Chapter 4

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Sitri Territory

Soon after, Turbido and Naruto both emerged in front of a big mansion. The magnificent mansion captured the young boy's attention. "This is where you live?"

"Yes and soon you will call also call it." Said Turbido making the red-tipped haired boy.The two men quickly entered the residence. A woman of ordinary height stood before them with long black hair that reached her knees, violet eyes that were currently glaring at the elder man, and moonlight-pale skin. She is wearing a black dress with glitter that sparkles in the sunlight and black high heels.

"Dear…where did you run off too? And why did you return with a child?" asked the woman.

"Well love I was summoned." Said Turbido in a calm fashion.

"By who?"

"By this young boy." Said the man as he soon put his hand on the boy's shoulder."His name is Naruto Bael Sitri, Son of Minato Sitri and Kushina . My cousin's son and Venelana's nephew."

The woman noticed the boy's resemblance to his parents as she gazed at him. She approached the boy, grinned, and gave him a hearty welcome embrace. "Welcome home,Naruto"

The boy had tears accumulating on his eye. "Y-Yeah, I'm home."

Family Room

Alexia Sitri, Turbido Sitri's wife, was enraged beyond belief. Hell truly does not rage with the same ferocity as a woman's wrath, as the proverb claims. Everyone in the mansion, including her two kids, was made aware of her dissatisfaction by her demonic power, which was raging like wildfire. Many of the guys witnessed the female rage outside and begged for the person who started it to die quickly and painlessly.


"Now calm down, you're scaring him, love." He pointed to Naruto, who was hiding behind his chair and shivering like a leaf, and murmured. He shook and small tears started to form on the sides of his eyes.

Alexia took deep breath and lowered her power to a more stable level. "Sorry about that but the thought of a child suffering in such a way makes me so angry." The Sitri mistress said taking a seat.

The door soon opened and a voice asked, "Are you okay mother?" A young woman with short black hair cut into a bob and violet eyes was posted on the door. wearing a lilac summer dress. A pair of glasses, too.

"Hello Sona dear. Everything is alright. Just a bit annoyed from what I have been told by your father. Where is your sister?"questioned her mother. As soon as she inquired, another girl showed up. She had twin tails of long, black hair and violet eyes. She possesses a childlike figure and larger-than-average breasts. She's also dressed in pink magical girl attire.

"Hi! Kaa-san!" Shouted the girl.

"Well now that you both are here. Girls we have a relative staying over." Alexia motion Naruto to come and greet. The young boy now visible to the two girls before him. "Serafall, Sona. This is Naruto Bael Sitri, your cousin. Naruto these are my daughters. Sona Sitri and Serafall Leviathan 'Sitri'."

"Uh…hi." He said in a low voice.

"…KAWAII!" Shouted Serafall as she went up to the boy and began rubbing his cheeks with her own. Getting him to purr, increasing his cuteness factor. "He is just so cute! Why didn't you let us meet him sooner! Hogging all this cuteness away from us should be illegal!" Said Serafall as she hugged her cousin. Naruto on the other hand was blushing as his arm was having a good feel of her chest. And also not accustomed to a girl showing so much affection.

"Well we didn't know about him until recently." Said Turbido as he made himself some for himself and his wife.

"What do you mean father?"

Turbido took a sip and adjusted his glasses. "His parents eloped and left the underworld. It was a huge scandal that made the head of the Bael house furious even till this day."

"So how was he able to hide himself for so long? Many devil would have been able to find him in the human realm?" asked the curious youngest child of the Sitri household.

"Simple they left to another dimension." Said the head of the household.

"What!" Shouted his daughters at what he had just said.

"Yes you see Minato, my cousin. Was quite a genius when it comes to runes and glyph creation? During that time he was able to create a special glyph that allows him to jump to another dimension that was in a way similar to Ancient Japan. He is the only devil who ever created such a glyph. And only me along with your mother and his 'wife' knew about it. Thankfully I gave him one of my summoning fliers in case he ever needed me. And here we are." Said the man informing his daughter of their father's cousin.

"So where are they? Will they be coming soon? I would love to meet them." asked Serafall only to make Naruto look at the floor, and her parents having a face of sadness. "…Oh? Oh I am so sorry!" the Maou hugged Naruto comforting him. She felt horrible making him recall that his parents are dead.

"I-It's okay Sera-chan you didn't know." The boy said with a smile.

The older girl return a smile as she hugged a little tighter Naruto. 'He is so warm.'

The Head Sitri smiled at the sight. If anyone could make Naruto feel better it would be his eldest daughter. Her childish nature and kind heart could heal the wound of his childhood. "Now that Naruto is here with us. We need to teach him about the underworld. Along with training him in using and controlling magic power. And giving him his own Evil Piece set. I will also call Venelana to come and train him in his Power of Destruction."

"That sounds great." The boy said exited of the upcoming training.

"Excellent we will begin the tor- I mean training tomorrow." Said the man correcting himself. Wanting to see how the young boy will turn out in the future.


After arriving back at his house, Naruto will begin his tor-- sorry i mean his training with his uncle and his cousins.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

Signing out peace


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