Chapter One

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Today was going to change everything for Isabella Washington

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Today was going to change everything for Isabella Washington.

It was the first day of school for the first grader, and she was excited about meeting new people this year since she had never attended a school before. At only six years old, she was as energetic as a dog who wanted its treats, bouncing with excitement.

Isabella woke up at six o'clock sharp. Blinking the beam of light filtering through the curtains, she jumped off the bed and ran to her closet to grab the outfit she had picked out the night before: a pink t-shirt, a black skirt, and Velcro shoes.

Having gotten dressed at record speed, Isabella raced out of her bedroom and went to her bathroom to do her morning routine. She took her toothbrush and brushed her teeth and tongue, enjoying the little minty flavor dancing in her mouth. Once she rinsed her mouth and gargled mouthwash, she strolled downstairs to the living room, where she could see her mother cooking breakfast in the kitchen. The savory aroma hitting Isabella's nostrils was making her mouth water.

"Hi, Mommy!" Isabella greeted her mother cheerfully.

Marybeth turned around and looked at her daughter with a smile.

The Washington family had a unique blend of ethnicities. Isabella was half African American and half Latina and Caucasian. Her mother was Caucasian and Latina, while her father was African American. Isabella had both of her parents' genes with a sweet personality that could turn equally sassy when required.

"Good morning, baby," Marybeth responded as she set the eggs on a plate.

Isabella was ecstatic. She was in love with eggs. Eager to dive into that delicious breakfast, she ran to the dining room table and climbed onto the chair.

"Are you excited about today, hon?" her mother asked as she placed the dish on the table in front of Isabella.

"Yes!" Isabella replied, in between forkfuls of eggs.

"Well, you need to eat your food to make it through today. Enjoy it, baby girl." Marybeth bent over and kissed her daughter's cheek before pulling away. "And eat up quickly; your bus will be here soon."

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