

The boy walked up to the sword and felt the malicious aura coming out of it. When he was a few inches from it, the aura rivalled that of the Kyuubi when he first met it. Without hesitation, he grabbed the hilt. And soon felt a jolt of intense pain all over his body. He was having difficulty breathing and was on his knees. His eyes went to his hand that was holding the sword. He saw glowing red tribal markings expanding and covering his arm; in minutes, his entire body was covered in the glowing markings. For the first time, he felt overwhelmed as he may fall into a presence more significant than himself. But then flashes of those he cared about appeared in his head. Those who cared for him when he was young, his newly acquired family and his three cousins who meant everything to him.

Determination filled his eyes, and his grip on the sword intensified. Naruto soon stood up, glaring at the sword flaring his demonic aura and chakra. "No! I will not fall! I need this power to protect those I love! And I will be damned to lose here! You may think I don't deserve to be wielding you! But I will show you! I am more than worthy than anyone who has tried to summon you! For I am Naruto Bael Sitri! Future Mao of the Underworld!" While in his speech, the markings soon focused on his back between the shoulder bones. All of the tribal markings merged to form a five tomoe wheel. Naruto soon falls to his knees with the sword in his hand. He raised the busted sword and did a victorious smile. "I own you now."

"Naruto/Naru-Kun!" The boy slowly stood up and turned to see his entire family. He also can see Alexia's eyebrow constantly twitch on the site before her.

"H-hey everybody...nice day, huh?" he said with a sheepish grin. He can feel the scolding that his aunt and Sona will do to him. It was something he was not looking forward to.


The DxD fanon sword Dark Excalibur is a holy-demonic weapon. Giving him a gun once owned by the first demon king seemed calm. I hope you are okay that I'm using it for this fiction, whoever made it.

The pieces in Naruto Evil Sets are:-

Queen - 1
Rook - 2
Knight - 2
Bishop - 2
Marshal - 1
Cardinal - 1
Pawn - 10

In total, he got 19 Evil pieces in his evil set for one of the set.

Other Evil sets have the same number of evil pieces in the canon peerage set.

In one set, he can use anyone who wants to become a devil; in another set, Naruto needs people who can use Chakra like him and ok to become a devil.

Suggest the peerage members for both sets.

I hope all enjoyed the chapter.

Signing out peace


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