“A faggot. Queer. Fruit. Fairy. Do I make myself clear!” Jack yelled.

“Why would you think that?!” I said. On the inside, my entire being is shaking. It feels like my hand was caught in the cookie jar. Or, in this case, my hands have been caught on another guy. 

“Because of this!” Jack pulled out whatever he had been looking for and threw it at me. I quickly caught it, examining the yellow envelope. 

I opened it and was met with the picture that had been taken of my and Ant. Several copies with the date written on the back.

My breathing quickened. The room felt stuffy and hot all of a sudden. Tunnel vision came in, which honestly might’ve been a good thing since now I can’t see my fellow peers’ expressions. Not to mention, the ringing in my ear also murmurs their disgust.

All I felt was Petey’s hand rubbing my back and my fingers tightly gripping the pictures. My fingernail was starting to dig into my palm, a bit of blood was seeping out.

“This- This, I-I can explain.” I stuttered out.

“Please do. Explain why you’re buttfucking Antonio. I’m not surprised he’s gay, but you? Explain everything!” Jack yelled.

“I-I met him on the day of the race.”

“Aww.” Jack cooed but it sounded sarcastic. “Was it love at first sight? Did you two fall in love in one night and decided to date in secret, despite being in different gangs? Was it romantic? Hmm?!” He asked.

“Yes…” I whispered silently, but the room was quiet enough for everyone to hear. 

“So you admit it? You’re in love with him?!” Jack was angry, an anger I’ve seen only a few times.

I wanted to cry. Die. Get swallowed up by the earth and never be seen. This was humiliating. The top-dog in town has not only been outed as gay, but has been dating someone not of his kind. I’ll never live this down. 

“I am!” I yelled and slammed my hands on his desk. “I love Antonio! And there’s nothing you or anyone else can say to change my mind!” 

“Wha- This is ridiculous!” Jack grabbed a nearby chair and threw it at his wall. It shattered upon impact, sending splinters everywhere.

“You can try to break us apart, but I’m not going down without a fight!” I said to him. His head turned to me, giving me a death glare.

“You actually think you’re in love! This is just some childhood romance that you’ll forget about in a few years!” Jack said.

“And what would you know about love! Every girl you date leaves you! Your parents don’t even love each other! We all know they fight! They're on the verge of divorce!” I retaliated back. I know it was a low blow to mention his family, but Jack is trying to lessen the strength of my love. 

And I refuse to hear criticism from someone who once pretended he dated Brenda Lee. 

Jack chuckled to himself. I’m not sure if he’s actually laughing or hiding his rage. 

“Fucking fag…” Jack muttered to himself. I looked down at the pictures in my hand. Antonio’s face in them sent a wave of relief over me. 

“Deny it all you want, but my relationship with Antonio is real!” A few people gasped. 

“Yeah, sure it is…” Jack responded.

“Dude, trust me. They’re the real deal.” Petey spoke up.

“Oh, let me guess. You knew too, huh?” Jack asked Petey. Petey nodded, turning to me and giving me a reassuring smile.

“I don’t see a problem. They like each other. So what?” Avalon spoke up. Archie glared at her, not believing what she was saying.

“QUIET!” Jack yelled. Everyone stopped talking. “Avalon, Petey. I’m disappointed in you two for keeping this from the gang.”

“They have nothing to do with this! Leave them out of it!” I said. 

“You’re in no position to talk. Michael, from here on, you are on probation. Normally, this would warrant an expulsion, but you’re too valuable.” Jack said.

“Whatever…” I said in my head.

“I’ll find a way for you to prove your loyalty. But now I need to have a talk with Manuel about this! And for the rest of you! If I hear about any other fuckery, I’ll kick your asses til they bleed! Does everyone understand!” Jack yelled. Everyone nodded their heads.

Well, shit. If Jack and the Jewels know, then that means that Manuel and the Saints know. I’ll need to go over to Ant’s house quickly and talk to him.

Everyone now knows that Ant and I are dating. And it seems like everyone is against us except for a few people.


i appreciate you all like so much! like, i get a boost of seratonin when i see the likes and comments on my stories. so, thank you guys! hugs and kisses

xoxo, gossip girl


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