don't let me down

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warnings: ptsd, graphic flashbacks, mentions of abuse

age: 13

not nat's daughter



"Y/N, if you don't get your little butt downstairs and come do movie night with us then I will personally come up there and drag you down," I tell the youngest Avenger on our FaceTime call. For some reason, she just 'couldn't' come downstairs to ask me what's for dinner, so of course she called me instead. Teenagers, am I right?

Since we found Y/N and brought her home with us, I've taken her under my wing. See, we first came to her when we were on a mission to locate a Hydra base. But during the process, Tony and I ended up coming across this little nine year old girl who was being pushed around by two adults.

We quickly caught on to the fact that they were her parents and managed to take her away before they could do any more damage.

After a little chat, she opened up entirely, telling us all about the abuse before absolutely breaking down in my arms.

There was no way on Earth that I was gonna let her go back to being under the 'care' of those people, hence why we brought her back with us.

And clearly her parents weren't bothered, they never even tried looking for her.

Anyway, I'm glad they never attempted to get her back, because it means she can live a happy life with the people who actually care about her and would do anything to make her happy. Not to mention, wouldn't lay a hand on her.

"I'll do movie night, but only if you come up here and carry me down?" she asks sweetly, giving me the eyes she knows I can't resist.

"Nice try, little missy. You can walk yourself down."

Her lips instantly fall into a frown and I swear I see her eyes starting to gloss over.

Of course I give in.

"Alright, you got me. I'm coming up now," I tell her, rolling my eyes to which she let's out a little cheer.

After ending the call, I begin jogging up the stairs and make my way up to Y/N's room.

I don't bother knocking because she already knows I'm coming, so when I open the door to get her, I grab her tortilla blanket and watch as she starts laughing.

"I'm coming to get ya," I say, scooping her up with the blanket wrapped around her, I can't help but giggle along with her. "Come on, munchkin. Movie's already beginning to play."

"Natty, put me down," she chuckles, wriggling to get out of my grip.

"Nope, you're my little burrito now."


Around halfway into the film, I notice Y/N start to get a little sleepy from where she is in between me and Maria. They look so sweet cuddled up together, and Y/N is definitely about to fall asleep soon.

Well, until there comes a scene where the couple are screaming at each other, causing a scene out in public.

Y/N instantly shoots up from Ria's lap and covers her ears. Before I can ask if she's alright, she goes running out of the room.

Sam pauses the TV and we all look at each other in confusion. We've never seen her have such a big reaction to anything before.

"... Should someone go check on her?" Tony asks hesitantly, everyone turns their heads to me.

"Yeah, I got it," I tell them all, standing up and bringing her blanket that she left here since she was in such a hurry to leave.


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