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age: 17




You would think that having a mother who is a trained spy and former assassin would make you a good liar. It would be in your genes, right?

Not Y/N. That girl is not subtle at all.

She thinks I don't know that she is completely and utterly gay, but of course I do. In fact, I might've known before she did.

For instance, every time there's a steamy scene on TV, I always catch her staring in the direction of the woman's boobs instead of the guy, mainly because I'm also doing the same. Like mother, like daughter, I guess.

I reckon she's gonna crack any day now. She's recently got a new friend group and all she talks about is the girls, never the guys. She's shown me photos of said group and props to her for not already getting with one of those girls because they're gorgeous.

I'm not sure why she hasn't come out to me yet. But I won't pressure her, she'll tell me in her own time and even if she doesn't, I'll know anyway.

"Evening, mother," my beautiful daughter greets me after walking inside our apartment. She's been out with one of the girls from her group, in my opinion, the prettiest, for a few hours. We're having a movie night tonight, hence her coming home at only eight o'clock.

"Hey, detka. I've got all the snacks on the coffee table so all that's missing is us on the couch," I smile and bring her in for a quick hug.

"Awesome. Let me just go to the bathroom real quick and then we can get started."

"Alright, hon," I reply and wait for her to leave before going over to her backpack that she set on the counter.

Invading my daughter's privacy isn't something I've ever done before, but despite me being ninety-nine percent sure that she's a lesbian, I need confirmation and therefore, am searching her bag.

I absolutely hate myself for doing that, because what I can see, is something I myself used with Maria two nights ago.

A strap-on. Brilliant. Now I can never use one of those in the bedroom again.

When I hear footsteps, I quickly step away from the bag and jump onto the couch just in time for Y/N to come back.

"Right, what are we watching?" she asks enthusiastically, flopping down on top of me.

"Get off, big girl," I groan playfully and push her beside me instead.

We spend the next few minutes trying to find a decent movie, but we're very indecisive and cannot for the life of us choose. So, we go with Gilmore Girls instead. We both love it and the mother/daughter comfort is immaculate.


Three hours later and we're still watching the show. Our movie nights tend to last either until early hours of the morning, or until we both fall asleep on the couch.

Y/N's seemed a little distant tonight. She's been cuddly of course, she loves cuddles, but she's been very quiet.

For the first time tonight, we're graced with the ever so irresponsible Logan Huntzberger on our screen. We've watched this show a million times, and we have a mutual agreement that Logan is not high up on the favorite characters list.

A lot of people think he's good looking. I don't, but I wonder what Y/N would say if I asked for her opinion.

This may be the perfect way to get the answer I'm looking for.

"Hey, Y/N?" I say, rubbing my hand up and down her arm.

"Hm?" she hums in response.

"Don't you think he's cute?"

She looks at me in confusion. "You're gay."

"Yeah but you're not. Are you?" I question slyly, testing her.

"No!" she exclaims defensively, throwing a piece of popcorn at my face, which I expertly catch in my mouth.

"Thank you. So anyway, do you think he's cute?" I repeat, trying to hide my smirk, knowing full well what I'm doing.

"Oh... uh, sure."

There's a long pause between us.

Until I speak up again.



"You don't like guys, do you?" I ask her knowingly. She looks down at the floor and shakes her head with a solemn expression. "Hey, what's the sad look for? Being a lesbian is awesome!"

"I agree, but people at school don't!"

"Excuse me? Has someone been homophonic to you?! Do I need to get my batons?"

"No! No. Stand down, mom," she tells me seriously, laying on me to stop me from getting up. "They're not being homophobic. They're just making fun of my girlfriend a lot," she admits quietly.

I look at her lovingly. "You have a girlfriend? Oh, honey! I'm so happy for you. But, why are people making fun of her?"

She sighs heavily, "Because they don't think she's as pretty as me. But she's literally the most beautiful girl in the world!"

"After you, of course."


"Right, sorry. Look the way I see it, you like this girl, right?"

She nods, "So much it hurts."

"Then that's all you need, sweetheart. If you're attracted to this girl and she makes you happy, then fuck what anyone else thinks. You deserve to be happy. You and her both. I'm sure all she needs when she hears those comments is for you to reassure her that you're sticking around and you're gonna be with her no matter what. And that your opinion isn't the same as everyone else's. Yeah?"

"Yeah. Thank you, mama. How do you know so much about this?"

"Seriously? Me? The ultimate lesbian? Come on, you idiot."


"I'm only kidding, miss sensitive. I love you."

Shaking her head playfully, she smiles and replies, "I love you, too."

"Also don't leave your straps in your bag."


that's it everyone, this book has come to it's end<3

i hope you got some comfort, maybe some tears out of it. i loved writing all these one shots, they helped me through my own tough times. it's kinda sad to let it go haha

im gonna be carrying on with my wanda x daughter one shots - along with some other books that may or may not be coming out somewhat soon:)

natasha x daughter one shots Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu